But the same thing could asserted about the bible, the historic variables in it's manifestation leave room for a lot of speculation on who,what and why it was introduced to the populace at the time it was. Plus when people are speaking about inner matters the cookie cutter method doesn't work, we all have diverse in-counters with the Spiritual world, I have had my share but that isn't something I can make anyone else experience in the manner I have.
This key difference... Centuries of textual criticism for Christian scripture, along with archeological and anthropological historical veracity. And you must have that scripture for your "allegories".
Also, in regard to "inner matters", it's best to look for substantiation lest any asylum be the infinitely varied standard. I don't think you've thought this through. Do you really want to endorse all "inner matters"? Give that some ponderance.
This is a bomerang that heads back at you as well, of coarse you don't think it is, but these are just character assassinations, if Freelight is such a danger to the Christian religion it needs a more powerful Deity.
No. It's not about danger, it's about an agenda of total inequity of double standards via incessant bare assertions. There's no historicity whatsoever for the UB. Even as literature, it stands up to no standard of scrutiny beyond presumption and preference.
You forget there are voluminous historical works that parallel scripture, and not merely from adherents to the faith. I'd wager neither you nor those you're defending have spent any time examining true and unrevised history in that regard. It would be impossible to have done so and to maintain your view.
You don't realize how ignorant and deficient your opinions are and what they're predicated upon. But the cry is a bare assertions of historical revision to establish historical revision, just because they say so and without any evidence beyond their double standards.
The UB is on nowhere the same footing of veracity as the historical Christian canon of scripture. This is a modern psychological approach via dialectic to parralel credibility, accuracy, and validity of writings just because they're in the same genre.
There has been rigorous criticism that the scripture texts have survived for centuries. The UB gets a pass and is just declared as history and "sacred truth"? I don't think so, and THAT's the egregious inequity masquerading AS equity.
It demonstrates the utter lack of character and the agenda of those who promote this topic on this site. Period.
They don't come here with a "this is my opinion" mentality. They come here to malign the Christian faith, the inspired text of scripture, and all Believers in as many ways as possible whilst propagating literature that can't stand up to ANY rigors of examination for substantiation.
Well you have made a lot of statements but I haven't really seen the red sea part or you walk on water, you have been fishing on the left side of the boat, plus evil self destructs on its own so if you think it is evil then by keeping this thread a live with the nail gun doesn't make any sense, unless it is attention you seek! is that the reason?.
Exposing the frauds and their tactics of accusation, usurpation, and manipulation to make constant bare assertions FOR the UB and AGAINST scripture, history, and Believers themselves.
They come in passive-aggressive condescension. It's the tactics that are the problem. I don't really care what psychopathic delusion you and they purport in general; but using a Christian venue is bogus with such motives.
Well this is the religious section after all, and you really haven't expose anything other than you're own arrogance, reading the bible thousands of time and spouting theology doesn't pass the 1Cor 13 test, but that wouldn't be any fun for the ego would it?
I've exposed the frail bare assertion of the passive-aggressive frauds, including you, god.
And I could say the same about you not knowing the Creator, but that's pure ego dribbling out PPS, which this whole thread has been based on by you defenders of this weak blood thirsty Deity you try and promote.
Nice try, sorta. Well... not really. There's still nothing to promote the UB except presupposed personal preference as a piece of modern revisionist ficitional novel.
It's like insisting there's a crystal ball for the past that changes everything you want to be different, while decrying reality that is actual historical truth.
Notice there's been NO empasis whatsoever on authorship or origin for the UB, nor any attempt to provide evidence that it's even valid as non-fictional literature. Just bare assertions about time periods that are content of the UB.
And it still has to piggy-back scripture in too many ways to even stand alone. Only naive and gullible arrested-development morons would consider it anything but fantasy-fodder for weekend dungeon masters.