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WHICH NIXES JEHOVAH’s DEITY. Duane Clinton Meehan 2019
I. Law Is Not Determinative of Human Conduct. The Free Origin of Human Action Actually Upsurges via the Double Nihilation.
1. Human determination to action is a purely negative phenomenon, with the most fundamental expression of the first realization that human determination arises ex nihilo having appeared on the second day of June 1674, with the phrase:“...determinatio negatio est…”*, set forth by Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677).
2. All determination to act transpires negatively, with no prior given factual states of affairs being involved, for, “All determination is negation.”, a restatement of Spinoza’s phrase, by Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831), whereby, Jean Paul Sartre (1901-1980), incorporating both Spinoza and Hegel, wrote, in 1943 : “No factual state whatever it may be (the political and economic structure of society, the psychological “state,” etc.) is capable by itself of motivating any act whatsoever. For an act is a projection of the for-itself toward what is not, and what is can in no way determine by itself what is not.”** And, further: “But if human reality is action, this means evidently that its determination to action is itself action. If we reject this principle, and if we admit that human reality can be determined to action by a prior state of the world or itself, this amounts to putting a given at the beginning of the series. Then these acts disappear as acts in order to give place to a series of movements...The existence of the act implies its autonomy...Furthermore, if the act is not pure motion, it must be defined by an intention. No matter how this intention is considered, it can be only a surpassing of the given toward a result to be attained. This given, in fact, since it is pure presence, can not get out of itself. Precisely because it is, it is fully and solely what it is. Therefore it can not provide the reason for a phenomenon which derives all its meaning from a result to be attained; that is, from a non-existent… This intention, which is the fundamental structure of human reality, can in no case be explained by a given, not even if it is presented as an emanation from a given.”***
3. A human act does not, cannot, originate on the basis of a given factual state of affairs, for it is strictly within a purely negative procedural milieu, wherein one refuses the present while projecting unto a nonexistent future, whereby persons originate their acts, per what Sartre dubs the “double nihilation”.****
4. The double nihilation is the only possible human way in the world whereby the origination of a human act transpires.
5. The notion of determining persons to action and/or inaction with/by law, is not the human mode of originating acts, rather, it is an inauthentic, artificial, inhuman, anti-human, ultimately impossible, failed/failing attempt to control human beings causally, from the outside; while, all along, authentic human action origination is not a mechanistic prime mover phenomenon, wherein an external law-force either causally sets persons into action or to inaction.
6. The attempted mode of origin of human action which Yahweh ordains as law, is a redundant and, until now, untested hypothetical theory of origination of action, opposed to and obstructive of the originally free human ontological mode of action origination.
7. Human ‘ontological’, in lay terms, means the structural way human being is built to function; the logic of the way being human ticks, thus:
8. To nihilate is to make nothing
9. Human consciousness is the nothingness which makes/nihilates nothing(s). The future is a nothing which human consciousness makes via the double nihilation, which double nihilation is a pure engagement in nothingness and, transpires thus:
10. In the course of originating an act, consciousness projects and imagines a not yet existing future state of affairs as an end, goal, or objective, which it has not yet attained; thus, in its project toward an as yet non-existent future, consciousness has, on the one hand, made the nothing which is a not yet realized and as yet absent future; ---- and, the double, on-the-other-hand component, of the double nihilation, is, that, as consciousness upsurges toward its absent and unrealized future, consciousness refuses, abandons, and makes the present, given, extant state of affairs into the nothing which is the past; ----thus, we have the doubly nihilative movement of consciousness which is a double-making-nothing, whereby an intended human act originates and upsurges, as a particular nihilative engagement within the sociosphere, where human ontological freedom constantly makes the nothingness of one’s non-existent future become something present, which, in turn, passes into the nothingness which is one’s non-existent past, ad infinitum.
11. Only the double nihilation is the negation, the negative process, the sole means, whereby human action upsurges in the world, out of nothing..
12. Positivist materialist deterministic legalistically oriented persons lack reflective consciousness of the human ontological fact that determination to action, or inaction, for original human freedom, upsurges only as two negative moments of the doubly nihilative movement of consciousness, vectoring unto an intended future.
13. Current legal thought lacks understanding of human existential ontological structural realities which permit one to hold: The original human freedom which creatively authors law is absolutely not in turn subject to being determined, constricted, and controlled by that selfsame created language of law; --- law whereby considerations regarding what is legal or illegal, guilt or not guilt, punishable or excusable, criminal or innocent, lawful, or, unlawful, are daily employed for and against human beings who cannot, by virtue of their very ontological structure, actually be determined to act or forbear action by a man made language of law, which law is created by the same originally free human consciousness which jurisprudence vainly and mistakenly attempts, by law, to control.
14. Law is a deluded mode of thought which mistakenly artificially constricts all sociospheric phenomenon as being either legal or, illegal, and, mistakenly mistreats human beings, in violent disaccord with their human ontological structure, by illegitimately forcing upon all persons the insistent and wholly mistaken notion that given language of law is a determinative force within human affairs, a determinative force whereby acceptable human conduct is causally determined, and, human misconduct is efficiently causally obviated, by a ubiquitous language of law.
15. All persons, in their primal original freedom, are structured such that they are not, cannot be, either causally determined to action or inaction by law, or, self-determine themselves to act or forbear action per motivatIon by given language of law. To maintain that language of law is determinative of human conduct is ontologically unintelligible because, “...determinatio negatio est ...” * , i.e., all human determination to action is negation/nihilation, and, law is a given, positive, factual state of affairs, which law, as an in-itself identity a = a, is what it is, and, as such, ‘cannot get out of itself in order by itself ’ to act as an originative force engaged in the upsurge of a human act.
16. Judaeo-Christian theological error consists in deeming the Biblical Yahweh, Jehovah, and Christ, to be Deity which both created man, and, master and command men via written law and scripture.
17. An authentic Omnipotent Godhead, having made man, would not thereafter mistakenly demand man determine himself, in his acts and forbearance, by a deistically established and enforced language of law/scripture; for to do so contravenes man’s authentic ontological mode of originating action and inaction; which human ontological mode of upsurge of action Yahweh, Jehovah, and Christ, by proclaiming man shall be determined in his acts, and forbearance to act, by a language of law attendant upon holy scripture, thereby exhibit an incompetent lack of familiarity with the originative mode of upsurge of human action. If an Omnipotent God had indeed created man, that Omnipotent would have known a priori that human beings cannot be determined, in their acts and forbearance, by the given factual states of law and scripture; thereby indicating Judaeo-Christian Deity, as described by Biblical Prophets, are inauthentic Deity, and, further, are inauthentic Deity which both practice mistake and exhibit ignorance regarding the genuine doubly nihilative mode of originative upsurge of human action, and, of human forbearance to act.
18. Human consciousness is prior to the theoretical construct "law", which law is mistakenly posited as determinative of human conduct, by a series of human Biblical Prophetic consciousnesses; nevertheless, law-positing human consciousness, by virtue of its own ontological structure, cannot subsequently be determined to action, or inaction, by the self-same mistakenly posited language of "law".
19. False Biblical Deity and Prophets mistakenly insist men determine their conduct via existing “law” and “scripture”, while all the while, all determination is negation, meaning human action-origination transpires purely on the basis of a non-existent future, not on the basis of existing states of affairs like law(s).
20. Thus, Sartre’s theory of origin of human action, (which theory posits consciousness as upsurging acts via “the double nihilation”, a position wholly predicated upon Baruch Spinoza’s “determinatio negatio est”, is the negative theoretical construct central to demonstrating precisely why neither Yahweh, nor Jehovah, nor Jesus Christ, --- who all mistakenly thought men could be determined to action by the positive, given, factual state of affairs, which is law,--- are demonstrably not deities), is the means of clearly showing that the putative deities currently known as Yahweh/Jehovah/Christ are not, cannot, be Deity.
21. Therefore, given that Jehovah can be shown to be seriously mistaken regarding his notion that language of law is an efficacy in the sphere of human determination to action, we have hewn a path through the ontological unintelligibility exhibited by inauthentic law making Deity, which hewn path now leads us to demonstrating, likewise, the ontological unintelligibility of extant American jurisprudence, thus:
II. Legislative/Judicial Illusion is an Instance of Existential Absurdity Which Constitutes Extant Legal Authority as In-Authoritative Authority, Since Language of Law is Not In Fact Determinative of Either Legislative/Judicial or, Grassroots Conduct.
22. We Americans now exist, regardless of a strong historical constitutional ideality assuring us vast individual liberty, a tyrannical and freedom-destructive absolutism of law, predicated upon the radically mistaken presupposition that given jurisprudentially posited language is determinative of human conduct. Emancipatory relief, from the intensifying tyranny of American absolutistic language of law, begins via description of a mistaken legalist presupposition which is an enforced jurisprudential illusion, an enforced error.
23. Human existential absurdity designates givens as cause/motive/determinant of one’s action, while, in reality, human action exclusively originates ex nihilo, via the nihilative power continually exercised by consciousness.
24. Legislative/judicial illusion is an instance of human existential absurdity, wherein the illusion consists in blindly, mistakenly, presupposing given language of law to be determinative of human action and inaction; --- legislative/judicial illusion is the ontologically unintelligible misconception of mistakenly presupposing given language of law determines one’s acts, and/or, that one determines one’s self to act, or forbear action, by given law.
25. The American legislative/judicial illusion of ascribing to human action an origination in, and/or, by, given written law, is an unintentionally mistaken, silent, absurd, fatally ontologically unintelligible, presupposition.
26. The in-authority of American legal authority consists in the legislative/judicial illusion whereby, so called legal authority absurdly claims given language of law to be determinative of actions by legal authority against persons; while, all the while, defense against the in-authoritative authority of American law, consists in proclaiming the human ontological reality that all human determination to action transpires only via doubly nihilative conscious moments, attendant upon the double nihilation, whereby each and every originally absolutely ontologically free human consciousness, intentionally imagines, and, intentionally upsurges unto an absent future.
27. One can mistakenly deem one’s self to be determining one’s self to act in accord with given language of law, however, one cannot legitimately, accurately, and humanely claim and declare given language of law to be an ontologically authentic and correct basis/reason for subjecting, for example, in one’s role as legislator or prosecutor, or magistrate, another human being to punishment; for, as a being for whom action originates and upsurges as a function of the doubly nihilative movement characterizable of the pursuit of one’s every conscious project, it is absurd, illusory, and in unintentional bad faith, as ex nihilo nihilative originator of one’s acts, to claim that one is determined to judicial action against another person by given language of law; therefore, ultimately, one cannot in fact legitimately act, is not in fact legitimately acting, against another human being on the basis of, and in accord with, one’s false notion that given published enforced language of law is determinative of one’s conduct.
28. The designation of given language of law as a means for punishing another human being is entirely inconsistent with the sole ontological doubly nihilative process whereby the originative upsurge of human action transpires.
29. No magistrate can in ontological fact be determined to action, or, determine himself to action by law, therefore, any punishment which said magistrate declares against a person, in the name of law, is predicated upon the legal/jurisprudential error of mistakenly presupposing a determinative efficacy of the language of law, which error constitutes ongoing legal malpractice of an inhumane and, unethical, legislative/judicial jurisprudential illusion.
III. Rehabilitating/Enhancing the Constitutional Amendment Approach of 1791, to Having a Living Ontologically Free American Civilization, is attainable by educationally uplifting the grassroots unto a reflective mastery of the nihilative modus operandi of the upsurge of personal ontological freedom of action, by which mastery the coveted freedoms described by the 1791 Bill of Rights can be forever realized, kryptonically secured, preserved, and guaranteed against jurisprudential impediment thereto via currently ongoing freedom obviative, anti-Constitutional, anti-ontological, and anti-human language of law.
30. An American civilization, patterned in accordance with, not in legalistic discord with, core human original freedoms, was formally pioneered with the penning of The United States Bill of Rights in 1791. The Bill of Rights is our first American attempt to impart political immortality to designated and undesignated original human freedoms, by law, which, now, with the realization that language of law per se is not efficient to guarantee American conduct will always freely transpire in keeping with the original intent of the Bill of Rights, the possibility of constructing an alternative means of assuring an everlasting freedom for primal grassroots original freedoms is, nonetheless, attainable by informing Americans about what personal reflective ontological freedom is. Guaranteeing human rights of freedom cannot realistically be assured by law, which law is demonstrably not determinative of human behavior. However, the American original freedoms which are the foundation of American civilization, can be assured immortality by uplifting the American grassroots to a possession of reflective understanding of precisely what their primal original ontological freedom is and, of how said freedom naturally transpires, without law.
31. Twenty first century Americans cannot viably immortalize the living original ontological freedoms, currently idealized by a historic Bill of Rights, without stepping one’s knowledge of freedom up to the attainment of a reflective apprehension of the operative mode of one’s personal ontological freedom, whereby, via possessing the strength of being reflectively free, one’s original freedom can be lived as the only means to obviating inroads against the Bill of Rights, continually attempted by a merely pre-reflectively free and rampantly tyrannical extant American legal system.
32. We Americans shall not, cannot, solve/dissolve our sociospheric problems by endlessly making laws. It is by everyone attaining personal reflective knowledge of one’s absolute human original ontological freedom and, thereby, placing the pure nobility of our absolutely free human mode of originating our acts, at the forefront of our civilization, that, breathing free, our actions will honorably upsurge in keeping with our inherent human nobility, and will, thereby, transcend and leave an anti-human, suffocative, and destructive law/jurisprudence, abandoned, and alone, lost in an ignoble, slavish, sub-human legalistic depravity.
33. Original human ontological freedom is, in essence, the double nihilation.
34. The sole sole authentic original originative mode of upsurge of human action, comprehension of which constitutes a person reflectively ontologically free, is the double nihilation. To be reflectively free is to know precisely how one’s being originates acts which arise ex nihilo when, ordinarily, one’s ex nihilo nililitive origination of action and inaction naturally transpires unreflectively and all but unawares, which unawares exercise of one’s ontological freedom is one’s being merely pre-reflectively free.
35. American law is dependent upon the deluded misconception, and, upon the overall public misperception, that language of law is an actual overpowering, ruling, determinative efficacy among men. Moreover, American law is absolutely dependent, most of all, upon the pre-reflectively free American grassroots, which seemingly appears hopelessly overpowered by legalist interests; nonetheless, a radically viable means of transcending American totalitarian legalist misconduct is by point-blank explanation to American grassroots what their primal human original ontological freedom is, and, how original human ontological freedom nihila tively plots and navigates course. Via thus transcendently advancing American grassroots unto personal possession of a reflectively free freedom, it is possible to peaceably abandon and maroon an ignoble, grassroots dependent, American totalitarian law, alone and inept, upon the frightful and sterile desert island of misconceived and destructively mistaken notions of putative legalistic power. Thereby establishing an insulating existential ontological protective sea, of reflectively free grassroots consciousnesses, standing between each American and the destructively loose cannon that is extant tyrannical American law, (which law delusionally attempts, by legality/illegality, to suffocate and overpower primal deistically wrought nihilative human ontological determinative power), for the sake of openly voyaging unto a free ontological sociosphere, where individual Americans can correctly upsurge acts in knowing accord with their ontological structure, (absent the strained destructive legalo-ontological-disaccord universally promulgated by anti-ontological law), and, where original human ontological freedom establishes a noble and overpoweringly reflectively free grassroots reign over America, whereby a structurally self-conscious primal original freedom, educationally self-emancipated from an anti-human and anti-American legalism, will let freedom reign.
* ”...determination is negation…” Baruch Spinoza (1634-1677), Letter to Jareg Gelles, 2 June 1674, p.143, Correspondence of Benedict de Spinoza by Benedict de Spinoza. Translated from the Latin by R. H. W. Elwes. Start Publishing LLC. USA. 2012
** Sartre, Jean Paul, Being and Nothingness. An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology. p.435 . Trans. Hazel E. Barnes. Philosophical Library. New York. 1956.
*** Ibid, p.477.
**** Ibid, p.436.



Here it is important to differentiate between the intelligibility of my piece and, your particular capacity to follow along with some very difficult twentieth century existential theoretical constructs, which form the basis of my position.
What I am saying is indeed intelligible, i.e., it does in fact make sense, and, it does not make sense to you, is unintelligible to you, because the particular perspective being set forward regarding how a human act is thought to originate by existentialist thinkers, is entirely unfamiliar to you.
The piece represents new and original thinking on my part, wherein I am examining a presupposition central to all law, in the light of modern theory of the origin of human action. I think what I am saying is just so radically different an approach to and criticism of law, that it must indeed be particularly abstruse to most persons. Enscausasui


Well-known member
Enscausasui is obviously professing to be wiser than God...

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


Enscausasui is obviously professing to be wiser than God...

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Precisely Aimiel. I am saying that neither Jehovah nor Christ, who, for thousands of years now, are deemed to have made man, and who, nonetheless, attempt to be both deity-to and ruler of mankind, via given law and scripture, exhibit thereby, that they are entirely unfamiliar with how a man originates an act.

I am indeed saying I am more informed that either Jehovah or Christ, and, in a certain real sense, I am, therefore, smarter, more intelligent than these so called deities. To be a deity is simply to be of a higher order than another entity.

Since I can both claim and demonstrate that neither Jehovah nor Christ exhibit familiarity with how a human act upsurges, and, that I am indeed more conversant with how a human act actually originates than either of these two putative deities, I am deity to Christ, to Jehovah, because, when they mistakenly attempted to rule man via law/scripture, they demonstrated themselves to be unfamiliar with precisely how their purported creation, man, ticks. Enscausasui


Well-known member
In that case: God says that you are a fool. Please re-read the text. Not only did Jesus create every minute detail of man but He also became a man; thus proving your whacky theories to be just that. God, Who knows the end from the beginning, knew you would be distracted down this bunny-trail from before He laid the foundation of the earth. He also came and died upon a cross to take all of your sin and give you eternal life with Him in Heaven. If you choose to continue to ignore Him: one day you will be sorry. His patience doesn't last forever.


In that case: God says that you are a fool. Please re-read the text. Not only did Jesus create every minute detail of man but He also became a man; thus proving your whacky theories to be just that. God, Who knows the end from the beginning, knew you would be distracted down this bunny-trail from before He laid the foundation of the earth. He also came and died upon a cross to take all of your sin and give you eternal life with Him in Heaven. If you choose to continue to ignore Him: one day you will be sorry. His patience doesn't last forever.

I have indeed been reading and re reading the scripture you quoted; and, you merely continue to quote scripture, in order to hurl insult in the stead of reason, against my position.
You are so entirely totally immersed in scripture, that you absolutely fail to demonstrate any original capacity to actually defeat my position via rational reasoning of your own, and, do merely hurl insult(s) and, promises that your God is going to do violence to me !
In order to join this site I had to show that I am not a robot. You, by merely being able to quote scripture in response to my extraordinary and viable challenge to the authenticity of your God, demonstrate that you are a scriptural robot. Defeat my position with reason. Mere scriptural assertion is mere assertion, not disproof ! Enscausasui


Well-known member
I have indeed been reading and re reading the scripture you quoted; and, you merely continue to quote scripture, in order to hurl insult in the stead of reason, against my position.
You are so entirely totally immersed in scripture, that you absolutely fail to demonstrate any original capacity to actually defeat my position via rational reasoning of your own, and, do merely hurl insult(s) and, promises that your God is going to do violence to me !
In order to join this site I had to show that I am not a robot. You, by merely being able to quote scripture in response to my extraordinary and viable challenge to the authenticity of your God, demonstrate that you are a scriptural robot. Defeat my position with reason. Mere scriptural assertion is mere assertion, not disproof ! Enscausasui
Scripture is indeed proof enough that you're foolish: thinking yourself above The One Who created everything that exists. You obviously don't understand that God gives you proof of Himself everywhere and you overlook all of that proof. He's quite correct in calling you a fool. You believe yourself (a creature) to be above his Creator. What could possibly be more foolish than that? I don't mind being called a Scriptural robot, since I cling to God's Word which has not one single time been proven to be in error. I'm not only convinced of the evidence that I've found there but have come into a dynamic relationship with The Living God through those Holy Scriptures.


Scripture is indeed proof enough that you're foolish: thinking yourself above The One Who created everything that exists. You obviously don't understand that God gives you proof of Himself everywhere and you overlook all of that proof. He's quite correct in calling you a fool. You believe yourself (a creature) to be above his Creator. What could possibly be more foolish than that? I don't mind being called a Scriptural robot, since I cling to God's Word which has not one single time been proven to be in error. I'm not only convinced of the evidence that I've found there but have come into a dynamic relationship with The Living God through those Holy Scriptures.
My Son, (as Solomon always said): The particular language whereby I have posited disproof of the deity of your god, is your encounter with the first instance of a rational proof that Christ and Jehovah ERROR in regard to their mistaken belief, their mistaken presupposition, that they can mediate their putative deity to man via given law and scripture. Men wrote the scriptural law, the Torah, and, those men, who claim to be deistically inspired authors of God's word, show, by incorporating their lack of understanding of how a human act originates, that no god, but man, inspired scripture.
A genuine God who actually had created man would not have errored by attempting to control men by law, He would have known better, because he would have known that all determination is negation and, that law is not negation, but a factual and existing state of affairs.
I am lovingly working to explain correct understanding and reasoning to you,and all you can rise to doing is making threats against my person, thus, you are acting more like your god than I ! I can indeed out-think your god, and, all you are doing is attempting to out-threat him ! I am not, cannot be afraid of your non-deistic god. Enscausasui


Well-known member
My Son, (as Solomon always said): The particular language whereby I have posited disproof of the deity of your god, is your encounter with the first instance of a rational proof that Christ and Jehovah ERROR in regard to their mistaken belief, their mistaken presupposition, that they can mediate their putative deity to man via given law and scripture. Men wrote the scriptural law, the Torah, and, those men, who claim to be deistically inspired authors of God's word, show, by incorporating their lack of understanding of how a human act originates, that no god, but man, inspired scripture.
A genuine God who actually had created man would not have errored by attempting to control men by law, He would have known better, because he would have known that all determination is negation and, that law is not negation, but a factual and existing state of affairs.
I am lovingly working to explain correct understanding and reasoning to you,and all you can rise to doing is making threats against my person, thus, you are acting more like your god than I ! I can indeed out-think your god, and, all you are doing is attempting to out-threat him ! I am not, cannot be afraid of your non-deistic god. Enscausasui
Indeed, it is in beginning WITHOUT a fear of God that you err the most...

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

The Holy Scriptures aren't the ONLY source of wisdom, because the very Spirit of Wisdom inhabits those who come to know Him and love Him. Your specious arguments are just that: unfounded and silly. You attempt to use philosophy which is not only out-dated and silly but also disproven. Sartre was more of a satirist than philosopher and you quote him as if anything he wrote should be taken seriously. You believe yourself to be wiser than God, you should start your own religion. Were your books to out-sell The Holy Bible you'd have yourself a pile of cash. God doesn't need your advice and those who know Him aren't going to be side-tracked by your vain philosophies.


Indeed, it is in beginning WITHOUT a fear of God that you err the most...

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

The Holy Scriptures aren't the ONLY source of wisdom, because the very Spirit of Wisdom inhabits those who come to know Him and love Him. Your specious arguments are just that: unfounded and silly. You attempt to use philosophy which is not only out-dated and silly but also disproven. Sartre was more of a satirist than philosopher and you quote him as if anything he wrote should be taken seriously. You believe yourself to be wiser than God, you should start your own religion. Were your books to out-sell The Holy Bible you'd have yourself a pile of cash. God doesn't need your advice and those who know Him aren't going to be side-tracked by your vain philosophies.

You exhibit a lack of familiarity with Sartre's theoretical writings. He was novelist and playwriter. You cannot merely assert that Sartre is disproven !? Nonsense. Prove Sartre incorrect via your own reasoning; you do not do so because you cannot do so. Prove my position wrong via your own reasoning; you do not because you cannota. Stop merely asserting and give proof; references. Your Christian tribe, with you as a prime example, are totally stuck, stopped, trapped, sclerosed, repeating the selfsame scriptural precepts for two thousand years now. I am a twenty first century efficient thinker against whom you have no chance to demonstrate to be incorrect as long as you merely assert childish derisions of my position, and, do not, because you cannot, set forth reasoned and rational argumentation against what I am maintaining. It is insufficient to merely assert that my position is specious and unfounded, you must demonstrate it to be so. The very last thing my thinking is is unfounded, or, specious. You are merely parroting biblical precepts that are long since depassed. You cannot proceed by mere name calling and by pure assertion.

Never in a million years can you, or will you, ever, demonstrate the core theoretical construct whereupon all of Sartre's theoretical works and, all of my reflections are based, i.e., Spinoza's dictum: "determinatio negatio est"


Well-known member
You apparently worship your own mind, which, like most children, is stuck on itself and attempting to place your imagined reality upon others by making enough noise to be given your way just to be quieted. It doesn't follow that your lack of understanding regarding God is explained by your acceptance of a false dichotomy. The Truth is real even though you think that your 'truth' negates His existence or excels His Understanding. God is so far above you that you cannot even fathom His level of knowledge, wisdom or understanding. Thinking oneself to be above Him was Satan's mistake and with that kind of thinking he deceived even other angels who stood in God's Presence. I don't see your expounding a false philosophy as taking any prisoners from TOL. Even those who are on here who are lost: I don't see anyone falling for your tripe. One can only hope that one day you actually conceive of God being above you, grow a healthy fear of Him and seek and search for Him with all of your heart before you're forever regretting the errors of your infantile vanity.


You apparently worship your own mind, which, like most children, is stuck on itself and attempting to place your imagined reality upon others by making enough noise to be given your way just to be quieted. It doesn't follow that your lack of understanding regarding God is explained by your acceptance of a false dichotomy. The Truth is real even though you think that your 'truth' negates His existence or excels His Understanding. God is so far above you that you cannot even fathom His level of knowledge, wisdom or understanding. Thinking oneself to be above Him was Satan's mistake and with that kind of thinking he deceived even other angels who stood in God's Presence. I don't see your expounding a false philosophy as taking any prisoners from TOL. Even those who are on here who are lost: I don't see anyone falling for your tripe. One can only hope that one day you actually conceive of God being above you, grow a healthy fear of Him and seek and search for Him with all of your heart before you're forever regretting the errors of your infantile vanity.

You are so radically ignorant and so totally brainwashed by your man-inspired bible, that all you can possibly do is parrot scriptures and, viciously attack me using fallacious self-righteous
argumentum ad hominem against my person, instead rationally positing reasoning against my position.

You completely lack both the education and the reflection to even begin to fathom what I am explaining; instead, you incant your nonsensical Christian voodoo, intending to drive me away via your mean, hateful, blind rage and, xenophobic fear of a fresh and unfamiliar ontological disproof of Jehovah/Christ.

Being a so called Christian has enfeebled your sapientality and intensified your capacity for blind hatred and meanness; you are verily only a simple-minded and ignorant slave, who has voluntarily resigned your own consciousness, your own being, in order to slavishly do the will of your god; however, the will of your god most certainly is not that you treat a newbie, on this site, in the horrid hateful insulting manner in which you are treating me.

You are an abysmally ignorant and malignantly hateful 6'6" giant. I have actually, legitimately, slain your law, your scripture, and your god; therefore, you have turned into a raging mad man; for you cannot, via patient reason and intelligence, overpower the absolutely rational, high intelligence, mine, which is a self-made deity of infinite nobility, in possession of vastly more understanding of the structure of human ontological freedom, than the non-deity that you consider the Christ.

Please do not respond to me again, you are far too radically tiresome and, exhibit too infinite an ignorance and, too pure of a non-christian hatefulness and unforgiveness...upon the terms of your belief system, I should be forgiven for murdering your god, not crucified... Enscausasui


You like to insult people by being arrogant, I have noticed.

When being deluged with ongoing insults I am tendent to be somewhat insulting in return. I have never thought of myself as arrogant, but that 6'6" fellow absolutely stimulated me to be radically arrogant, didn't he !

Before I joined this forum, I read the description of what the owner's of this site recently intended when they decided to open the forum to everyone, so that good debate would be more fertile. I am an agnostic. I cannot see deity as an old man in the sky with a long grey beard, being there with a son with Roman spike holes in his hands. There surely is something infinitely more intelligent that we, something non-anthropomorphic, something which dwells within the very fabric of the cosmos, that wrought us.

I simply wish to interact with kind and level headed people, who are well-bred enough not to continually engage in insult, which is precisely what one would think a Christian forum would be. However, I certainly do not want the discussion to be about me, but, rather, about what I am maintaining, if at all possible. Enscausasui


When being deluged with ongoing insults I am tendent to be somewhat insulting in return. I have never thought of myself as arrogant, but that 6'6" fellow absolutely stimulated me to be radically arrogant, didn't he !

Before I joined this forum, I read the description of what the owner's of this site recently intended when they decided to open the forum to everyone, so that good debate would be more fertile. I am an agnostic. I cannot see deity as an old man in the sky with a long grey beard, being there with a son with Roman spike holes in his hands. There surely is something infinitely more intelligent that we, something non-anthropomorphic, something which dwells within the very fabric of the cosmos, that wrought us.

I simply wish to interact with kind and level headed people, who are well-bred enough not to continually engage in insult, which is precisely what one would think a Christian forum would be. However, I certainly do not want the discussion to be about me, but, rather, about what I am maintaining, if at all possible. Enscausasui

I am not saying a son of god is impossible like you. But the New Testament says he is fully human, and not the debate.

I believe the owners of the site are only concerned about converting others completely to their beliefs. I think you should go somewhere else.


I am not saying a son of god is impossible like you. But the New Testament says he is fully human, and not the debate.

I believe the owners of the site are only concerned about converting others completely to their beliefs. I think you should go somewhere else.

Now you are being radically unkind and rude, by insultingly informing me I am not welcome here. I think

you are indicating that you do not care to be informed that to believe law is an efficacy among human

beings, is to suffer from jurisprudential illusion, and, that to approach controlling the conduct of human

beings via law is delusional, because human beings are neither determined to act or forbear action by given

factual states of affairs.
I am precisely where I want to be, here, interacting with Christians, pointing out a central mistaken

presupposition entertained by their god, which demonstrates the non-deity of that god, precisely because I

am disappointed by slavish type persons who yearn to resign their own freedom, in order to adopt an

illusion as their master ! It is absurd that Christians came to this country in order to be free to reduce

themselves to slaves to a non-deistic god...I want to point-out the living contradiction lived by persons

who want freedom for the sake of attempting to resign from the normal and natural human task of living

independently and absolutely ontologically free, which is what human existence is.

Christians are persons on the run away from their original ontological freedom,frightened by the daunting

task of defining themselves for themselves, they hide from their own personal freedom, by praying to Christ

to take over their lives and, do the work of being a human being for them; which is precisely to attempt to

