You asked Kevin this:
From the twenty that joined your group, how many are saved???
All the adults have become members of the Lord's church and we consider all the children to be under God's grace. We don't consider anyone to have joined the church until they have repented of their sins and been baptized into Christ. That twenty doesn't count visitors.
Why have you not responded to my post concerning 2Tim 4:3? Is it because you can't or won't? Here it is again:
Have you not considered that perhaps some churches don't draw an enormous amount of people because the majority of the people don't want to worship with a congregation that teaches the full-fat milk with the meat, and not just some watered-down skim milk version of God's Word? 2Tim 4:3 "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." Most people want to hear that all they have to do to get to heaven is believe in Jesus, and not anything more. Make salvation look like a piece-of-cake with no effort on the sinners part and of course you're going to have people flocking to hear you preach!
It would be down right amazing if that kind of "church" wasn't popular. It's kind of like a get-rich-quick scheme--invest almost nothing and get a huge return. And we know how many suckers there are out there! And, unfortunately, a lot of the people preaching this rubbish are out there to make a buck. It becomes painfully obvious when you take a look at the tv evangelists dripping with diamonds in their fancy suits, which I'm sure you think is just a sign of how God is blessing them for their work. In reality, these people just give Christians a bad name. I've heard unbelievers scoff at these "Christians", using them as an example to explain why there's no way they would want to be a Christian.
The twenty that repented, and are members, and got watered baptized, are they saved???
Do those people after all their membership to your group have confidence that they are going to heaven ?????.
I`ll be waitning for your testimony as well sence kevin won`t anwser my request.
Let me continue with your statement on 2 Tim 4:3 and the prosperious churches.
I know people like yourself personally, that was members to our church , and broke off too start their group.
The reason why they left is because of the same scripture, they used it so they can find an excuse to leave , and they wanted their own interpretations of the bible.
the group has also grown from 15 to about 25 members , but it been that way for the last 18 years.
Even the church they have is not their own, it just a rent out place, and the pastor and his wife has to work a full time to help pay for the church because they don`t believe in tithes, and offering message, and prosperity in overflow.
So they are fighting to keep the church doors open.
Can this be our Father will which created this world and everything on it , including the buildings, and money????
the reason why most people don`t like tv evangelist like Benny Hinn , Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar,billy Grahm,Kenneth Copeland and T.D Jakes, and many powerful tv christian channel , is because they are proving that Jesus is supporting them, and they can`t compare with their powerless doctrines.
ther devil hates revivals, because multitudes of people go to see the power of God work, so other churches rebell against the evangelist that lead the revivals, because they are doing what they can`t do, and won`t do.
look what is said in verse 5,But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
How can people that say they are follower of Christ , and disobey, by not evangelizing , and bringing other to Christ, and come against Evangelist, that are on tv, or do street witnessing, and more???????
I know alot of churches that don`t teach the bible, they have their church service based on traditions, and it is timed out to last only 10 to 15 minutes, and they don`t let even the Holy Spirit lead the church, or invite the Spirit of God to function in their church. No one brings a bible with them, and they don`t learn nothing, except to hurry to get their milk and cakes in the church kitchen.
This is meant by the scripture you quoted, because they are not excited about the Word of God they are happy to get home as soon as possible to do their own things, and they only want people to see their face on sundays in the place, but they forget about the anointing, and the anointer.
What a shame.
You can see this more in a Catholic church, and the religious churches as well. I call them the Jesus club house.
Most so called christians are afraid of the power of God, and the anointings. They hate the gift of discernments and prophets, because that reveals the truth of who they really are, and these gift show sometime the real wolves from the sheeps, and that their doctrine , and belief is from the devil.
We had a prophet of God come to our church , and he told about all the people that would leave , because their God is really money, and their trust is more in their money, and worldly material than with God.
So alot of people left our church, because they couldn`t accept the revelations.
We had one man of God called billy Smith, which you can look up on your computer search, he had so strong of an anointing and gift of discernments, that people were afraid to come to church when he was there, because he can see your sinfull secret lusts,and false belief. It was like God let him see what God see´s.
I wish he would go to your group because, it will either grow instantly, or dissolve.
Sence this make of God was in our church , our church has grown to over 400 members.
You can see my church for proof on my web site link to the Jesus Centruim, and you can see our brand new church building that is paid for and belongs to us, even the land is bought, thank you Jesus.
If Jesus can do all this for us , he can do it for all anointed churches, if they are really trusting , and preaching the good new.
But watch out the devil is a deciever.
Jesus doesn`t want us to live in just enough, he want us to live in overflow, so we can help the poor, and be a doer of thwe Word of God, because our love to Jesus.
Why do you think most people hated Jesus,and some talked bad about Jesus, was because of His powers, and signs and wounders.
The devil alway get people to judge all the other evangelists , and tv ministrys, from one or few people who did not obey, or faked, or rob people , and lied, but just because some missed the mark, don`t blame all for the same reason.
I know the white man put my fore fathers in slavery, but I don`t blame all the white people for thier mistake.
I hope you get my point at this, because this is a key the devil is using on many to decieve them to bring divisions, and false doctrinwe as well.
Let God Bless you Carri, and your group.