The Identity of the Antichrist, the Two Beasts of Revelation, and Whore of Babylon


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6 of every 9 European Jews in WWII died. Divide 6 by 9. 0.666....
Earth orbits around the sun at 93 million miles on average and one orbit takes one year, so earth travels 2x3.14159x93 (584.33) million miles around, divided by 365.25x24 (hours in a year) = 0.0666... million MPH.
And Solomon had his 666 talents of gold.

If Revelation hinges upon "counting the number of the beast" (cf. Rev13:18KJV), then we better be sure we get it right.

The Bible says the Church departs, then the Anti-Christ/Beast is revealed. Knowing his number is meaningless, until they know who he is. There are clues however that tell us where he comes from.

Daniel 7 says he arises out of the Fourth Beast which was Rome/Europe, in the latter times.

Daniel 8 says he arises out of one of the Four Generals Kingdoms who took over for Alexander the Great, in the latter times of their Kingdom.

These two give us two clues to cross reference, its a riddle. How can one man arise in two places? Well both places have to be the same place. Greece is the only one of the Four Generals Kingdoms (Macedonia) that is in the European Union. The Anti-Christ is born in Greece and comes to power via the E.U.

IMHO, this immigration policy the E.U. has fostered on all these countries is going to backlash, and they will vote in European Nationalists, and this will lead to a 10 Nation European Union of some sort, that isn't the modern Liberal E.U.


6 of every 9 European Jews in WWII died. Divide 6 by 9. 0.666....
Earth orbits around the sun at 93 million miles on average and one orbit takes one year, so earth travels 2x3.14159x93 (584.33) million miles around, divided by 365.25x24 (hours in a year) = 0.0666... million MPH.
And Solomon had his 666 talents of gold.

If Revelation hinges upon "counting the number of the beast" (cf. Rev13:18KJV), then we better be sure we get it right.

How does this even relate to buying and selling?


How does this even relate to buying and selling?
Once we count the number of the beast 666 (cf. Rev13:18KJV), then all the other pieces will fall into place. Don't worry about anything else, just focus on the number. It will explain everything else.