My eyes tell me the earth does not move and that it's Flat same as your eyes do.
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Sorry Dave, you're wrong :chuckle:
If you passed out and woke up in a 747 with the windows shuttered and having never flown before your senses might tell you that you weren't racing through the air, though you were. Your eyes can fool you any number of ways and often will. Reason is a surer instrument.My eyes tell me the earth does not move and that it's Flat same as your eyes do.
You never see the earth's curvature. You experience the effect as you see objects moving over it.Funny how we can see a curved earth as a ship sails away in front of us but as we look to the left and the right which is a twice the distance we see a straight horizon-- no curve.
Distance makes the smaller visible and the larger disappear?
If you passed out and woke up in a 747 with the windows shuttered and having never flown before your senses might tell you that you weren't racing through the air, though you were. Your eyes can fool you any number of ways and often will. Reason is a surer instrument.
Dave...Three minute video showing a ship in the distance using a zoom lens showing there is no curve. The very bottom of the ship is covered by the waves. But you can see that the more you zoom in on it the more of it you see, which would not be possible if there was a curve.
You never see the earth's curvature. You experience the effect as you see objects moving over it.
You never commented on why a ship doesn't disappear entirely on the horizon, why the larger, lower portion disappears first while the smaller, higher portion disappears last.
Becalm the waters and you have the same effect. Keep in mind that at least one of us lives on the Gulf Coast and is a sailor.The waves in the fore ground are in the way. The waves are much higher further out than those that hit the beach.
So then how come tsunamis pass under ships out to sea as just a ripple, yet when they reach land, they're taller than entire buildings? Your logic doesn't make sense. If it did, then tsunamis would start out huge and then by the time they reach the shore, they wouldn't have any strength to them at all.The waves in the fore ground are in the way. The waves are much higher further out than those that hit the beach.
The waves in the fore ground are in the way. The waves are much higher further out than those that hit the beach.
I'm still waiting on an answer to my question.
Can we know anything about the stars in your flat-earth's dome?
And Knight is waiting for an answer to his question.
What is the purpose of such a conspiracy? Who benefits from it? What's the point?
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