I suggest you're not. Bishops are men and men can be wrong.
29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.
Nothing that the bishops teach in matters of faith and morals contradicts Scripture. And so they can't be these 'fierce wolves.' In the light of history, I believe this warning applied first of all to those who rose up teaching that Christ Jesus did Not come in the flesh, but was essentially an apparition, and His crucifixion and Resurrection did not happen like how we read in the Gospel accounts that we have. We know them now as 'docetists' or 'gnostic docetists.' After them, there were all sorts of others who rose up and taught other things contrary to the truth, such as the Arians, and later on, the Protestants also.
What the bishops do consistently is bring clarity to the Scripture. E.g. the Trinity. Would that there were a book in the New Testament devoted to explicating this doctrine! But there is not. But the bishops fill out the whole doctrine, which comports with what is recorded in Scripture, explaining every detail, such that the whole Scripture becomes more accessible. The Trinity is only one example.
And while the bishops are men, it is granted, the office of Bishop was instituted by the Apostles, and it was to be a continuing office, as shown by Paul writing to bishops, and instructing them on how to make new bishops, which we've discussed before. Not only do we read that the Apostles through the imposition of their own hands created bishops, but we see that their instruction was for those bishops to create new bishops themselves, and through the same 'procedure.'
I Never said the Bible was wrong, ever, about anything.
You say we need bishops because the bible is inadequate? It has everything we need so that we do not need to rely on men.
2 Tim. 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
No, I Never said that. I don't reject any scripture. The Apostles' job was to instruct the Church in everything that Christ Jesus taught them, and the Bishop has that same job. Bishops are not 'authoritative interpreters of Scripture' however; the Apostles were---bishops are to transmit what the Apostles taught, in word or in epistle, to the Church.
The bishops are a Gift to the Church. They are given to us freely by Christ, through His Apostles, so that we can always know what He wants us to know, and to worship the Father as the Father wants us to worship Him.
Your church has changed baptism into something different than what we find in God's word.
I disagree that the Catholic Church has done any such thing.