Only those absolutely secure in their faith would bother to stand against your falsehoods. Why would anyone else bother? If you were just hunting Big Foot, we'd let you alone.
Only those absolutely secure in their faith would bother to stand against your falsehoods. Why would anyone else bother? If you were just hunting Big Foot, we'd let you alone.
To move towards a greater comprehension of universe-reality and how truth is perceived or revealed to all dimensions and worlds in the cosmos, a more open, inquisitive, flexible mind and adventurous spirit is essential. Consider the terms, meaning and context.
102:5.1 "Although the establishment of the fact of belief is not equivalent to establishing the fact of that which is believed, nevertheless, the evolutionary progression of simple life to the status of personality does demonstrate the fact of the existence of the potential of personality to start with. And in the time universes, potential is always supreme over the actual. In the evolving cosmos the potential is what is to be, and what is to be is the unfolding of the purposive mandates of Deity.
102:5.2 This same purposive supremacy is shown in the evolution of mind ideation when primitive animal fear is transmuted into the constantly deepening reverence for God and into increasing awe of the universe. Primitive man had more religious fear than faith, and the supremacy of spirit potentials over mind actuals is demonstrated when this craven fear is translated into living faith in spiritual realities.
102:5.3 You can psychologize evolutionary religion but not the personal-experience religion of spiritual origin. Human morality may recognize values, but only religion can conserve, exalt, and spiritualize such values. But notwithstanding such actions, religion is something more than emotionalized morality. Religion is to morality as love is to duty, as sonship is to servitude, as essence is to substance. Morality discloses an almighty Controller, a Deity to be served; religion discloses an all-loving Father, a God to be worshiped and loved. And again this is because the spiritual potentiality of religion is dominant over the duty actuality of the morality of evolution."
What do you not understand about the ub being garbage? I have 100% assurance in my faith, so I have no desire for false garbage. I think that those who read the ub have a screw loose, and that doesn't include me.
The ub is not the Holy Bible, nor is it a further revelation of the Holy Bible. The ub is cheap garbage and should never be used in connection to the Holy Bible. The writers of the ub did STEAL a lot of themes from the Holy Bible and distort them, mainly because their imagination was not sufficient without THEFT.
Because you haven't read it, so your opinion and obsession is from silence. Its like the people who hated the prophets and then Jesus before giving him a fair hearing. I can only conclude that you may be mentally and spiritually unstable.
It adds to and takes away from Scripture. You are a fool if you don't realize it is demonic by nature.The UB doesn't add onto, it enlarges, expands and illuminates the content of the Bible books.
Because you haven't read it, so your opinion and obsession is from silence. Its like the people who hated the prophets and then Jesus before giving him a fair hearing. I can only conclude that you may be mentally and spiritually unstable.
I really don't care what your conclusions are.
If you dont care why are you in this thread?
If you dont care why are you in this thread?
I took you off of ignore for this one post. I care about the attempted sale of the urantia UFO cult garbage on a Christian forum. What I said is that I didn't care about the conclusions of a cult member, and that would apply to any urantia UFO cult member. I feel sorry for people who get sucked into believing this garbage and will do what I can to prevent new folks from buying it.
I took you off of ignore for this one post. I care about the attempted sale of the urantia UFO cult garbage on a Christian forum. What I said is that I didn't care about the conclusions of a cult member, and that would apply to any urantia UFO cult member. I feel sorry for people who get sucked into believing this garbage and will do what I can to prevent new folks from buying it.
But he says he never even read the 2,000 page revelation but he's sure its not true.