Why don't you just believe what the Bible says?
Wow-you stumped us all, with that shut down question!
Sell all you have.Why don't you just believe what the Bible says?
Go to Jerusalem 3 times/year, to keep the feasts.
Why don't you just believe what the Bible says?
That is what we are to do.
Believe what Jesus says.
He says to offer the gift of Moses, show yourself to a Levitical priest.
That is what you are to do.
Believe what Jesus says.
Do it.
Watch the intoxicated "logic" that Curly spams back. Watch.
You go against what Jesus says and you try to use different techniques to camouflage the truth and how wrong you are.
Jesus says clearly that we are to repent of our sins.
You go against what Jesus says and you try to use different techniques to camouflage the truth and how wrong you are.
Jesus says clearly that we are to sell all we have, leave all, go to Jerusalem 3 times a year, go to the temple, tithe a good percentage of our net worth, offer the gift that Moses commanded,show ourselves to a Levitical priest, pick up deadly snakes, drink anti-freeze, raise the dead, heal the sick, grow limbs, make the blind see,.........................................................................................................................................................................................
So there.
And watch this "slam dunk:"
Why don't you just believe what the Bible says, Curly?