The Gospel that Brings Contention


New member
And the resurrection of the damned, John 5:28, 29.

What you are referring to as the word "damned" is actually referring to judgment.

"And I saw thrones, and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them." (Revelation 20:4)

Jesus specifically said unbelievers will not be judged until the Last Day, Judgment Day.

"He who rejects Me and does not receive My words has that which judges him — the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day." (John 12:48)

Jesus said he did not come to judge the world but to save the world.

"For he who has died has been freed from sin." (Romans 6:7)

They will be judged by what they say and do at that time.


New member
Faith or belief is presented as a command 20 times to every one time it is presented as a gift. The Calvinist gospel presents faith as a gift every time and never as a command. Your gospel it totally alien to the bible.
Both Calvinists and Armenians need to remove the IMPURITY that pervades the brand of gospel they preach. The impurity is the doctrine that people are born in sin, instead of born in Christ. I just started a thread on this.

If people are born in sin, then they are born APART from Christ or born NOT in Christ, the ONLY Source of Power, because sin separates man from God (Isa 59:2). And as Christ Himself said, anyone NOT in Him can do NOTHING (John 15:5). Hence, they cannot do the act of believing or accepting. But the fact that people are capable of doing the acts of believing and accepting simply tells us people are attached to the ONLY Source of Power.

I hope that sooner, instead of later, preachers remove the impurity from the brand of gospel they preach.


New member
Both Calvinists and Armenians need to remove the IMPURITY that pervades the brand of gospel they preach. The impurity is the doctrine that people are born in sin, instead of born in Christ. I just started a thread on this.

If people are born in sin, then they are born APART from Christ or born NOT in Christ, the ONLY Source of Power, because sin separates man from God (Isa 59:2). And as Christ Himself said, anyone NOT in Him can do NOTHING (John 15:5). Hence, they cannot do the act of believing or accepting. But the fact that people are capable of doing the acts of believing and accepting simply tells us people are attached to the ONLY Source of Power.

I hope that sooner, instead of later, preachers remove the impurity from the brand of gospel they preach.

People are born sinners, Samie and you're living proof. Teaching that people are born righteous is what the devil teaches. Just believe in yourself and bring out the good from within - ever hear that lie before?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
People are born sinners, Samie and you're living proof. Teaching that people are born righteous is what the devil teaches. Just believe in yourself and bring out the good from within - ever hear that lie before?

Those that believe that they are born without sin have never raised any children. About two years old they become terrorist, especially when they hear the word "no".


New member
Those that believe that they are born without sin have never raised any children. About two years old they become terrorist, especially when they hear the word "no".

Newborn babies don't sin, the idea is absurd.

Newborn babies are not accountable for the sins of others.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Newborn babies don't sin, the idea is absurd.

Newborn babies are not accountable for the sins of others.

Of course they sin. They become accountable for their sins somewhere between 8 and 10 years old.

Have you ever been bitten by a baby? They like to bite, especially when they get their new teeth.


New member
Totally different subject.

Newborn babies are not born in sin.

All human beings are born carnal or with a fallen nature that can do nothing but sin. Your understanding of sin is Catholic and law-based where I have to get my good deeds to outweigh my bad deeds in the cosmic scale.


New member
In what way do newborn babies sin?

You are clueless on the nature of sin just like all the other carnal Christians today. Sin is not something we do it is something we are. All the carnal believers stay away from this bad deed or that bad deed and think they're righteous because they 'do' something. There is nothing you can 'do' to become righteous. In the case of infants the bible states in Acts. 11:14 and 16:31 that the entire family is covered by the faith of the head of the household. So children born to believing parents are covered by the parents faith until they reach an age of accountability. Children who are born to unbelieving parents don't have this luxury. Now does this mean they will automatically be lost? No, but the sooner one is placed under grace the better. Character is formed for good or bad at an early age.