The Force Awakens

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It is because everyone is marching to a different tune! Right?
Though most of us aren't marching to "Dixie". :drum:

More seriously, I think you're looking for something that's mostly not there. What I mean is that while I believe there was a conscious effort to have a little more diversity on the human side of it this time around (and by "a little more" I mean any, beyond gender) the rest is just an extension of advancing the narrative. It's not like this was a space-opera Mandingo. :plain: They'll always be some sort of romantic angle in one of these adventures. Wouldn't surprise me, given the lack of invention in the new narrative, if by the next film we had a Fin, Rey, Po romantic triangle, at least as an undercurrent.


New member
Though most of us aren't marching to "Dixie". :drum:

More seriously, I think you're looking for something that's mostly not there. What I mean is that while I believe there was a conscious effort to have a little more diversity on the human side of it this time around (and by "a little more" I mean any, beyond gender) the rest is just an extension of advancing the narrative. It's not like this was a space-opera Mandingo. :plain: They'll always be some sort of romantic angle in one of these adventures. Wouldn't surprise me, given the lack of invention in the new narrative, if by the next film we had a Fin, Rey, Po romantic triangle, at least as an undercurrent.

Basically that is what I meant. The story line was political to boost sales from non-whites. It seems to be a common "go to theme." For whatever the reason, having a white woman seems to be a common fantasy for thousands of years.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Basically that is what I meant. The story line was political to boost sales from non-whites.

I really don't think that was the point. If it was about that, better to invest in an Asian character, given what that could do overseas. I do think the commentary on the lack of diversity made the people in charge of casting consider the note.

It seems to be a common "go to theme." For whatever the reason, having a white woman seems to be a common fantasy for thousands of years.
I don't know anything about thousands of years. I know that in this country there was a sexually charged fear among a lot of white men based on racial myths and I know that resonated in some quarters of the black community when it stopped being a hanging offense.