the church


New member
how would you know?

It is called believing God over men.

1Jo 5:13
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.


New member
does God talk to you?
-are you referring to your interpretation of the bible that the church gave you

I have a bible so there is NO need for a pope, or human priest to give me their misinterpretations. Why would you trust them when God gave you a brain and I assume YOU can read ?


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Hall of Fame
My bible says vengeance belongs to God.

Why during the dark ages did YOUR church murder those that would not submit to a pope ?

man within the church will make mistakes, we are all sinners but God is guiding His church


New member
God inspired the men who wrote the bible
-God inspired the church to pick the books that would go into the bible

You finally acknowledged and gave God some credit ! Good start.

God did not use the idolatrous and pagan Roman Church. The scriptures were compiled long before 325 A.D when Constantine started the RCC, but you apparently will continue to believe the lies you have been taught.