The Gospel Verses Predestination

Grosnick Marowbe

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MS appears to have a problem with getting any respect for his opinions. His 'rep-power' is at the zero mark (can't get much lower than that, that I know of?) I suppose his opinions are not acceptable to his fellow posters. Perhaps he ought to try and be more civil and avoid all his name calling?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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I have NO respect for Calvinism and one of its BIGGEST promoters, John Calvin (Who played a huge part in the MURDER of over 50 individuals that disagreed with his false doctrine.) Calvinism goes back before Calvin, however, the 'false doctrine' has his brand (name) attached to it.


New member
For a guy who THINKS he knows everything, you seem to relish your own ignorance.
Deep thought. You Pelagians all struggle with consistency. You want God to atone for all humans (universally) while saying that humans can reject the perfect holiness that God has already accomplished. That is the equivalent of someone drinking pure spring water, but willfully choosing to reject the spring water because they want to drink unfiltered sewer water. Second, you never account for the fact that no one has told billions of people that they are (by your assertion) already atoned for, which means they have no means of rejecting what they never heard about in the first place. How can a person reject something they don't even know about? Does that mean that all who don't know and cannot reject are therefore automatically saved? By your teaching they are already atoned for and they can't have rejected God. How does that work?
No, GM, I am not ignorant of a philosophy I lived it for 30 years. I know your schpeel and I know how contradictory your view is with scripture.


New member
MS appears to have a problem with getting any respect for his opinions. His 'rep-power' is at the zero mark (can't get much lower than that, that I know of?) I suppose his opinions are not acceptable to his fellow posters. Perhaps he ought to try and be more civil and avoid all his name calling?
This doesn't bother me. My Savior received no respect from the legalists who thought their self-righteousness saved them. Why should I expect you to act any differently than they did?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
It is correct, based upon your previous, post.
However, I know you have created a contradiction to your universalism, by essentially stating that the atonement of Jesus is universal (universalism), but humans can cancel out Jesus atonement so that it becomes useless. Humans make Jesus atonement useless by rejecting the atonement and choosing instead to say no thank you to the automatic upgrade. Essentially, humans can delete the upgrade and stick with the "Windows Vista" version (the flawed and worthless version). God is therefore handcuffed and restricted from atoning for the sins of those who remove the perfect upgrade by their own choice.
And there you have it. Your convoluted and baseless belief system with its contradictions all wrapped within.
What a pretzel you have. All because you insist on the non-stated, philosophy of free-will.

The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus atoned for the sins of the whole world.

"And he is a propitiation for our sins: and not our only, but also FOR THE SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD" 1 John 2:2.

"I came not to judge the world, BUT TO SAVE THE WORLD" John 12:47.

"... for we have heard him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ, THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD" John 4:42.

"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son TO BE THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD" 1 John 4:14.

Why would you not want to believe that Jesus is the savior of the world?

Salvation has been provided for everyone by the doing and the dying of Jesus, Hebrews 2:9. This is God's great free gift for all of humanity.

"Even so by the righteousness of one (Christ) THE FREE GIFT CAME UPON ALL MEN UNTO JUSTIFICATION OF LIFE" Romans 5:18.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This doesn't bother me. My Savior received no respect from the legalists who thought their self-righteousness saved them. Why should I expect you to act any differently than they did?

There is NO comparison between you and the Lord Jesus Christ. He is, God the Son and you are a confused, angry and ignorant individual who needs to learn about/believe and trust in the 'Gospel of the Grace of God' as preached by the Apostle Paul in Romans through Philemon.


New member
There is NO comparison between you and the Lord Jesus Christ. He is, God the Son and you are a confused, angry and ignorant individual who needs to learn about/believe and trust in the 'Gospel of the Grace of God' as preached by the Apostle Paul in Romans through Philemon.
Of course he is God and of course He is Lord. I am his adopted child. He told us that we must walk to the cross. If he had to suffer mocking and ridicule, should I expect anything less than what he experienced?
I have presented why Pelagianism isn't sound theology (You are a Pelagian). You struggle with showing why predestination, election and God choosing is not sound theology. I have given you ample opportunity to present your argument.


Deep thought. You Pelagians all struggle with consistency. You want God to atone for all humans (universally) while saying that humans can reject the perfect holiness that God has already accomplished. That is the equivalent of someone drinking pure spring water, but willfully choosing to reject the spring water because they want to drink unfiltered sewer water. Second, you never account for the fact that no one has told billions of people that they are (by your assertion) already atoned for, which means they have no means of rejecting what they never heard about in the first place. How can a person reject something they don't even know about? Does that mean that all who don't know and cannot reject are therefore automatically saved? By your teaching they are already atoned for and they can't have rejected God. How does that work?
No, GM, I am not ignorant of a philosophy I lived it for 30 years. I know your schpeel and I know how contradictory your view is with scripture.

I never heard of a Mennonite that loved philosophy

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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The Apostle Paul was the 'Apostle to the Gentiles' and the chosen human conduit by which the 'true Gospel' for today is preached/taught. One can ONLY have their sins forgiven, be sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and inherit eternal life by placing one's faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. If one rejects the 'Grace Gospel' there is NO hope for them. Only judgment and the Lake of Fire awaits.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Of course he is God and of course He is Lord. I am his adopted child. He told us that we must walk to the cross. If he had to suffer mocking and ridicule, should I expect anything less than what he experienced?
I have presented why Pelagianism isn't sound theology (You are a Pelagian). You struggle with showing why predestination, election and God choosing is not sound theology. I have given you ample opportunity to present your argument.

Whether you accept/believe the 'Gospel of the Grace of God' (as Paul calls it) it still is your/everyone's only hope for eternal life.


New member
Whether you accept/believe the 'Gospel of the Grace of God' (as Paul calls it) it still is your/everyone's only hope for eternal life.
Indeed. If God chooses to adopt us and make us alive alive in Christ, it is our only hope being made right with God. If God does not adopt us and give us life, we will remain dead in our trespasses and sins.
Please read Ephesians 2:1-10. It is crystal clear to those whom God has chosen. (For the record, I think God has chosen you. You're just confused about how God did this.)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Indeed. If God chooses to adopt us and make us alive alive in Christ, it is our only hope being made right with God. If God does not adopt us and give us life, we will remain dead in our trespasses and sins.
Please read Ephesians 2:1-10. It is crystal clear to those whom God has chosen. (For the record, I think God has chosen you. You're just confused about how God did this.)

The CONFUSION isn't coming from me. You own that.