Your weaseling is tiresome.
Again, when we are talking about weaseling, we are talking about one avoiding something, like trying to get out of homework. :think:
For that reason, I am not going to wade through Calvin's voluminous commentaries in order to find something which you and I already know isn't there.
:doh: Let me tell you how actually easy it is: Go to Calvin's commentaries, DON'T wade through them but look up specific verses about the gospel and SEE what Calvin said about them to discern if he understood them. You'd do the same with Luther and others, which was the challenge I gave. You aren't going to find a short testimony from any Christian from that era because they didn't boil it down like this. In a like manner, we normally share multiple scriptures, so even the Apostle Paul's testimony is bit protracted.
If it were there, and if you would actually read his commentaries and knew it were there, you would have already posted it and crowed victory.
There is a method to my 'seeming' madness and you are stalling yet, though I'm giving you hints and help as we go along. You first have to 'want' to find it if it is there, and then know what to look for concerning those early Protestants.
That you have not indicates your perennial dishonesty and further exemplifies your weaselhood.
Name-calling and grumbling false will get you everywhere

You are like every other Calvin this done this board: an fraud who knows he cannot defend particular vital aspects of Calvinism, and so pretends they don't need defending.
At least you admit to 'attacking' here, if I have to defend. Look at yourself in a mirror for a few seconds and let it set in. It isn't weaseling. I 'started' doing your work for you and you simply sat fat in the judgment chair, yelling invectives. That gave me great pause, and what I believe is a reasonable pause. You don't 'deserve' an answer. Some 'deservedness' must be earned, and you haven't. YOU stopped my goodwill and work when I saw you were just sitting on the throne.
It really says something when a drone like B57 is the most consistent of your lot and makes the rest of you look so bad.
:think: This says a LOT about you. Do you know what it says? It says you like his brand because you don't have to look to hate it and prefer we all were as hate-able. Doesn't it? You are simply looking to bin people. No wonder 'weasel' comes to your mind. I don't fit in that box and you are frustrated trying to cram me into it. I DON'T have a problem with Arminians or the like; I don't attack them from thread to thread. I do not appreciate Unitarians and have made threads, but I have tried really hard just to report facts and let readers make up their own minds regarding the matters posted. I want to say, for the record, I am not a Calvinist on an Arminian board making a stink. I'm a Calvinist who tries to understand the context in which he is allowed to post on another's board. Because of that, I try to serve by answering questions....until someone is only interested in using his sceptre to smash all offerings to the ground without even looking at them (your Highness).
Of course some of us understand you better than you think we do.
:nono: You don't even understand your own motives or why you are like this. I'm no threat on TOL. Neither is Calvin.
We know that you don't think his testimony regarding the saving Gospel is really important because it's not the Gospel that saves Calvinists, but election. Having believed the Gospel, or having appearing to believe it, is simply possible evidence of election, which is really what counts in Calvinism, and so is a false gospel.
That's a mouthful of assertions. Again, you need to look
at you.
If you want to alienate, ostracize, marginalize or after any other fashion get rid of all Calvinists on TOL, is that what you desire? What is it you really started this thread for? I'm trying to justify this last half of your post with whether Calvin knew the gospel or not. I'm not really seeing how conclusion can happen, when you can't even be bothered to do about 10 minutes of commentary reading in order to produce that conclusion. :idunno:
You are making flying, unfounded accusation. They are just floating there on the wind with no anchors or substance to them like little soap bubbles of angst.