The Death Penalty at the Heart of God


New member
Show me that in the text.

John 8:10-11
10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?”

11 She said, “No one, Lord.”

And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”

vs 3 and 4 State she was caught - this suggest by the requirements of the law had been met.

Jesus nowhere makes any reference to the requirements of Deuteronomy or the number of witnesses. In fact he says she should be stoned which again contradicts your argument.
You're right. He clearly judges her guilty of a capital crime under the law.

He does however introduce the concept that only the innocent should punish her and this is what saves her.
Wrong. God has authority over these things. We don't. The law condemned the woman to death. God can (and did) chose not to put her to death. She was saved by his ability to show mercy in such an instance.

Hebrews 10:28
28 Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.

We, however, are forbidden to show mercy under the law.

Then he as the man without sin who could cast first stonee he chooses not to.
Why? Because God suddenly realized all the people who'd been put to death under the law before that day shouldn't have been? That they'd all been murdered by judges and executioners who were doing as He commanded?


No, this is why He did what He did.

John 8:6
6 This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.

They were trying to trap Jesus with the law. But Jesus can't be trapped by the law that He has authority over. That's why they failed. He didn't break the law or do away with the law, He simply shamed her accusers away and, when there were none to lawfully witness against her, she was acquitted.

Why do you lie about Jesus and his teaching ?
That's a very heavy accusation and you throw it around way too casually. :mmph:

I think you owe Jamie an apology for accusing her of lying about Jesus and His teaching. Unless you can make a case for why you honestly think she lied. I really can't imagine how you could.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
vs 3 and 4 State she was caught - this suggest by the requirements of the law had been met.
Were they now?

Which requirements? Show the text of the law to support your argument.

Jesus nowhere makes any reference to the requirements of Deuteronomy or the number of witnesses.
How do you know this? Do you know what he wrote in the sand?

And He did reference the number of witnesses at the end when He asked her who there was to condemn her.

In fact he says she should be stoned which again contradicts your argument.
Where? When He told her to "...go and sin no more"? Are you saying Jesus is admitting she was guilty of adultery? Or is this an argument from silence?

He does however introduce the concept that only the innocent should punish her and this is what saves her.
Nope. He is reiterating the concept made clear in the law that only those who are following the law should participate in punishing those who break it. And these men were not following the law.

Then he as the man without sin who could cast first stonee he chooses not to.

According to the law Jesus would never have been able to throw the first stone as he was neither a victim of her crime nor a witness to it.

So your 2 witness theory bears no relation to the scripture, the teaching of John or the ministry of Jesus. Why do you lie about Jesus and his teaching ?
You are the liar; or you are simply just completely ignorant of the law and the circumstances of the story in question.

...He simply shamed her accusers away and, when there were none to lawfully witness against her, she was acquitted.
There's more to it than that. And that wasn't an acquittal; she could not be found guilty under the limits of the law. There's a difference.

The SMACK heard 'round the World!


New member
Hall of Fame
You have many dumb posts, but this one is exceptionally bad. Well done, moron.

Name calling and spelling words incorrectly while doing so is a great way to make you look like a bigger idiot than usual. You're a complete tool.

Brother Vinny

Active member
Name calling and spelling words incorrectly while doing so is a great way to make you look like a bigger idiot than usual. You're a complete tool.

Look at it this way, Nick: Tools are useful.

Granite just sits around waiting for someone with tools to quarry it. It has no usage whatsoever until someone applies tools to it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Look at it this way, Nick: Tools are useful.

Granite just sits around waiting for someone with tools to quarry it. It has no usage whatsoever until someone applies tools to it.

I'm still trying to figure out which word it is gaynit thinks was misspelt. :idunno:


Look at it this way, Nick: Tools are useful.

Granite just sits around waiting for someone with tools to quarry it. It has no usage whatsoever until someone applies tools to it.

If you hold the chisel against his head I'll be glad to whack it with the mallet :chuckle:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Conceded. :up:

You have many dumb posts, but this one is exceptionally bad. Well done, moron.
Name calling and spelling words incorrectly while doing so is a great way to make you look like a bigger idiot than usual. You're a complete tool.

Look at it this way, Nick: Tools are useful.

Granite just sits around waiting for someone with tools to quarry it. It has no usage whatsoever until someone applies tools to it.

I'm still trying to figure out which word it is gaynit thinks was misspelt. :idunno:
That's what I was going to ask, Stripe. Who are you, btw?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
"All the terrorists in the world and I had to kill one with feet smaller than my sister's."