Still not a "sweeping generalization", nor "valueless and dehumanizing" as you later characterize such things. Sure, it's a generalization. So what? You overreact though, pure and simple. Because it presents a viewpoint you don't like.
Who even mentioned any of this stuff? We were talking about your reaction to LMOHM's statement.
No, they're not. What a silly thing to say. Heck, you just made a generalization about generalizations. Apparently, you found some value in that one. Are they always dehumanizing, PB?
Blah, blah, blah. I never mentioned any of this bunk. Heck, I agree with most of it. We're talking about the dichotomy in devaluing personal observation and opinion on a subject when it disagrees with your position while holding out one's own personal observations and opinions as relevant.
In point of fact, PB, when someone who has little or no personal experience on a subject completely dismisses the observations of someone else, who is intimately familiar with it, that's usually a pretty big red flag that you have no objectivity (to put it mildly). And I see this around here constantly on a number of issues, particularly homosexuality. It's as if you lot have (hey, look, I'm making a generalization) accepted what you've been told so fundamentally that even when others object, who know what they're talking about, you don't listen. You judge what they say solely on the basis of whether or not it conforms with what you've been taught. If it does not, you dismiss it and question even the honesty of it.
There's a word for that, you know.