The point was very simple. Detecting a heartbeat or any other physical trait should never be the basis for determining personhood.
We know when the heart starts to beat, even before it is detectable. Its relatively easy to assess developmental stages these days.
Great! It's easy to tell what colour a baby's skin will be before he is even conceived as well.
Because the presence of heartbeat and brainwaves aren't dependent on the individual. Why are you determined to make this into a racial issue? Nothing I've said has anything to do with a characteristic that isn't shared by every human being that has ever lived.
Every human being has all the things I mentioned as well. You're talking about the presence of a heartbeat, I'm talking about the colour of the skin. Everyone has skin and hearts. :idunno:
On what basis do you say that?
Using your ear is not the same as being hooked up to a monitor.
So? Should a lifeguard hook a man up to a monitor before deciding whether his patient is a person or not?
Its not arbitrary. Its when the doctor and nurses decide to stop working on you and declare you dead! If its so arbitrary you need to go start lobbying your hospitals about how the dead bodies there are still people. And yes many, many fertilized eggs do die at a very early stage without any intervention.
What a lame response.
But that's exactly what happens in hospitals every day. You do realize this?
If you believe a zygote is a person then preventing implantation is murder.
You're dealing in non-sequiturs. Preventing a conceived child from implanting is not contraception, it's murder.
That's what "the Pill" and most other hormone based contraceptions do, prevent implantation.
I know.
Why would anyone want to prevent implantation?
When a woman doesn't want to have a child, you can simply prevent implantation. If a zygote is a person then this is murder. Do you get it now?
Yes, I get it. Why would anyone want to prevent implantation?
Its the logical next step for what you're proposing. Of course you don't understand the biology well enough to understand that.
I'll decide what I think the next step should be, thanks. :up:
You CAN'T "move the baby" you must perform an abortion i.e. kill the child. Most will spontaneously abort but some won't.
You're just determined to keep using the word abortion as if it's good and necessary.
Zygotes don't build themselves sitting on a shelf either.
No, they don't. If they are left in the right place and given the right protection they can grow into something even you recognise as human (when he has a heart and a brain you can detect). But if someone interrupts that development, they often die. That's murder.
No. Is a person not a person because you say so?
There is no biological definition of "a person".
I know. You're the one trying to invent one, not me.
A zygote is a single human cell, just like any one of your skin cells.
You're not very good at this biology stuff, are you? This is the second time you've repeated this obvious misrepresentation. My skin cells have my DNA. A zygote has the baby's DNA. A baby left alone will grow into something even you recognise as a person. My skin cells are just waste and the person remains.
It MIGHT become a baby, it might become a hydatidiform mole, turn cancerous and kill the mother, it might have a chromosomal abnormality and just die.
Or it might be a person that you don't mind killing.
It doesn't fit the definition of a person vs. dead body (which contains LOTS of living cells for a long time) later in life. Using heartbeat and brainwaves is consistent and prevents abortion.
What is it that defines a person as a person?
No. It's not simply "size an appearance". It has NOTHING we associate with a person, no head, no heart, no blood, no chest no lungs. NOTHING. You're being a moron for pretending that discriminating between a SINGLE CELL and a recognizable person makes any sense whatsoever.
Uh .. you are discriminating between a recognisable person and a single. Now you're saying your discrimination makes no sense?
I'm calling an 8 week old embryo a person at the very least, do you think I can tell ANY of the characteristics you have listed in this entire post at that stage? Stop thinking in Dr. Seuss terms and look at this rationally.
Who knows? Doesn't matter? You're using an arbitrary trait to define personhood. I'm using another arbitrary trait to show the truth of your position.
At the cost of being far better than the status quo. where . While you're arguing semantics over a single cell, stages of human development that *everyone* would agree are babies are dying every day because for some ridiculous reason society decided that personhood begins at birth.
Who has decided that? :idunno:
New Zealand doesn't believe that.
America doesn't believe that.
Who are you talking about?
I think they start posting on forums with lots of emoticons and making nonsensical arguments. Also failing to answer a simple question rationally. I feel sorry for your mother.
Wow. Humdinger of a riposte, that. :chuckle: