the futurists


New member
Oh, by "futurist" you mean someone focused on the end times. That is just a waste of time. Jesus told us what to do about the end times. We are to live as if He is coming back tomorrow.
I was referring to people who are doing their best to predict the future based on projections from currently observed trends.


Well-known member
the futurists are like the jews
both are looking into the future
the jews are looking for the messiah
they will know Him when they see Him
you would think a reasonable jew could look back
see that it must have been Jesus
you futurists might take some time to look at what you have missed
the spiritualists are no better
just like the futurists
the future can be anything they want it to be

back to
the apocalypse

You still write the worst poetry ever.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
the futurists are like the jews
both are looking into the future
the jews are looking for the messiah
they will know Him when they see Him
you would think a reasonable jew could look back
see that it must have been Jesus
you futurists might take some time to look at what you have missed
the spiritualists are no better
just like the futurists
the future can be anything they want it to be

back to
the apocalypse


Well-known member
There are things at the core that are the same between Judaism and dispensational futurism, but it is not the future things that are definitive about this. It is more a matter of not accepting what the NT says is fulfilled, or means by fulfillment. The great contrasts of Paul in his Acts 26 presentation show us this.

Desert Reign

Are there people sitting around waiting for some phenomena to occur that will transform life as we know it (save us from ourselves)? I am not aware of any such groups.

The only thing that will transform this world is the Gospel. Jesus Christ has already come and he is looking for people of faith in his church to work through.

Those who spend a lot of time predicting the end and refining their predictions and then making new predictions whenever their old predictions turn out - as they inevitably will do - to be false, have abnegated their responsibility to live for Jesus and to transform the world by spreading the kingdom of God. They have essentially admitted defeat. They have admitted that the church has no power and are just waiting, while doing nothing, for another solution (a non-existent one) to get them out of trouble. Well, they are doing something: they are making a nuisance of themselves.


Well-known member
the futurists are like the jews
both are looking into the future
the jews are looking for the messiah
they will know Him when they see Him
you would think a reasonable jew could look back
see that it must have been Jesus...

you would think entirely wrong. But that has been the Christian way for centuries.


And if you ignore enough details, you can make the past fit ANY prophecy.
I agree with you. It's so easy for preterist, or those who believe in a progressive fulfillment, (historicism) to make claim that prophecy is already fulfilled. And much more difficult to understand it in the future sense. What mankind did in the distant past has little bearing as to what will come down as fulfilled prophecy.

An example of this is the heads and horns of the beast(s). They are ALL end-time figures and every aspect of these beast(s) is FUTURE. They don't represent past kings or kingdoms. The beast(s) are complete end-time entities.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Nah. You Christians managed to reinterpret and mistranslate the Hebrew Bible to make it match your ideas.

Have you ever actually read the OT?

most of it

I was over half way through when I decided to do the nt
never got back to it
I am all over daniel because of my interest in the apocalypse

didn't you say daniel was not one of your books?

I may have read all of what you consider your books


New member
And if you ignore enough details, you can make the past fit ANY prophecy.

You have done it for years on TOL.

If you ignore the details you can also forget the past.

Futurists read apocalyptic writings in scripture in a literal sense, which is something that was never intended.

It takes a lot harder work than they are willing to do to truly understand what they are reading.

Anyhow, history and the early church (pre Roman corruption) is not on the futurists side.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And if you ignore enough details, you can make the past fit ANY prophecy.

You have done it for years on TOL.

nice to know that you are paying attention

the details I am ignoring are based on what you think the future holds
that is based on an incorrect interpretation
does it not include a third temple?
would you like to discuss that?

my details are well documented even though tol deletes them as fast as I construct them

where exactly are your details?