resign from the human race... Enscausasui


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Duane Clinton Meehan 2019
I. Law Is Not Determinative of Human Conduct. The Free Origin of Human Action Actually Upsurges via the Double Nihilation.
1. Human determination to action is a purely negative phenomenon, with the most fundamental expression of the first realization that human determination arises ex nihilo having appeared on the second day of June 1674, with the phrase:“...determinatio negatio est…”*, set forth by Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677).
2. All determination to act transpires negatively, with no prior given factual states of affairs being involved, for, “All determination is negation.”, a restatement of Spinoza’s phrase, by Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831), whereby, Jean Paul Sartre (1901-1980), incorporating both Spinoza and Hegel, wrote, in 1943 : “No factual state whatever it may be (the political and economic structure of society, the psychological “state,” etc.) is capable by itself of motivating any act whatsoever. For an act is a projection of the for-itself toward what is not, and what is can in no way determine by itself what is not.”** And, further: “But if human reality is action, this means evidently that its determination to action is itself action. If we reject this principle, and if we admit that human reality can be determined to action by a prior state of the world or itself, this amounts to putting a given at the beginning of the series. Then these acts disappear as acts in order to give place to a series of movements...The existence of the act implies its autonomy...Furthermore, if the act is not pure motion, it must be defined by an intention. No matter how this intention is considered, it can be only a surpassing of the given toward a result to be attained. This given, in fact, since it is pure presence, can not get out of itself. Precisely because it is, it is fully and solely what it is. Therefore it can not provide the reason for a phenomenon which derives all its meaning from a result to be attained; that is, from a non-existent… This intention, which is the fundamental structure of human reality, can in no case be explained by a given, not even if it is presented as an emanation from a given.”***
3. A human act does not, cannot, originate on the basis of a given factual state of affairs, for it is strictly within a purely negative procedural milieu, wherein one refuses the present while projecting unto a nonexistent future, whereby persons originate their acts, per what Sartre dubs the “double nihilation”.****
4. The double nihilation is the only possible human way in the world whereby the origination of a human act transpires.
5. The notion of determining persons to action and/or inaction with/by law, is not the human mode of originating acts, rather, it is an inauthentic, artificial, inhuman, anti-human, ultimately impossible, failed/failing attempt to control human beings causally, from the outside; while, all along, authentic human action origination is not a mechanistic prime mover phenomenon, wherein an external law-force either causally sets persons into action or to inaction.
6. The attempted mode of origin of human action which Yahweh ordains as law, is a redundant and, until now, untested hypothetical theory of origination of action, opposed to and obstructive of the originally free human ontological mode of action origination.
7. Human ‘ontological’, in lay terms, means the structural way human being is built to function; the logic of the way being human ticks, thus:
8. To nihilate is to make nothing
9. Human consciousness is the nothingness which makes/nihilates nothing(s). The future is a nothing which human consciousness makes via the double nihilation, which double nihilation is a pure engagement in nothingness and, transpires thus:
10. In the course of originating an act, consciousness projects and imagines a not yet existing future state of affairs as an end, goal, or objective, which it has not yet attained; thus, in its project toward an as yet non-existent future, consciousness has, on the one hand, made the nothing which is a not yet realized and as yet absent future; ---- and, the double, on-the-other-hand component, of the double nihilation, is, that, as consciousness upsurges toward its absent and unrealized future, consciousness refuses, abandons, and makes the present, given, extant state of affairs into the nothing which is the past; ----thus, we have the doubly nihilative movement of consciousness which is a double-making-nothing, whereby an intended human act originates and upsurges, as a particular nihilative engagement within the sociosphere, where human ontological freedom constantly makes the nothingness of one’s non-existent future become something present, which, in turn, passes into the nothingness which is one’s non-existent past, ad infinitum.
11. Only the double nihilation is the negation, the negative process, the sole means, whereby human action upsurges in the world, out of nothing..
12. Positivist materialist deterministic legalistically oriented persons lack reflective consciousness of the human ontological fact that determination to action, or inaction, for original human freedom, upsurges only as two negative moments of the doubly nihilative movement of consciousness, vectoring unto an intended future.
13. Current legal thought lacks understanding of human existential ontological structural realities which permit one to hold: The original human freedom which creatively authors law is absolutely not in turn subject to being determined, constricted, and controlled by that selfsame created language of law; --- law whereby considerations regarding what is legal or illegal, guilt or not guilt, punishable or excusable, criminal or innocent, lawful, or, unlawful, are daily employed for and against human beings who cannot, by virtue of their very ontological structure, actually be determined to act or forbear action by a man made language of law, which law is created by the same originally free human consciousness which jurisprudence vainly and mistakenly attempts, by law, to control.
14. Law is a deluded mode of thought which mistakenly artificially constricts all sociospheric phenomenon as being either legal or, illegal, and, mistakenly mistreats human beings, in violent disaccord with their human ontological structure, by illegitimately forcing upon all persons the insistent and wholly mistaken notion that given language of law is a determinative force within human affairs, a determinative force whereby acceptable human conduct is causally determined, and, human misconduct is efficiently causally obviated, by a ubiquitous language of law.
15. All persons, in their primal original freedom, are structured such that they are not, cannot be, either causally determined to action or inaction by law, or, self-determine themselves to act or forbear action per motivatIon by given language of law. To maintain that language of law is determinative of human conduct is ontologically unintelligible because, “...determinatio negatio est ...” * , i.e., all human determination to action is negation/nihilation, and, law is a given, positive, factual state of affairs, which law, as an in-itself identity a = a, is what it is, and, as such, ‘cannot get out of itself in order by itself ’ to act as an originative force engaged in the upsurge of a human act.
16. Judaeo-Christian theological error consists in deeming the Biblical Yahweh, Jehovah, and Christ, to be Deity which both created man, and, master and command men via written law and scripture.
17. An authentic Omnipotent Godhead, having made man, would not thereafter mistakenly demand man determine himself, in his acts and forbearance, by a deistically established and enforced language of law/scripture; for to do so contravenes man’s authentic ontological mode of originating action and inaction; which human ontological mode of upsurge of action Yahweh, Jehovah, and Christ, by proclaiming man shall be determined in his acts, and forbearance to act, by a language of law attendant upon holy scripture, thereby exhibit an incompetent lack of familiarity with the originative mode of upsurge of human action. If an Omnipotent God had indeed created man, that Omnipotent would have known a priori that human beings cannot be determined, in their acts and forbearance, by the given factual states of law and scripture; thereby indicating Judaeo-Christian Deity, as described by Biblical Prophets, are inauthentic Deity, and, further, are inauthentic Deity which both practice mistake and exhibit ignorance regarding the genuine doubly nihilative mode of originative upsurge of human action, and, of human forbearance to act.
18. Human consciousness is prior to the theoretical construct "law", which law is mistakenly posited as determinative of human conduct, by a series of human Biblical Prophetic consciousnesses; nevertheless, law-positing human consciousness, by virtue of its own ontological structure, cannot subsequently be determined to action, or inaction, by the self-same mistakenly posited language of "law".
19. False Biblical Deity and Prophets mistakenly insist men determine their conduct via existing “law” and “scripture”, while all the while, all determination is negation, meaning human action-origination transpires purely on the basis of a non-existent future, not on the basis of existing states of affairs like law(s).
20. Thus, Sartre’s theory of origin of human action, (which theory posits consciousness as upsurging acts via “the double nihilation”, a position wholly predicated upon Baruch Spinoza’s “determinatio negatio est”, is the negative theoretical construct central to demonstrating precisely why neither Yahweh, nor Jehovah, nor Jesus Christ, --- who all mistakenly thought men could be determined to action by the positive, given, factual state of affairs, which is law,--- are demonstrably not deities), is the means of clearly showing that the putative deities currently known as Yahweh/Jehovah/Christ are not, cannot, be Deity.
21. Therefore, given that Jehovah can be shown to be seriously mistaken regarding his notion that language of law is an efficacy in the sphere of human determination to action, we have hewn a path through the ontological unintelligibility exhibited by inauthentic law making Deity, which hewn path now leads us to demonstrating, likewise, the ontological unintelligibility of extant American jurisprudence, thus:
II. Legislative/Judicial Illusion is an Instance of Existential Absurdity Which Constitutes Extant Legal Authority as In-Authoritative Authority, Since Language of Law is Not In Fact Determinative of Either Legislative/Judicial or, Grassroots Conduct.
22. We Americans now exist, regardless of a strong historical constitutional ideality assuring us vast individual liberty, a tyrannical and freedom-destructive absolutism of law, predicated upon the radically mistaken presupposition that given jurisprudentially posited language is determinative of human conduct. Emancipatory relief, from the intensifying tyranny of American absolutistic language of law, begins via description of a mistaken legalist presupposition which is an enforced jurisprudential illusion, an enforced error.
23. Human existential absurdity designates givens as cause/motive/determinant of one’s action, while, in reality, human action exclusively originates ex nihilo, via the nihilative power continually exercised by consciousness.
24. Legislative/judicial illusion is an instance of human existential absurdity, wherein the illusion consists in blindly, mistakenly, presupposing given language of law to be determinative of human action and inaction; --- legislative/judicial illusion is the ontologically unintelligible misconception of mistakenly presupposing given language of law determines one’s acts, and/or, that one determines one’s self to act, or forbear action, by given law.
25. The American legislative/judicial illusion of ascribing to human action an origination in, and/or, by, given written law, is an unintentionally mistaken, silent, absurd, fatally ontologically unintelligible, presupposition.
26. The in-authority of American legal authority consists in the legislative/judicial illusion whereby, so called legal authority absurdly claims given language of law to be determinative of actions by legal authority against persons; while, all the while, defense against the in-authoritative authority of American law, consists in proclaiming the human ontological reality that all human determination to action transpires only via doubly nihilative conscious moments, attendant upon the double nihilation, whereby each and every originally absolutely ontologically free human consciousness, intentionally imagines, and, intentionally upsurges unto an absent future.
27. One can mistakenly deem one’s self to be determining one’s self to act in accord with given language of law, however, one cannot legitimately, accurately, and humanely claim and declare given language of law to be an ontologically authentic and correct basis/reason for subjecting, for example, in one’s role as legislator or prosecutor, or magistrate, another human being to punishment; for, as a being for whom action originates and upsurges as a function of the doubly nihilative movement characterizable of the pursuit of one’s every conscious project, it is absurd, illusory, and in unintentional bad faith, as ex nihilo nihilative originator of one’s acts, to claim that one is determined to judicial action against another person by given language of law; therefore, ultimately, one cannot in fact legitimately act, is not in fact legitimately acting, against another human being on the basis of, and in accord with, one’s false notion that given published enforced language of law is determinative of one’s conduct.
28. The designation of given language of law as a means for punishing another human being is entirely inconsistent with the sole ontological doubly nihilative process whereby the originative upsurge of human action transpires.
29. No magistrate can in ontological fact be determined to action, or, determine himself to action by law, therefore, any punishment which said magistrate declares against a person, in the name of law, is predicated upon the legal/jurisprudential error of mistakenly presupposing a determinative efficacy of the language of law, which error constitutes ongoing legal malpractice of an inhumane and, unethical, legislative/judicial jurisprudential illusion.
III. Rehabilitating/Enhancing the Constitutional Amendment Approach of 1791, to Having a Living Ontologically Free American Civilization, is attainable by educationally uplifting the grassroots unto a reflective mastery of the nihilative modus operandi of the upsurge of personal ontological freedom of action, by which mastery the coveted freedoms described by the 1791 Bill of Rights can be forever realized, kryptonically secured, preserved, and guaranteed against jurisprudential impediment thereto via currently ongoing freedom obviative, anti-Constitutional, anti-ontological, and anti-human language of law.
30. An American civilization, patterned in accordance with, not in legalistic discord with, core human original freedoms, was formally pioneered with the penning of The United States Bill of Rights in 1791. The Bill of Rights is our first American attempt to impart political immortality to designated and undesignated original human freedoms, by law, which, now, with the realization that language of law per se is not efficient to guarantee American conduct will always freely transpire in keeping with the original intent of the Bill of Rights, the possibility of constructing an alternative means of assuring an everlasting freedom for primal grassroots original freedoms is, nonetheless, attainable by informing Americans about what personal reflective ontological freedom is. Guaranteeing human rights of freedom cannot realistically be assured by law, which law is demonstrably not determinative of human behavior. However, the American original freedoms which are the foundation of American civilization, can be assured immortality by uplifting the American grassroots to a possession of reflective understanding of precisely what their primal original ontological freedom is and, of how said freedom naturally transpires, without law.
31. Twenty first century Americans cannot viably immortalize the living original ontological freedoms, currently idealized by a historic Bill of Rights, without stepping one’s knowledge of freedom up to the attainment of a reflective apprehension of the operative mode of one’s personal ontological freedom, whereby, via possessing the strength of being reflectively free, one’s original freedom can be lived as the only means to obviating inroads against the Bill of Rights, continually attempted by a merely pre-reflectively free and rampantly tyrannical extant American legal system.
32. We Americans shall not, cannot, solve/dissolve our sociospheric problems by endlessly making laws. It is by everyone attaining personal reflective knowledge of one’s absolute human original ontological freedom and, thereby, placing the pure nobility of our absolutely free human mode of originating our acts, at the forefront of our civilization, that, breathing free, our actions will honorably upsurge in keeping with our inherent human nobility, and will, thereby, transcend and leave an anti-human, suffocative, and destructive law/jurisprudence, abandoned, and alone, lost in an ignoble, slavish, sub-human legalistic depravity.
33. Original human ontological freedom is, in essence, the double nihilation.
34. The sole sole authentic original originative mode of upsurge of human action, comprehension of which constitutes a person reflectively ontologically free, is the double nihilation. To be reflectively free is to know precisely how one’s being originates acts which arise ex nihilo when, ordinarily, one’s ex nihilo nililitive origination of action and inaction naturally transpires unreflectively and all but unawares, which unawares exercise of one’s ontological freedom is one’s being merely pre-reflectively free.
35. American law is dependent upon the deluded misconception, and, upon the overall public misperception, that language of law is an actual overpowering, ruling, determinative efficacy among men. Moreover, American law is absolutely dependent, most of all, upon the pre-reflectively free American grassroots, which seemingly appears hopelessly overpowered by legalist interests; nonetheless, a radically viable means of transcending American totalitarian legalist misconduct is by point-blank explanation to American grassroots what their primal human original ontological freedom is, and, how original human ontological freedom nihila tively plots and navigates course. Via thus transcendently advancing American grassroots unto personal possession of a reflectively free freedom, it is possible to peaceably abandon and maroon an ignoble, grassroots dependent, American totalitarian law, alone and inept, upon the frightful and sterile desert island of misconceived and destructively mistaken notions of putative legalistic power. Thereby establishing an insulating existential ontological protective sea, of reflectively free grassroots consciousnesses, standing between each American and the destructively loose cannon that is extant tyrannical American law, (which law delusionally attempts, by legality/illegality, to suffocate and overpower primal deistically wrought nihilative human ontological determinative power), for the sake of openly voyaging unto a free ontological sociosphere, where individual Americans can correctly upsurge acts in knowing accord with their ontological structure, (absent the strained destructive legalo-ontological-disaccord universally promulgated by anti-ontological law), and, where original human ontological freedom establishes a noble and overpoweringly reflectively free grassroots reign over America, whereby a structurally self-conscious primal original freedom, educationally self-emancipated from an anti-human and anti-American legalism, will let freedom reign.
* ”...determination is negation…” Baruch Spinoza (1634-1677), Letter to Jareg Gelles, 2 June 1674, p.143, Correspondence of Benedict de Spinoza by Benedict de Spinoza. Translated from the Latin by R. H. W. Elwes. Start Publishing LLC. USA. 2012
** Sartre, Jean Paul, Being and Nothingness. An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology. p.435 . Trans. Hazel E. Barnes. Philosophical Library. New York. 1956.
*** Ibid, p.477.
**** Ibid, p.436.
tl ; dr

Anyway to summarize this for us?
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