Have the dignity of informed discussion.......
Have the dignity of informed discussion.......
TOL's legendary cry baby's have no defense, they can't answer the questions, the truth makes them angry, so all they have is insults and childishness.
Note I've taken a little break from the trolling on the UB threads, but may touch on a few points where deemed helpful.
Those who sling mud at something they have not bothered to seriously consider, learn and research to have a good fundamental understanding of it
only muddy the lens by which they perceive truth and the world around them. Continually condemning something as 'garbage' and of 'satan', is a typical attack-gesture of a fundamentalist/exclusivist mindset,...when a free spirit and free mind can openly see any book or teaching (fearlessly and honestly) and evaluate it by its own content, meanings, values, etc...in the appropriate context of 'religion'.
They only reveal their own ignorance and bigotry instead of actually engaging a civil, intelligent dialogue, where they could share their 'opinions' in a respectful way (provided they have properly educated themselves on the subject), and use the opportunity as a creative venue to engage a 'dialogue' instead of continual trashing, demeaning, name-calling, belittling, ridiculing, etc. They aren't interested in discussion, which only defeats and muddies the space here, which is disrespectful to the forum when they can serve 'apologetics' in a respectful way and therefore ennoble and make their presentation of Christianity all the more integrous and attractive.
'Trashing language' by no means elevates or makes their 'religion' attractive or desirable. However, truth...
wherever it is found is true, good and beautiful,...it has inherent in it the true values of real spirituality, whereby souls can progress towards perfection and do God's will.
This is the central purpose and primary goal espoused in the papers, which is oblivious to the critics here. But it doesn't matter, because true principles based on 'love' and 'loyalty to God's will'....ultimately triumph,...no matter what religious story-line, mythos, cosmology or doctrines are shared, that express and embody these concepts and values.
Reality carries on, as the fundamental truth of existence, which includes all relationships.