the church


New member
you are attacking His church and His mother
-take another look at what Jesus did at His temple
-what you are doing is risky to say the least

No risk at all telling the truth. It the surest thing I know.

1. Jesus did not start a Church.
2. Mary is not the mother of his new body.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I will say it again
-Jesus is God and could not be born of a sinful woman
-mary is not God and could be born of a sinful woman


New member
"on this rock I will build My church"

The word was ekklesia and denotes all called believers. It does not denote an institution or a place.

Lord Jesus has called his elect from around the world to meet together and do the works he prepared from the foundation of the world... and since he removed the need for a middle man (the Old Testament priests) and lives in all of his children, the need for an over arching institution is negated.