ECT The club's defensiveness about commentaries

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"Foolish old woman" and her need to report you set my mind wondering why an old woman would post an avatar pretending to be young and cute. Maybe one of these would be closer to the truth:

Oh good, another pig in sheep's clothing has reared his ugly head.

Danoh and Truster make quite a pair. One claims to be Mad, but isn't, and the other claims he isn't a Calivinist, but he is. And Truster is worried about my avatar being misleading. :rotfl:


Well-known member
This week there was a 'commentary' that supported 2P2P about the 'will', so all the D'ist gang honked and hooted support. Because they are not really against commentaries if they are D'ist. But they won't admit that. They think the problem is commentaries.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
This week there was a 'commentary' that supported 2P2P about the 'will', so all the D'ist gang honked and hooted support. Because they are not really against commentaries if they are D'ist. But they won't admit that. They think the problem is commentaries.

I didn't.
The problem is that you study commentaries, not the Bible.


Well-known member
It's just another lie from the liar. I don't recall any of us saying we're against commentaries in principle. I have several, yes they're almost all d'ist. How often to I consult them? It's been years.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It's just another lie from the liar. I don't recall any of us saying we're against commentaries in principle. I have several, yes they're almost all d'ist. How often to I consult them? It's been years.

Every post from IP is drenched in commentary phrases, not Bible.


Well-known member
It's just another lie from the liar. I don't recall any of us saying we're against commentaries in principle. I have several, yes they're almost all d'ist. How often to I consult them? It's been years.

Yep, some comments are true and some comments are false.

We learn by contrasts.


Well-known member
Yep, some comments are true and some comments are false.

We learn by contrasts.

Yep. Way back when I was gifted with an entire set of Ernie Campbell's commentaries and you don't get more MAD than that. I still have it. But ol' Ernie was a pretty staunch Calvinist (as was my former pastor who studied under him) and that causes a lot of his comments to be rejected. Very good grasp of Greek, though, the set is worth it's weight for that alone.


Well-known member
Yep. Way back when I was gifted with an entire set of Ernie Campbell's commentaries and you don't get more MAD than that. I still have it. But ol' Ernie was a pretty staunch Calvinist (as was my former pastor who studied under him) and that causes a lot of his comments to be rejected. Very good grasp of Greek, though, the set is worth it's weight for that alone.

Say? Wasn't that the kid that was on 'My Three Sons'?


Well-known member
It's just another lie from the liar. I don't recall any of us saying we're against commentaries in principle. I have several, yes they're almost all d'ist. How often to I consult them? It's been years.

Exactly. You keep D'ist commentaries around and are paranoid about the others; you might found out something unpleasant about D'ism!
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