The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

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patrick jane

They aren't crossing Antarctica going south to the other side to start going north again. It is Fake News and so are the flights listed in another post. The truth is, we don't know the true size of a flat earth so can guess at the numbers all you want. None of you links proved a thing. For instance, four of them were "crossing" Antarctica on foot or in vehicle and one was an alleged flight from 1977? Was the flight 22 minutes because that's the duration of the video. Thanks for playing, nice try.

patrick jane

Have you yet figured out why the moon is not visible from Sydney while at the same time it is visible from Nashville?

You've got a problem with reality PJ.

Why is the direct flight from Sydney to Santiago ~12-14 hours? Is the plane really flying at ~1500 MPH? No, it is not.
Give it up, you're hopeless.

patrick jane

They aren't crossing Antarctica going south to the other side to start going north again. It is Fake News and so are the flights listed in another post. The truth is, we don't know the true size of a flat earth so you can guess at the numbers all you want. None of your links proved a thing. For instance, four of them were "crossing" Antarctica on foot or in a vehicle and one was an alleged flight from 1977? Was the flight 22 minutes because that's the duration of the video. Thanks for playing, nice try.
Why don't you cite the alleged 1979 journey in the Guiness Book Of World Records that for some reason wasn't put in the book until 2015. Some proof you got there.

Right Divider

Body part
Give it up, you're hopeless.
I have shown you three indisputable facts that you refuse to even address, and NO your ridiculous videos have not addressed them either.

It is you that is hopeless PJ, as you cannot even do a simple experiment in geometry. Please draw a picture with your own hands that shows how someone at the equator can see Polaris on the horizon while someone at the north pole sees it directly overhead. That is impossible in the flat earth model, regardless of your refusal to understand it.

patrick jane

I have shown you three indisputable facts that you refuse to even address, and NO your ridiculous videos have not addressed them either.

It is you that is hopeless PJ, as you cannot even do a simple experiment in geometry. Please draw a picture with your own hands that shows how someone at the equator can see Polaris on the horizon while someone at the north pole sees it directly overhead. That is impossible in the flat earth model, regardless of your refusal to understand it.
So we both have an impossibility that neither one of us can give a satisfactory answer to. Who flew around the ball fro north to the south, crossed Antarctica and back up the OTHER side?

patrick jane

Like a little child caught in a lie, you continually try to change the subject.
You're the crybaby here and you have been since I first posted in this thread. You can't answer my questions and you keep asking questions that I supplied data for and answered. Let me know when you answer the simple question I posed.


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Too far away from the north pole. But why can't anybody go from the top of the ball to the bottom and around and back up the other side?
Still waiting for an idea of how far, PJ. How far away in the flat earth model is the southern border to the north pole, and an additional question, how far is the equator from the north pole?

patrick jane

Still waiting for an idea of how far, PJ. How far away in the flat earth model is the southern border to the north pole, and an additional question, how far is the equator from the north pole?
I don't know if there are numbers on the size of a flat earth. What numbers did you find?

patrick jane

Still waiting for an idea of how far, PJ. How far away in the flat earth model is the southern border to the north pole, and an additional question, how far is the equator from the north pole?
I would imagine the equator is exactly as many miles away from the north pole as they say it is. How high is the north pole and what is it's actual size?

patrick jane

The north pole is a single POINT. It has no size.
To even attempt to answer the question you keep asking, I would have to know the size of the north star and the distance from earth. I will not trust what NASA says it is and that goes for the size of the sun and moon of every heavenly body NOR will I trust the ridiculous distances from earth that they claim.

Right Divider

Body part
To even attempt to answer the question you keep asking, I would have to know the size of the north star and the distance from earth. I will not trust what NASA says it is and that goes for the size of the sun and moon of every heavenly body NOR will I trust the ridiculous distances from earth that they claim.
I have asked you to quit with the videos and just show us the GEOMETRY of the earth and Polaris. Why is this so hard?

I showed you a simple diagram that shows that is it impossible for Polaris to appear on the horizon for someone at the equator in the flat earth model. Please actually address the problem.

Right Divider

Body part
To even attempt to answer the question you keep asking, I would have to know the size of the north star and the distance from earth. I will not trust what NASA says it is and that goes for the size of the sun and moon of every heavenly body NOR will I trust the ridiculous distances from earth that they claim.
Give us the flat earth numbers and how you know them.

patrick jane

The north POLE is on the earth PJ.

You're as bad at asking questions as you are at understanding geometry.
Are you that dense? You have repeatedly been asking me how a person at the equator see the NORTH STAR (A star RD, above the earth in space) on the horizon while a person at the north pole will see the STAR directly above them. What is the SIZE OF THE STAR and how far away is it? I'm not a mathematician but it seems if you knew the size and distance it explain your supposed "impossible" problem.


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Are you that dense? You have repeatedly been asking me how a person at the equator see the NORTH STAR (A star RD, above the earth in space) on the horizon while a person at the north pole will see the STAR directly above them. What is the SIZE OF THE STAR and how far away is it? I'm not a mathematician but it seems if you knew the size and distance it explain your supposed "impossible" problem.
North Pole != North Star

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