The Dems Lie Again and This Time it is Obama



Is that the only thing you can come up in defense of Obama and his secret police going after journalists?


By repeatedly manoeuvring themselves into a political/moral corner, the only option available to "The Donald" and his conservative "enablers" into become "counterpunchers" - continuously inventing/recycling a laundry list of accusations in the faint hope that some "Dems" will take the "bait!"

There's a reason why this "UNDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR" in the White House has a 36% approval rating and a porn star having more credibility than a sitting President and his lawyers!
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
[Citation needed]

JAMES ROSEN: [House Democratic Leader] Pelosi confessed ignorance of this week's disclosure that the National Security Agency for at least five years under the Obama administration systematically violated Americans' Fourth Amendment rights...

Civil liberties groups said the disclosures should factor into lawmakers' decision at year's end about whether to reauthorize the NSA collection program that witnessed the abuses...

The sheer scale of the 4th Amendment violations is staggering, as was the sternness of the rebuke of the Obama administration by the FISA court, which ordinarily approves 99.9% of the government's request.


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
This billionaire president and his "enablers" will all find themselves "NEEDLE CHALLENGED" come JUDGEMENT DAY!

"They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!"



JAMES ROSEN: [House Democratic Leader] Pelosi confessed ignorance of this week's disclosure that the National Security Agency for at least five years under the Obama administration systematically violated Americans' Fourth Amendment rights...

Civil liberties groups said the disclosures should factor into lawmakers' decision at year's end about whether to reauthorize the NSA collection program that witnessed the abuses...

The sheer scale of the 4th Amendment violations is staggering, as was the sternness of the rebuke of the Obama administration by the FISA court, which ordinarily approves 99.9% of the government's request.


Patrick Stack of Time magazine has described the site's commentary section as "right-leaning". The site has been described as being run by conservatives, and containing "opinion pieces from multiple media sources". In 2009 RealClearPolitics was described as a weblog "in the conservative pantheon" by Richard Davis.

In an interview with the conservative magazine Human Events, McIntyre described the philosophy behind the Web site as based on "freedom" and "common-sense values". Said Bevan, "We think debate on the issues is a very important thing. We post a variety of opinions". He further stated, "we have a frustration all conservatives have", which is "the bias in media against conservatives, religious conservatives, [and] Christian conservatives".In a 2001 article for Princeton Alumni Weekly, which noted that "The articles selected invariably demonstrate McIntyre and Bevan's political bent, about which they are unabashedly forthcoming."

Rosen, the author being cited, works for FOXNEWS and "Real Clear Politics" is a conservative website - we should have no illusions that they are objective, unbiased sources!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Rosen, the author being cited, works for FOXNEWS and "Real Clear Politics" is a conservative website - we should have no illusions that they are objective, unbiased sources!

Rosen knows EXACTLY what was going on because he himself was a victim of Obama's secret police. According to the Huffington Post:

"WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration’s Justice Department has moved beyond investigating and prosecuting leaks at an unprecedented level to claiming in court documents that committing a standard act of journalism may itself be criminal.

In 2010, FBI agent Reginald Reyes described a reporter, recently identified as Fox News' chief Washington correspondent James Rosen, as possibly being an “aider and abettor and/or co-conspirator” in the leaking of classified information. Reyes made that argument in his request for a warrant for Rosen’s personal email account as part of a leak investigation.

The DOJ’s suggestion that Rosen may be guilty of criminal wrongdoing -- unlike the AP reporters and editors targeted over a May 2012 report about a CIA-thwarted terrorist plot -- is a key difference in the two simmering controversies. The DOJ’s broad use of subpoena power against the AP, revealed last week, has been widely condemned and seen by many as a threat to press freedom and a means to silence sources, including whistleblowers. The DOJ didn't contact the AP before secretly obtaining two months of journalists' phone records, nor did it contact Fox News before getting Rosen's records, a break with the way the government traditionally deals with media outlets.

But the DOJ is now raising further questions about how far the Obama administration will go in rooting out the sources of classified information.

On Sunday night, the Washington Post reported that the Justice Department had obtained a warrant for Rosen’s personal email account in rooting out his source for a June 2009 report that North Korea was expected to respond to a U.N. sanction with a nuclear missile test. The alleged source is government adviser Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, who is being charged under the Espionage Act.

The Obama administration has used the World War I-era law, designed to prosecute spies, in six leak-related cases -- more than all previous administrations combined.​

You are so uninformed that if it was left to you the elites will take away all your civil rights before you even know they are gone.

What has been going on in Obama's Justice Department and FBI is the greatest threat to the survival of a FREE USA since WWII. And just listen to all the Americans excusing these creeps behavior instead of wanting their heads.

It makes me want to throw-up because once our freedom is gone it might be impossible to ever get it back.



... You are so uninformed that if it was left to you the elites will take away all your civil rights before you even know they are gone.

What has been going on in Obama's Justice Department and FBI is the greatest threat to the survival of a FREE USA since WWII. And just listen to all the Americans excusing these creeps behavior instead of wanting their heads.

It makes me want to throw-up because once our freedom is gone it might be impossible to ever get it back.
The Obama Administration was certainly remiss in not arresting Ted Cruz's father on suspicion of conspiring to assassinate the President - what's Trump's excuse?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The Obama Administration was certainly remiss in not arresting Ted Cruz's father on suspicion of conspiring to assassinate the President

Obama was too busy attacking reporters for doing their jobs:

Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.

Makes you proud, doesn't it?