the church


" The whole idea of RCC sacraments that convey saving grace upon people is unbiblical " I personally had 5 of the 7 sacraments and there was no change in me what so ever.. not one iota until Jesus alone saved me.. I wasted so many years believing in man not the Lord.. I pray no one waits as long as I did... Blessings..


" The whole idea of RCC sacraments that convey saving grace upon people is unbiblical " I personally had 5 of the 7 sacraments and there was no change in me what so ever.. not one iota until Jesus alone saved me.. I wasted so many years believing in man not the Lord.. I pray no one waits as long as I did... Blessings..
They also believe in ex opere operato. A latin term that means that JUST BY DOING the ritual or act... its effect is wrought in you.*

Kinda like saying that putting on the wedding ring makes you married.


Aphraates 280-345 states that Jesus is the Rock the church is built on and we stand upon that Rock by faith.

"Thus also the true Stone, our Lord Jesus Christ, is the foundation of all our faith. And on Him, on [this] Stone faith is based. And resting on faith all the structure rises until it is completed. For it is the foundation that is the beginning of all the building. For when any one is brought near unto faith, it is laid for him upon the Stone, that is our Lord Jesus Christ. And his building cannot be shaken by the waves, nor can it be injured by the winds. By the stormy blasts it does not fall, because its structure is reared upon the rock of the true Stone. And in this that I have called Christ the Stone, I have not spoken of my own thought, but the Prophets beforehand called Him the Stone. And this I shall make clear to you."

Aphraates (280-345) --Demonstrations 1.2


New member
whoa! - it is in the bible - right?

How do you know that what is in the bible is true?

what would Jesus give to peter that wouldn't be needed after peter?

I wasn't questioning whether anyone else would get them. I was questioning whether the verse says that only Peter and one other person at a time get them.

You asked what else the statement could mean. I'm saying that if I say to you, "Chrystostom, you are Thirsty Guy, with you I will build my Refreshing Beverage Empire. Unto you I give a cup of ice cold, delicious, double-reverse-osmosis-filtered spring water," it might be possible I'm planning on handing out some other glasses of water at some point, and that you don't need to keep the cup to pass on to one person at a time.

But, really, how do you know what is in the bible is true?


New member
the church teaches -
the church guides -
like a shepherd guides his flock -
Jesus asked peter to feed His sheep

He also told Peter not to wield authority and dominion over other believers, but the Pope says that's not important so we can safely ignore it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
He also told Peter not to wield authority and dominion over other believers, but the Pope says that's not important so we can safely ignore it.

the pope can now reach us directly with tv and the internet -
that was not always the case -
he still needs his bishops and priests to protect the truth presented in the churches around the world


New member
the pope can now reach us directly with tv and the internet -
that was not always the case -
he still needs his bishops and priests to protect the truth presented in the churches around the world

It looks like you missed my prior post.

How do you know that the bible is true?


The Catholic Church has the luxury of making up it's own history as it sees fit to see itself as consistent and infallible.

But go take a trip to the Middle Ages :wave2: