The Day of Atonement

Ben Masada

New member
Here’s my outline:
Bible Fact #1: The KJV mistranslates G2643 in Ro.5:11 as “atonement”.
Bible Fact #2: Scripture associates Jesus’ DEATH with RECONCILIATION (not, atonement).
Bible Fact #3: Scripture associates Jesus’ SACRIFICE with REDEMPTION (not, atonement).
Bible Fact #4: Scripture says WE were “BOUGHT” (not, “our SINS were PAID”).
Bible Fact #5: Translators & Commentators misuse “atonement”, “propitiation” & “expiation” in NT.

The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The other day I was served with 5 Biblical Christian facts as you can see above, about the Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur. Then I felt under the spiritual responsibility to share with him a word or two about Yom Kippur.

The Atonement is strictly a notion from the Tanach. Nothing to do with the NT. The Yom Kippur day aka the day of Atonement. Every year our Fathers used to celebrate the Yom Kippor day as a prophecy for the day of Atonement. Two goats were chosen and, by lot, one would be for the Lord and the other would be for Azazel aka the Scapegoat. The one chosen by lot for the Lord would remain to be sacrificed as a sin offering as needed to keep the world going. The other whose lot was for the Scapegoat, it would be sent into the wilderness to Azazel. (Leviticus 16:9,10)

The goat which would remain in Jerusalem was Judah. The Scapegoat was Israel aka Ephraim, the Ten Tribes. Now, to understand how Yom Kippur was performed, you must read Psalm 78:67-70. The fate of the Scapegoat aka Israel the Ten Tribes was fulfilled in 721 when Israel was conquered by Assyria and taken eastward through the desert and got lost forever. That's when the Lord rejected the Tabernacle of Joseph and confirmed Judah to remain as a People before the Lord forever as the only Kingdom aka the Remnant of the People for the Lord. (Ezekiel 37:22)

Yom Kippur had reached fulfillment. Now, why we still observe Yom Kippur every year as usual? Yes, as usual but with a characteristic change; no longer as a prophecy because the prophecy had been fulfilled already but "in memory" of the fact. Hence, Zechariah 12:10 when the Jews returned from 70 years of exile in Babylon, they would gather in Jerusalem with the spirit of grace and supplications where they would mourn for ancient Israel whom they had pierced which means, whose freedom had lost so that Judah could have been chosen to remain in Jerusalem as a People before the Lord forever. (I Kings 11:36) So, Judah aka the Jews would mourn for Israel as one mourns for his firstborn. The bottom line is that the Day of Atonement that used to be celebrated as a prophecy to the day when Judah was atoned by the Scapegoat aka Israel. Today, we still celebrate the Day of Atonement but as in memory of the event already fulfilled.

I am sorry that your "Bible facts" composing your outline above happened to fall in the hands of a Jew who sees absolutely no references to whatever about Jesus. Any and all analogies with what happened to Jesus is found only in the wish-thinking mind of Christian preconceived notions.
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Well-known member
The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The other day I was served with 5 Biblical Christian facts as you can see above, about the Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur. Then I felt under the spiritual responsibility to share with him a word or two about Yom Kippur.

The Atonement is strictly a notion from the Tanach. Nothing to do with the NT. The Yom Kippur day aka the day of Atonement. Every year our Fathers used to celebrate the Yom Kippor day as a prophecy for the day of Atonement. Two goats were chosen and, by lot, one would be for the Lord and the other would be for Azazel aka the Scapegoat. The one chosen by lot for the Lord would remain to be sacrificed as a sin offering as needed to keep the world going. The other whose lot was for the Scapegoat, it would be sent into the wilderness to Azazel. (Leviticus 16:9,10)

The goat which would remain in Jerusalem was Judah. The Scapegoat was Israel aka Ephraim, the Ten Tribes. Now, to understand how Yom Kippur was performed, you must read Psalm 78:67-70. The fate of the Scapegoat aka Israel the Ten Tribes was fulfilled in 721 when Israel was conquered by Assyria and taken eastward through the desert and got lost forever. That's when the Lord rejected the Tabernacle of Joseph and confirmed Judah to remain as a People before the Lord forever as the only Kingdom aka the Remnant of the People for the Lord. (Ezekiel 37:22)

Yom Kippur had reached fulfillment. Now, why we still observe Yom Kippur every year as usuall? Yes, as usual but with a characteristic change; no longer as a prophecy because the prophecy had been fulfilled already but "in memory" of the fact. Hence, Zechariah 12:10 when the Jews returned from 70 years of exile in Babylon, they would gather in Jerusalem with the spirit of grace and supplications where they would mourn for ancient Israel whom they had pierced which means, whose freedom had lost so that Judah could have been chosen to remain in Jerusalem as a People before the Lord forever. (I Kings 11:36) So, Judah aka the Jews would mourn for Israel as one mourns for his firstborn. The bottom line is that the Day of Atonement that used to be celebrated as a prophecy to the day when Judah was atoned by the Scapegoat aka Israel. Today, we still celebrate the Day of Atonement but as in memory of the event already fulfilled.

I am sorry that your "Bible facts" composing your outline above happened to fall in the hands of a Jew who sees absolutely no references to whatever about Jesus. Any and all analogies with what happened to Jesus is found only in the wish-thinking mind of Christian preconceived notions.

Regardless of whether or not the five "Bible Facts" you have quoted are correct, one simple little fact remains, which is that Yeshua says the Torah and all the Prophets prophesied until Yochanan, (Matthew 11:13). Also, in the book of 1Enoch, Azazel is a fallen one and teacher of falsehoods, (same name as found in Leviticus 16). Ephraim and the ten tribes were not "sent away to/for Azazel" and, if you reread the passage, (Lev 16:10) note that the goat to/for Azazel is appointed for a later, (unannounced) time of atonement-expiation-cleansing-purging, (for be sure that your sin will find you out in the End). :)


New member
Azazel. Not: Az / azel.

Az / az / el means: Strong, strong, god. Satan is a strong, strong, god in the parabolic sense. Satan, the goat escaping into the wilderness, and is in the parabolic sense of the continuation of sin in the world.

Ben Masada

New member
The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

Regardless of whether or not the five "Bible Facts" you have quoted are correct, one simple little fact remains, which is that Yeshua says the Torah and all the Prophets prophesied until Yochanan, (Matthew 11:13). Also, in the book of 1Enoch, Azazel is a fallen one and teacher of falsehoods, (same name as found in Leviticus 16). Ephraim and the ten tribes were not "sent away to/for Azazel" and, if you reread the passage, (Lev 16:10) note that the goat to/for Azazel is appointed for a later, (unannounced) time of atonement-expiation-cleansing-purging, (for be sure that your sin will find you out in the End). :)

The original meaning of "To be sent to Azazel" was an analogy of to be sent Eastward to the desert. It got fulfilled when Israel was rejected by the Lord in Psalm 78:69 and taken Eastward by the Assyrian armies to Assyria and eventually throughout the world and became known as the Lost Tribes. Assyria, from Israel is Eastward over the wilderness of Judah.

Ben Masada

New member
The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

Azazel. Not: Az / azel.

Az / az / el means: Strong, strong, god. Satan is a strong, strong, god in the parabolic sense. Satan, the goat escaping into the wilderness, and is in the parabolic sense of the continuation of sin in the world.

Perhaps you are right if we consider the pagan nations especially ancient Babylon. But the Jewish meaning is applied to the kivun aka direction over the desert towards the East as what happened to Israel when taken to Assyria in 721 which according to Hosea 5:2, the virgin Israel had fallen.


Well-known member
Azazel. Not: Az / azel.

Az / az / el means: Strong, strong, god. Satan is a strong, strong, god in the parabolic sense. Satan, the goat escaping into the wilderness, and is in the parabolic sense of the continuation of sin in the world.

The goat being sent away into the desert or wilderness is not the Satan.
The sa`iyr-twin-goat is sent away into the desert to/for Azazel.

The original meaning of "To be sent to Azazel" was an analogy of to be sent Eastward to the desert. It got fulfilled when Israel was rejected by the Lord in Psalm 78:69 and taken Eastward by the Assyrian armies to Assyria and eventually throughout the world and became known as the Lost Tribes. Assyria, from Israel is Eastward over the wilderness of Judah.

Your theology here does not match your theology elsewhere, as you have previously said that no one can pay for the sins of another, and yet the goat to/for Azazel has all the sins upon its mortally wounded head, (put there by the Priest who lays his hands upon the head of the live goat and confesses all the sins of the congregation over the goat during a portion of the Yom Kippurim ceremonies). If you say that Ephraim and the ten tribes are the goat sent away to Azazel then you are by default saying that Ephraim and the ten tribes paid for the sins of Yhudah and yourself. Blahahahah! :crackup:


New member




Thus that Holy day starts in the morning just like the Weekly Sabbath does.:thumb:


Well-known member
The original meaning of "To be sent to Azazel" was an analogy of to be sent Eastward to the desert. It got fulfilled when Israel was rejected by the Lord in Psalm 78:69 and taken Eastward by the Assyrian armies to Assyria and eventually throughout the world and became known as the Lost Tribes. Assyria, from Israel is Eastward over the wilderness of Judah.

Also you have the wrong compass point direction according to Daniel who says that the shaggy sa`iyr-goat comes from the shadows or shades of the west, (Dan 8:5) without touching the ground, (prince of the power of the air). That is, when he returns from the dry-arid places in league with seven other spirits more wicked than himself, (Mat 12:43-45, Luk 11:24-26) for be sure that your sin will find you out as Moshe says, (Num 32:23). :)


Well-known member
Azazel. Not: Az / azel.

Az / az / el means: Strong, strong, god. Satan is a strong, strong, god in the parabolic sense. Satan, the goat escaping into the wilderness, and is in the parabolic sense of the continuation of sin in the world.

Ever heard of the `az paniym-countenance? This phrase is rendered "fierce countenance" in Deut 28:50 KJV and Dan 8:23 KJV. Yes, the fierce `az-paniym anthropon-man-faced, and as Yeshua says in Mat 10:17-18, "Beware of the anthropon-man-faced; for they will deliver you up to the sanhedrins, and they will scourge you in their synagogues, and you shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the heathen", (seven heathen-nations greater and mightier than the sons of Yisrael, Deut 7:1). :)

Ben Masada

New member
The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

Also you have the wrong compass point direction according to Daniel who says that the shaggy sa`iyr-goat comes from the shadows or shades of the west, (Dan 8:5) without touching the ground, (prince of the power of the air). That is, when he returns from the dry-arid places in league with seven other spirits more wicked than himself, (Mat 12:43-45, Luk 11:24-26) for be sure that your sin will find you out as Moshe says, (Num 32:23). :)

The goat in Dan. 8:5 is a reference to the direction Alexander the Great came from the West when the Greeks bit the hell off the Persians.

Ben Masada

New member
The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur





Thus that Holy day starts in the morning just like the Weekly Sabbath does.:thumb:

The weekly Sabbath never starts in the morning. It usually starts in the evening of the day before, aka Friday at sunset.

Ben Masada

New member
The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The goat being sent away into the desert or wilderness is not the Satan. The sa`iyr-twin-goat is sent away into the desert to/for Azazel.

Your theology here does not match your theology elsewhere, as you have previously said that no one can pay for the sins of another, and yet the goat to/for Azazel has all the sins upon its mortally wounded head, (put there by the Priest who lays his hands upon the head of the live goat and confesses all the sins of the congregation over the goat during a portion of the Yom Kippurim ceremonies). If you say that Ephraim and the ten tribes are the goat sent away to Azazel then you are by default saying that Ephraim and the ten tribes paid for the sins of Yhudah and yourself. Blahahahah! :crackup:

Nice shot but you still missed the target. According to the prophets of the Most High NO ONE CAN DIE FOR THE SINS OF ANOTHER. (Jer. 31:30 and Ezek. 18:20) No one as a person in the singular. A people for another is something else. Israel aka Ephraim aka the Ten Tribes when, by lots, the Scapegoat aka Israel performed Atonement for Judah. That Atonement was represented by the Lord when He rejected the Tabernacle of Joseph and confirmed Judah so that he could remain as a People alone and forever for the sake of David. (Psalm 78:67-70; I Kings 11:36) And for the sake of David because Judah had rejected the Covenant of the Lord when Ahaz the king of Judah had covenanted the People with Assyria. (II Kings 16)

Ben Masada

New member
The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

Regardless of whether or not the five "Bible Facts" you have quoted are correct, one simple little fact remains, which is that Yeshua says the Torah and all the Prophets prophesied until Yochanan, (Matthew 11:13). Also, in the book of 1Enoch, Azazel is a fallen one and teacher of falsehoods, (same name as found in Leviticus 16). Ephraim and the ten tribes were not "sent away to/for Azazel" and, if you reread the passage, (Lev 16:10) note that the goat to/for Azazel is appointed for a later, (unannounced) time of atonement-expiation-cleansing-purging, (for be sure that your sin will find you out in the End). :)

Jesus could not have said that the Torah and the Prophets prophesied until Yochanan because he was a learned Jew and he knew that the Prophetic system of Israel had fallen in disuse since the return of the Jews from Babylon. (Daniel 9:24) That's when vision and prophecy had been sealed up. Therefore, even Jesus himself had been born after that time which exonerated him from officially being a prophet. It means that both, Yohanan and Yeshua were not prophets.


Well-known member
The goat in Dan. 8:5 is a reference to the direction Alexander the Great came from the West when the Greeks bit the hell off the Persians.

That is merely your interpretation of the passage. The four little horn sons of Yavan are Eliyshah, Tarshiysh, Chittiym, and Dodaniym-Rodaniym, (Gen 10:4). Yavan is the he-goat, which is a living creature, in the Daniel passage. Was Alexander himself the great horn between the eyes of Yavan? Did Greece have a great horn as a frontlet between its eyes? Those who make not the Torah as the frontlets between their eyes end up with the great horn of Yavan as frontlets between their eyes instead, (prince of the power of the air). :crackup:

Ben Masada

New member
The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

The Day of Atonement aka Yom Kippur

That is merely your interpretation of the passage. The four little horn sons of Yavan are Eliyshah, Tarshiysh, Chittiym, and Dodaniym-Rodaniym, (Gen 10:4). Yavan is the he-goat, which is a living creature, in the Daniel passage. Was Alexander himself the great horn between the eyes of Yavan? Did Greece have a great horn as a frontlet between its eyes? Those who make not the Torah as the frontlets between their eyes end up with the great horn of Yavan as frontlets between their eyes instead, (prince of the power of the air). :crackup:

The four little horns that grew after the goat of Yavan were the four generals of Alexander who divided the kingdom of Alexander into four smaller kingdoms at his death


Well-known member
The four little horns that grew after the goat of Yavan were the four generals of Alexander who divided the kingdom of Alexander into four smaller kingdoms at his death

The problem is this: where is what you say found in the scripture? The historical fulfillment interpretation is a "one-off" fulfillment that nullifies the word of Elohim after it has been fulfilled from the historical perspective. It is catastrophic error because the word of Elohim shall not pass away. The Torah, Prophets, Writings, and Testimony of Yeshua are Spirit and do not pass away.

Gen 10:1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noach, Shem, Cham, and Yapheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.
Gen 10:2 The sons of Yapheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, [Medes] and Yavan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
Gen 10:3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
Gen 10:4 And the sons of Yavan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim-Rodanim.
Gen 10:5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

Notice anything curious about the names in the above passage? Most all of them are found in the Prophets and at least three of the sons of Yavan are no exception, (perhaps the final horn has two i's like a man). :chuckle:


Literal lunatic
The problem is this: where is what you say found in the scripture? The historical fulfillment interpretation is a "one-off" fulfillment that nullifies the word of Elohim after it has been fulfilled from the historical perspective. It is catastrophic error because the word of Elohim shall not pass away. The Torah, Prophets, Writings, and Testimony of Yeshua are Spirit and do not pass away.

Gen 10:1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noach, Shem, Cham, and Yapheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.
Gen 10:2 The sons of Yapheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, [Medes] and Yavan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
Gen 10:3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
Gen 10:4 And the sons of Yavan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim-Rodanim.
Gen 10:5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

Notice anything curious about the names in the above passage? Most all of them are found in the Prophets and at least three of the sons of Yavan are no exception, (perhaps the final horn has two i's like a man). :chuckle:

Yep and quite the egotistical tongue on one a them i's, ay?:)


Well-known member
Yep and quite the egotistical tongue on one a them i's, ay?:)

Haha! Hey friend. :)

Yes, and the tree is known by his fruit, for what comes forth from the mouth proceeds from the heart: if it has the mouth of a lion, (Rev 13:2) then the heart of the man has been given over to the beast of a lion, (Dan 4:16, Dan 7:4) until the Son of man be-come. But who shall live when El does this? :)


Literal lunatic
Haha! Hey friend. :)

Yes, and the tree is known by his fruit, for what comes forth from the mouth proceeds from the heart: if it has the mouth of a lion, (Rev 13:2) then the heart of the man has been given over to the beast of a lion, (Dan 4:16, Dan 7:4) until the Son of man be-come. But who shall live when El does this? :)

Ahhhh. Those who's sins are blotted out when the times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord. :)


New member
Atonement , Passover, Feast of Dedication , Pentecost, Trumpets

and Tabernacles will all be kept during the Millenium.