The Gospel that Brings Contention

Robert Pate

Well-known member
This may be my last article on the Forum. I joined the Forum in 2008 and have posted hundreds of articles, most of which are related to the Gospel and justification by faith. I am very thankful to Knight for the opportunity that I have had to teach the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am not really good Forum material. When my articles go off of the subject, I lose interest. I am not much for haggling over scripture, I know in what and in whom I believe. I am not interested in debating Calvinism, I am only interested in refuting it. Sherman believes that I should debate it. Sherman also believes that I post to many articles that say the same thing, she may be right. I only have one message and that is Jesus Christ and his Gospel.


Everywhere that Paul went there was trouble. The Jews followed Paul everywhere that he went, they were trying to keep him from preaching the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. They beat Paul with whips and stoned him, at one time they left him for dead. Paul traveled over 10,000 miles for a period of about 20 years preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul proved his apostleship.

All of the apostles died violent deaths at the hands of the religious, except for John who was exiled to the island of Patmos.

Andrew, was crucified.
Bartholomew, was crucified.
James, was beheaded.
James, son of Alphaecus was stoned to death.
John, barely escaped a violent death.
Judas, brother of James was crucified.
Matthew, was beheaded.
Paul, was crucified.
Peter, was crucified.
Phillip, was crucified.
Simon, was crucified.
Thomas was thrust through with a spear.

Others, that were not of the twelve:
Luke, was hanged.
Mark, was dragged to death.
Stephen, was stoned.
Timothy, was beaten to death.

Source, Fox's Book of Martyrs.

It is very apparent that those who teach and preach the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ will have opposition. If you are a member of an organized religion or church you will not care for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel and organized religion are not compatible. Never have been and never will be. Organized religion is basically anti-Gospel and anti-Christ. Organized religion is law based. Before you can join the organized church you must agree to its laws and keep its laws. This is the exact thing that Paul taught against. There is simply to much freedom in the Gospel for organized religion. It appears to me that those who belong to an organized church believe that they can do something, or become something, that will contribute to their salvation. Many will be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we" group in Matthew 7:21-23.
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Well-known member
This may be my last article on the Forum. I joined the Forum in 2008 and have posted hundreds of articles, most of which are related to the Gospel and justification by faith. I am very thankful to Knight for the opportunity that I have had to teach the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am not really good Forum material. When my articles go off of the subject, I lose interest. I am not much for haggling over scripture, I know in what and in whom I believe. I am not interested in debating Calvinism, I am only interested in refuting it. Sherman believes that I should debate it. Sherman also believes that I post to many articles that say the same thing, she may be right. I only have one message and that is Jesus Christ and his Gospel.


Everywhere that Paul went there was trouble. The Jews followed Paul everywhere that he went, they were trying to keep him from preaching the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. They beat Paul with whips and stoned him, at one time they left him for dead. Paul traveled over 10,000 miles for a period of about 20 years preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul proved his apostleship.

All of the apostles died violent deaths at the hands of the religious, except for John who was exiled to the island of Patmos.

Andrew, was crucified.
Bartholomew, was crucified.
James, was beheaded.
James, son of Alphaecus was stoned to death.
John, barely escaped a violent death.
Judas, brother of James was crucified.
Matthew, was beheaded.
Paul, was crucified.
Peter, was crucified.
Phillip, was crucified.
Simon, was crucified.
Thomas was thrust through with a spear.

Others, that were not of the twelve:
Luke, was hanged.
Mark, was dragged to death.
Stephen, was stoned.
Timothy, that was beaten to death.

Source, Fox's Book of Martyrs.

It is very apparent that those who teach and preach the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ will have opposition. If you are a member of an organized religion or church you will not care for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel and organized religion are not compatible. Never have been and never will be. Organized religion is basically anti-Gospel and anti-Christ. Organized religion is law based. Before you can join the organized church you must agree to its laws and keep its laws. This is the exact thing that Paul taught against. There is simply to much freedom in the Gospel for organized religion. It appears to me that those who belong to an organized church believe that they can do something, or become something, that will contribute to their salvation. Many will be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we" group in Matthew 7:21-23.

No one is chasing you around beating you, stoning you, or telling you that you must be circumcised and keep the Torah of Moses according to how the first century Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, and Lawyers taught their customs of Moses. You appear to be in a persecution complex nightmare. Perhaps you are getting all the contention for exactly the reasons which Sherman apparently advised you of, which you have admitted herein, namely, call out threads denouncing other faiths; and then abandoning those threads and letting them blaze like wild inferno's everywhere. You know how much we disagree, but I will say that I hope you do not leave, and rather, simply "adjust" whatever needs to be "adjusted". :)


Well-known member
This may be my last article on the Forum. I joined the Forum in 2008 and have posted hundreds of articles, most of which are related to the Gospel and justification by faith. I am very thankful to Knight for the opportunity that I have had to teach the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am not really good Forum material. When my articles go off of the subject, I lose interest. I am not much for haggling over scripture, I know in what and in whom I believe. I am not interested in debating Calvinism, I am only interested in refuting it. Sherman believes that I should debate it. Sherman also believes that I post to many articles that say the same thing, she may be right. I only have one message and that is Jesus Christ and his Gospel.


Everywhere that Paul went there was trouble. The Jews followed Paul everywhere that he went, they were trying to keep him from preaching the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. They beat Paul with whips and stoned him, at one time they left him for dead. Paul traveled over 10,000 miles for a period of about 20 years preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul proved his apostleship.

All of the apostles died violent deaths at the hands of the religious, except for John who was exiled to the island of Patmos.

Andrew, was crucified.
Bartholomew, was crucified.
James, was beheaded.
James, son of Alphaecus was stoned to death.
John, barely escaped a violent death.
Judas, brother of James was crucified.
Matthew, was beheaded.
Paul, was crucified.
Peter, was crucified.
Phillip, was crucified.
Simon, was crucified.
Thomas was thrust through with a spear.

Others, that were not of the twelve:
Luke, was hanged.
Mark, was dragged to death.
Stephen, was stoned.
Timothy, that was beaten to death.

Source, Fox's Book of Martyrs.

It is very apparent that those who teach and preach the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ will have opposition. If you are a member of an organized religion or church you will not care for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel and organized religion are not compatible. Never have been and never will be. Organized religion is basically anti-Gospel and anti-Christ. Organized religion is law based. Before you can join the organized church you must agree to its laws and keep its laws. This is the exact thing that Paul taught against. There is simply to much freedom in the Gospel for organized religion. It appears to me that those who belong to an organized church believe that they can do something, or become something, that will contribute to their salvation. Many will be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we" group in Matthew 7:21-23.

You teach that sinners Christ died for are still lost ! Thats not preaching Christ at all !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
No one is chasing you around beating you, stoning you, or telling you that you must be circumcised and keep the Torah of Moses according to how the first century Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, and Lawyers taught their customs of Moses. You appear to be in a persecution complex nightmare. Perhaps you are getting all the contention for exactly the reasons which Sherman apparently advised you of, which you have admitted herein, namely, call out threads denouncing other faiths; and then abandoning those threads and letting them blaze like wild inferno's everywhere. You know how much we disagree, but I will say that I hope you do not leave, and rather, simply "adjust" whatever needs to be "adjusted". :)

Thankfully, we live in a country that insures freedom of religion. However, you have no idea of what it cost me to embrace Christ and his Gospel as my only means of salvation.


Well-known member
Thankfully, we live in a country that insures freedom of religion. However, you have no idea of what it cost me to embrace Christ and his Gospel as my only means of salvation.

You're right, I have no idea what you have been through, but you also have no idea what it has cost to do the same, and I do not intend to tell you or anyone else here because it would only be taken as bragging, as many others here have already shown their propensity to accuse someone of doing simply for sharing small portions of personal testimony. I will say though, I immediately believe you because I know what happens when you lose everything, and some of those things inside you need to be worked through and worked out away from you, for much is good but some not so good, like baggage, and the answers are in the scripture in Messiah in the Father.


Well-known member
Thankfully, we live in a country that insures freedom of religion. However, you have no idea of what it cost me to embrace Christ and his Gospel as my only means of salvation.

You haven't embraced the Gospel, how could you when you teach sinners Christ died for shall yet perish in their sins !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You haven't embraced the Gospel, how could you when you teach sinners Christ died for shall yet perish in their sins !

Those that will perish in their sins are those that are trusting in something other than Christ and his Gospel, like Calvinism.


New member
A requirement is a law, a work. You teach salvation by work of law !

Faith or belief is presented as a command 20 times to every one time it is presented as a gift. The Calvinist gospel presents faith as a gift every time and never as a command. Your gospel it totally alien to the bible.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Faith or belief is presented as a command 20 times to every one time it is presented as a gift. The Calvinist gospel presents faith as a gift every time and never as a command. Your gospel it totally alien to the bible.

Right, It will be wakeup time for them in the judgment when they stand before God in their sins. The fact that they don't believe that Jesus atoned for the sins of the world is what will condemn them. They do not believe that Jesus is Lord, John 8:24.


New member
Right, It will be wakeup time for them in the judgment when they stand before God in their sins. The fact that they don't believe that Jesus atoned for the sins of the world is what will condemn them. They do not believe that Jesus is Lord, John 8:24.

A person cannot be judged until they are resurrected.

When they are resurrected their past sins were paid for.

They are judged for their actions at that time.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
A person cannot be judged until they are resurrected.

When they are resurrected their past sins were paid for.

They are judged for their actions at that time.

It is very apparent that you know little to nothing about the Bible.

There will be a resurrection of the damned, John 5:28, 29.


New member
It is very apparent that you know little to nothing about the Bible.

There will be a resurrection of the damned, John 5:28, 29.

"Do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth — those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.

There are two resurrections, Robert. The resurrection to life is the first resurrection and the resurrection to judgment is the second resurrection.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
"Do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth — those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.

There are two resurrections, Robert. The resurrection to life is the first resurrection and the resurrection to judgment is the second resurrection.

There are two resurrections alright. The resurrection of the saved, 1 Corinthians 15:51-54.

And the resurrection of the damned, John 5:28, 29.

Which one are you going to be in and why?