The Ever Present Problem of Atheism (HOF thread)


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by RogerB
I was thing more along the lines of Alien.
Ridley Scott you ain't...
You continue to show how little you know about Christians.
Well, enlighten me!
If you are representative of what Real Christians™ are like, than I find you hardly worth knowing...


New member
Originally posted by Gerald
Now there's a word I thought wasn't in the Christian vocabulary...

The word "impossible" appears 9 times in the KJV text, that I've found.

Here's a couple:
Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible ; but with God all things are possible.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.


Resident Atheist
Is that a conflict?

All things are possible for God in Matthew but it is impossible to please him without faith in Hebrews...

Well, which is it? Possible or impossible?


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by RogerB
With God, all things are possible. :up:

You are without God. :down:
But, for all the noise you're making, you aren't.

Perhaps if you interceed on my behalf, your deity might see fit to melt my cold, cold heart and turn me from my wicked ways...


New member
Originally posted by Zakath
Is that a conflict?

All things are possible for God in Matthew but it is impossible to please him without faith in Hebrews...

Well, which is it? Possible or impossible?

I don't see a conflict. The Matthew passage discusses the concept of salvation and the difficulty for men (particularly the rich) to find it. Many hold (as do I), that natural man is spiritually dead and as such cannot apprehend to spiritual things. To accept God requires faith. To trust Christ requires faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Yet it is God who gives the faith, thereby making possible that which in and of ourselves is impossible.

Hence, salvation is a humanly impossible achievement which God makes possible on our behalf.

Hope that makes sense.


New member
Originally posted by Gerald
But, for all the noise you're making, you aren't.

Perhaps if you interceed on my behalf, your deity might see fit to melt my cold, cold heart and turn me from my wicked ways...

You gotta do it yourself.


New member
Originally posted by Gerald
Perhaps if you interceed on my behalf, your deity might see fit to melt my cold, cold heart and turn me from my wicked ways...

You sound like a particularly tough skeptic and one that takes glee in being recalcitrant towards God. I will pray for you Gerald. God got my attention after many years of rebellion, and He is fully able to get your attention also. Would you prefer God used a carrot or a stick? Not that we get to choose, but it might help me to pray more intelligently.
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New member
Originally posted by LightSon
You sound like a particularly tough skeptic and one that takes glee in being recalcitrant towards God. I will pray for you Gerald. God got my attention after many years of rebellion, and He is fully able to get your too. Would you prefer God used a carrot or a stick? Not that we get to choose, but it might help me to pray more intelligently.

Oh! Oh! Make it a stick!!


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by LightSon
You sound like a particularly tough skeptic and one that takes glee in being recalcitrant towards God. I will pray for you Gerald. God got my attention after many years of rebellion, and He is fully able to get your attention also. Would you prefer God used a carrot or a stick? Not that we get to choose, but it might help me to pray more intelligently.
Well, as there's no carrot I could possibly want, that leaves only the stick. Perhaps if he allowed a demon to appear to me, visibly and physically; something out of Dante's Inferno would do nicely...
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New member
Originally posted by Gerald
Well, as there's no carrot I could possibly want, that leaves only the stick. Perhaps if he allowed a demon to appear to me, visibly and physically; something out of Dante's Inferno would do nicely...

Not sure if :zakath: would be willing to travel to your door. You might ask him.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by RogerB
Not sure if :zakath: would be willing to travel to your door. You might ask him.
Buffoon. Zakath is no supernatural entity.

I'm talking something with horns, fangs, cloven hooves, sheathed in flames, the whole Balrog bit.

You do believe such critters exist, don't you...?