My own eyes. Why is the video and eyewitness testimony evidence not enough for you?
Do you understand that the sun looks much smaller when viewed with a filter? When using a solar filter you see its actual size.
You have add filters to prove the sun gets slightly smaller at sunset?
You made the claim, no one forced you to. "My video will be a time lapse and it's got the right "filter"." So where is the video with the right filter?
Because, if you use a filter you'll see that
the size of the son doesn't change.
So either you couldn't find the evidence you claimed you could or all the evidence you found didn't fit your confused narrative.
Yeah, real "kooky" asking you to back up your claim with evidence you said you would provide.
The sun also gets bigger as it rises first thing in the morning.
It really doesn't. Using a solar filter proves it.
Some places on earth see it better than others. Go outside once in a while. I can post videos that say "proof" and "proven" and I believe it. I say that what you believe is spurious, we're even.
The sun doesn't actually get bigger. Unlike you, I've actually provided evidence to support my claim.