Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I watched one of David Bowie's last songs on You-Tube Video the other day and couldn't
believe what I saw. I grew up liking a few of his songs, but never really considered myself
a fan. What I saw on the video was so disturbing, I had to say a prayer that God would take
those images out of my mind.

The video was Sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening. Bowie was
a dying man at the time he made these songs and one would think he'd be contemplating, what
lied ahead of him after his death?

Instead he chose to mock God and Christianity in general. He even made some kind of claim to be
God? Some may say, "It's just art and you shouldn't make a big deal out of it." However, from a
Christian perspective, Bowie was mocking Christianity and God Himself.

The Crucifixion scene could be seen as pornographic. This man
undoubtedly, left this world as a lost sinner headed for Judgement
and the Lake of Fire? The Bible says; God will not be mocked. This
lost soul had no respect for God nor Christianity. Evidently, he felt
secure, that there would be no one to answer to and no judgement
to face in the afterlife. I won't mention the name of the video song.

Christians ought to avoid Bowie's last death songs. They represent
the thoughts of a sick perverted mind of a Godless man, who is
awaiting judgement and spending eternity in the Lake of Fire.

Revelation 20:12--"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before
God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is
the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were
written in the books, according to their works."


I watched one of David Bowie's last songs on You-Tube Video the other day and couldn't
believe what I saw. I grew up liking a few of his songs, but never really considered myself
a fan. What I saw on the video was so disturbing, I had to say a prayer that God would take
those images out of my mind.

The video was Sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening. Bowie was
a dying man at the time he made these songs and one would think he'd be contemplating, what
lied ahead of him after his death?

Instead he chose to mock God and Christianity in general. He even made some kind of claim to be
God? Some may say, "It's just art and you shouldn't make a big deal out of it." However, from a
Christian perspective, Bowie was mocking Christianity and God Himself.
The Crucifixion scene could be seen as pornographic. This man
undoubtedly, left this world as a lost sinner headed for Judgement
and the Lake of Fire?...

A lot of people became very upset when Naz and I told the truth about Bowie after his death. I didn't know anything about the video that you just talked about, but it doesn't surprise me in the least.



New member
A Godless man is entitled to say whatever the hell he likes about anyone's religious beliefs, why should Christianity get special pleading rights?
A Godless man is not mocking something he doesn't believe exists just the idea. It's fair game to mock any human ideas, but it's not actually mocking anyone's god, even if some adherents think they are vicariously insulted.


like marbles on glass
A Godless man is entitled to say whatever the hell he likes about anyone's religious beliefs, why should Christianity get special pleading rights?
A Godless man is not mocking something he doesn't believe exists just the idea. It's fair game to mock any human ideas, but it's not actually mocking anyone's god, even if some adherents think they are vicariously insulted.

I don't even think it was meant to be mocking in the first place.


A Godless man is entitled to say whatever the hell he likes about anyone's religious beliefs, why should Christianity get special pleading rights?
A Godless man is not mocking something he doesn't believe exists just the idea. It's fair game to mock any human ideas, but it's not actually mocking anyone's god, even if some adherents think they are vicariously insulted.

I don't even think it was meant to be mocking in the first place.

Yeah, probably just a scene from the Wizard of Oz instead of Jesus' crucifixion.


Regarding Al's comment: If the cross dressing bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) really wanted to go out of this world with a bang (literally), why didn't David Bowie mock the false prophet, mass murderer and pedophile Mohammad?



Well-known member
I watched one of David Bowie's last songs on You-Tube Video the other day and couldn't
believe what I saw. I grew up liking a few of his songs, but never really considered myself
a fan. What I saw on the video was so disturbing, I had to say a prayer that God would take
those images out of my mind.

The video was Sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening. Bowie was
a dying man at the time he made these songs and one would think he'd be contemplating, what
lied ahead of him after his death?

Instead he chose to mock God and Christianity in general. He even made some kind of claim to be
God? Some may say, "It's just art and you shouldn't make a big deal out of it." However, from a
Christian perspective, Bowie was mocking Christianity and God Himself.

The Crucifixion scene could be seen as pornographic. This man
undoubtedly, left this world as a lost sinner headed for Judgement
and the Lake of Fire? The Bible says; God will not be mocked. This
lost soul had no respect for God nor Christianity. Evidently, he felt
secure, that there would be no one to answer to and no judgement
to face in the afterlife. I won't mention the name of the video song.

Christians ought to avoid Bowie's last death songs. They represent
the thoughts of a sick perverted mind of a Godless man, who is
awaiting judgement and spending eternity in the Lake of Fire.

Revelation 20:12--"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before
God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is
the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were
written in the books, according to their works."

You may find the lead article of interest:


Well-known member
You really do need to be deprogrammed STP. Does TOL do any kind of intervention for people like STP?


Matthew 4
8Again, the Devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9And he said to Him, “I will give You all these things if You will fall down and worship me.”

and for good measure, same account in Luke 4 with a little more added by the Holy Spirit for your edification.

[5] The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. [6] And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. [7] So if you worship me, it will all be yours."


You may find the lead article of interest: (known as a conservative periodical) gave Bowie what appears to be accolades as well.

The video was made by an atheist

The religion and political views of David Bowie

who it might appear as he came closer to death, wanted to believe in God.

Did Bowie repent and accept Christ as his Lord and Savior? I'm suspicious, especially with the scarecrow scene.


Well-known member
This thread seems genuinely crazy. It reminds me of frantic Bible thumpers screaming about the satanic horrors of Harry Potter.

What in the video is "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"?

I can see that there's some imagery that would be unsettling, but seriously, what in the world is "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"?

It must be scary being you people. What with all of the monsters crawling around under your beds.


TOL Subscriber

Good luck on your mission (destined for failure) to change this world system.
That's what the devil would have him to focus on and waste his time doing. Men are not going to get any better, but worse and worse.


This thread seems genuinely crazy. It reminds me of frantic Bible thumpers screaming about the satanic horrors of Harry Potter.

What in the video is "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"?

I can see that there's some imagery that would be unsettling, but seriously, what in the world is "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"?

It must be scary being you people. What with all of the monsters crawling around under your beds.

If I may speak for "you people" zoo:

As shown in this post, one helluvalotta fags mourned over David Bowie's death.

If there were any indication, and I mean any indication that Bowie didn't HATE God like a good many of his mourners do, they would have disowned him while he was alive and spit on his grave at death.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This thread seems genuinely crazy. It reminds me of frantic Bible thumpers screaming about the satanic horrors of Harry Potter.

What in the video is "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"?

I can see that there's some imagery that would be unsettling, but seriously, what in the world is "sacrilegious, blasphemous, disturbing, anti-Christian, and sickening"?

It must be scary being you people. What with all of the monsters crawling around under your beds.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I really wouldn't expect a lost soul to be sensitive to the sacrilegious,
irreverent, occult, anti-Christian comments, images, and wickedness
of a man who devoted his life to sin and debauchery. Such was David
Bowie. I liked a few of his songs myself way back when. However, I don't
believe his last "work" was something a true believer ought to be
praising it, purchasing it, and listening to/watching it.

The images and words are occultist/Satanic, and sacrilegious.

So Zoo, buy it, enjoy it, and tell your friends how wonderful it
is. Do it to your hearts content/delight.