The Heretics Message to the World:Be Baptized to be Saved! (HOF thread)


New member
Well how many time do we repent??

Isn`t the washing of the blood of Jesus enough for our repentance and clean us and the blood of Jesus make us righteous??

The way you see it is like we need to repent two times.

First by the confession and washing of the blood of Christ and again by a water baptismo ritual.


New member
I never stated anything as you suggest. I am pointing out the words of Jesus and His apostles that helped to form the early church and your comments that go against the bible that you have supported, what you follow and suggest as biblical truth.

Your still doing a dance around the fact that you are supporting a stand that goes against the words of Jesus - - and suggesting such is to 'truth' vs the words of Jesus and the apostles.


New member

So a loving Christian who , trust God, repented by the blood of Jesus , pay tithes, read the bible, pray , help the poor , and does everything he should for the Lord, but has a problem getting baptized as a believer in Christ and the cross, and is born again saved , filled with the Holy Ghost is bound for hell because they didn`t get baptized is this correct???


New member
A Christian is one that follows Jesus - that includes His teachings over ones own personal ones. What is it that you follow - per your own words?

BTW, Paying of tithes as you have suggested within what you write is not mentioned within the NT.

Versions of what claim to be the "Holy Ghost" - I more than question exp considering what I have seen of some that make that claim and what it is that they teach/follow compared to the words of Jesus.

Many in the last days will make such a claim to the "Holy Ghost":

Mat 7:21-23 "Not every one saying to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, _but_ the one doing the will of My Father, the [One] in [the] heavens. "Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, we prophesied in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and did many miraculous works in Your name, did we not? "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you*; be departing from Me, the ones practicing lawlessness!'



New member
Isn´t Christianity a process , and a renewing of the mind, and a renewing of getting baptized and knowing why ??

isn`t the faith in Christ, in believing so main point to salvation and those who believe in faith are not condemned.

So those who don`t get baptized does the bible say they are damned or those who don`t believe??

Believeing is trusting in Christ as Lord .#

You make it sound like we need special brownie point to qualify for heaven by over time religious works.


New member
Isn't following Jesus following His teachings, His word?

If one isn't doing this, where is there faith based and upon what is it based?

Your dispute isn't with me but what is with the words of the one that you claim to follow. The choice is yours to make.

The question has become "What are you going to follow?"

You can continue doing as you want to do and follow what you believe - OR - you can follow what Jesus said and what He believes and taught that reflect God's will.

The choice is and always has been yours. Choose wisely.


New member

I have been aready wet three times at a baptism and I teach other to get baptized but not for a way to earn brownie points to salvation.

the bible talks and clearly explains those who believe are saved and have eternal life not those who get wet or baptize have eternal life.

John 3:16


New member
You are STILL IGNORING the fact of what you have written and what you support vs what the bible teaches and the words of Jesus.

Mat 28:19-20 "When you* have gone, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to be observing all [things], as many as I commanded you*. And listen! I am with you* all the days, until the conclusion of the age! So be it!" [Gr. amen, and throughout NT].

You and others like you want to discount baptism. Ok, that is your choice. 'Not important', or the "minor teaching" as the other put it. Just know that by simply looking at the bible it is clear to see what one needs to do if they are going to follow Jesus.

Re-read what it is that you have been supporting - then compare it to what Jesus said. Does what you have written really reflect what Jesus says in the verse I copied for you from a Literal Translation of the bible? Does your support you have given to others and what they wrote really reflect what is seen within this portion of scripture which are the very words of Jesus?



New member
WHY would it matter when it ended - if one isn't willing to follow what is clearly written within it?


New member
Originally posted by rene

WHY would it matter when it ended - if one isn't willing to follow what is clearly written within it?

Sorry i meant to say where did the old testament ended, and the new began??


New member
There is no need to get off the focus of following the words and teaching of Jesus down a rabbit trail that is off topic.

What is it that you follow? The words of Jesus? Your personal opinion?


New member
Originally posted by rene

There is no need to get off the focus of following the words and teaching of Jesus down a rabbit trail that is off topic.

What is it that you follow? The words of Jesus? Your personal opinion?

Isn`t the Word of jesus in the old testament or the new testament??

Do we live by the old rituial and laws??

Plus do righteous people go to hell and are damned?????


New member
Hey, you want to not follow the very words of Jesus - that is YOUR CHOICE!

Copied them here for you - and you still want to stand your ground even tho it is in no way similar to the words of Jesus.

Playing games with me and thinking that your going to get over is one thing. But thinking that you can do such with the very words that Jesus spoke and think that such is 'ok' - think again. You need to read the book much better than you have been and think more than you have been about just what it is that your going to follow.

So far, you in agreement with saying that a teaching/instructions given by Jesus are "minor" along with suggestions that it is 'not important'.



Well-known member
Hey Rene,

Jesus said follow the law? Do you still sacrifice goats and sheep? Do you give your tithe, are you Jewish?


New member
No. But then Jesus didn't state that we should be since He is the ultimate of sacrifices.

But back to topic. Do you think that one that claims to follow Jesus can discount and say His teachings are "minor" and still be a Christian in preference to their own personal view?


New member
Hello rene

the point or what you are doing is twisting the word of Jesus to say what you want it to say, but refusing the facts and the truth of the Word of God.

We have the good new of the gospel not a twisted work out gospel in the name of Jesus and the bible.

You need to divide the Word of God correctly then we can get into the will of God, and you might see your error biblically.


New member
No Moore. What I have done is to copy the words of Jesus found within the bible that go against what you have supported.

You need to quit the "dividing" and see the words for what they say.


New member
Originally posted by rene

No Moore. What I have done is to copy the words of Jesus found within the bible that go against what you have supported.

You need to quit the "dividing" and see the words for what they say.

Just a question are you Mormon??:confused: