Whoa. Looks like GM's working himself some sort of a satanic rock & roll posting frenzy.
Hey Zoo, how about we just, "Agree to disagree" and leave it at that?
I think it's interesting he'd say we'll have to "agree to disagree," seeing that all I'd done was ask him to explain himself.
Saying "agree to disagree," is a complete cop out.
As long as Christians realize what I'm saying here, that's all I care about.
How could anyone, Christian or otherwise, "realize" what you're saying, besides blindly? You can't even explain what you're basing it on. Saying something doesn't make it true. You obviously can't even give an explanation of why you'd said the video is about. Sure, it's your "opinion" ... Opinions are overrated, especially when you can't even articulate what led you to that opinion.
All I can gather is that the video creeped you out and there were scarecrows on crucifix-esque poles, and a preacher-looking figure with a Bible-looking book, so somehow you think it's "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening."
The video has dark imagery, and an ominous tone. Parts of it are very unsettling. Death is obviously it's central theme. But it's not just death, it's Bowie looking at his own imminent death. Given that, there's nothing odd about it being unsettling. But what is it about the video that makes it "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"? Just because something uses some religious imagery doesn't mean it's about religion. The video starts with an image of a dead spaceman and an eclipsed star. That doesn't mean it's a commentary on NASA.