
Well-known member
You, being an unbeliever, just wouldn't receive my explanation
and accept it well. An unbeliever is different than a true believer.
You don't have the ability to see things through a Christian
perspective. You're Spiritually handicapped.

No, don't put it on me. It's not my fault you can't back up what you're saying. If you can expose something "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"" why in the world would you choose not to expose it?

You're not explaining it because I wouldn't accept your explanation? Get out of here with that.

I really don't believe you can explain it. If you can, please do. Enlighten us.

It's a 10 minute video. Break it down. You were the one who started a thread about it. I'm interested. You have my attention. Tell us what it is about the video that you say is "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are evil entities, demons, that most times we cannot see with our
eyes. The Bible states; Ephesians 6:12--"For we do not wrestle against
flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the
heavenly places."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No, don't put it on me. It's not my fault you can't back up what you're saying. If you can expose something "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"" why in the world would you choose not to expose it?

You're not explaining it because I wouldn't accept your explanation? Get out of here with that.

I really don't believe you can explain it. If you can, please do. Enlighten us.

It's a 10 minute video. Break it down. You were the one who started a thread about it. I'm interested. You have my attention. Tell us what it is about the video that you say is "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening."

I don't owe you any explanation! If you don't like what I'm saying,
you can either, sign off, go to another thread or place me on ignore.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I wrote an opinion (a critique) of the last works of David Bowie from
a Christian perspective. I don't expect non-Christians to agree with me.
I really don't.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
When I saw that somebody put up the You-Tube song in question, I wanted
the thread to go away. Why? Because, I didn't really want posters placing
those images in their minds. The thread was near the bottom this morning
and I didn't want to bump it. However, now its's causing some interest.


New member
Regarding Al's comment: If the cross dressing bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) really wanted to go out of this world with a bang (literally), why didn't David Bowie mock the false prophet, mass murderer and pedophile Mohammad?
Why would Bowie step outside the culture he knew best?
There doesn't seem to be any general antireligious agenda from him other than to use the images that most western people have had imposed on them by Christianity for centuries. If Christians don't like others reflecting or interpreting these images for themselves then you are only reaping what you sowed ...oh dear, how sad, never mind. :plain:

Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."


Well-known member
Whoa. Looks like GM's working himself some sort of a satanic rock & roll posting frenzy.

Hey Zoo, how about we just, "Agree to disagree" and leave it at that?

I think it's interesting he'd say we'll have to "agree to disagree," seeing that all I'd done was ask him to explain himself.

Saying "agree to disagree," is a complete cop out.

As long as Christians realize what I'm saying here, that's all I care about.

How could anyone, Christian or otherwise, "realize" what you're saying, besides blindly? You can't even explain what you're basing it on. Saying something doesn't make it true. You obviously can't even give an explanation of why you'd said the video is about. Sure, it's your "opinion" ... Opinions are overrated, especially when you can't even articulate what led you to that opinion.

All I can gather is that the video creeped you out and there were scarecrows on crucifix-esque poles, and a preacher-looking figure with a Bible-looking book, so somehow you think it's "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening."

The video has dark imagery, and an ominous tone. Parts of it are very unsettling. Death is obviously it's central theme. But it's not just death, it's Bowie looking at his own imminent death. Given that, there's nothing odd about it being unsettling. But what is it about the video that makes it "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"? Just because something uses some religious imagery doesn't mean it's about religion. The video starts with an image of a dead spaceman and an eclipsed star. That doesn't mean it's a commentary on NASA.