TOL Subscriber
Thanks for weighing in, Nang. It is so good to see you here and about.
Clark believed the traditional threefold definition of faith as notitia (understanding), assensus (assent) and fiducia (trust) is improper (tautological as he claimed) and, in the end, he felt it made no sense. If we are to accept Clark's own definitions of "trust", for example, there is no argument. However, the Reformed majority reject such attempts to redefine the terms Clark prefers.
The point of my post was in response to an uninformed view appealing to Clark. I would hope we are at least co-belligerents concerning the same.
For humans, all knowledge is a product of experience (as in reading, hearing words, etc.) and that is exactly what Rom. 1:20 teaches. As Calvin says "men cannot open their eyes without being compelled to see him... But upon his individual works he has engraved unmistakable marks of his glory, so clear and so prominent that even unlettered and stupid folk cannot plead the excuse of ignorance."
The Christian religion is certainly about propositional truth—ideas that can be expressed in axioms and conclusions—but it is far more than that. When Adam is said to know Eve there is much more communicated than some sort of cold, rational calculation where Adam expresses his knowledge of her in axiomatic language. We know things which surpass knowledge. That is because God is greater than our hearts, and hence greater than our knowledge. The object known surpasses the subject knowing. Humans have always communicated with their young with non-propositional knowledge. That is why the Bible places as much importance on the manner in which we say things as on the matter which is spoken.
Clark's rejection of the ecytypal and archetypal views of Reformed epistemology are not the direction we should be going. Contra Clark, we do not know things exactly as God knows them.
The matter has and continues to be debated ad infinitum. We will just have to agree to disagree.
Anything revealed to the Sons of God, through the Word of God, is absolute Truth.
Regenerate Christians may not know all that God knows, but what they have been shown and taught by God is true. The spiritual union with Trinity is intellectual, not emotional nor mystical.
We have the same mindset as Christ. I Cor. 2:16; Romans 15:6; Philippians 1:27; I Peter 1:13.
The bible teaches us all we need to know.
That is the believers' assurance. Belief in God's written Word about Jesus Christ is the faith that saves.