ECT The Church of Christian Truthers


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Please elaborate on your expertise to judge scientific evidence and your qualifications to deny eyewitness testimonies.
Eyewitness testimony has long been questioned in terms of accuracy. For instance, a large concrete beam failing and a small explosion sound very much the same. A wall falling over propels air outward at high velocities creating clouds of dust that look like an explosion. When the wall hits the floor it even sounds a lot like and explosion. To the average person, how are they supposed to tell the difference? They are not qualified to make expert judgements on what they saw. They can provide qualitative information, they cannot provide quantitative information.


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The observations and reports by firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians were of large explosions.
Did they actually see explosions or phenomenon that mimicked explosions? What was their training in terms of explosives that would make them experts in their observations? What was their training in building demolitions that would make them experts?


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Yet you think that you are qualified to make an expert judgment on what you haven't seen.
I have watched the videos and compared them against the physics of the collapse. The version of "truth" offered by the truthers totally ignores the laws of physics.


New member
I have watched the videos and compared them against the physics of the collapse. The version of "truth" offered by the truthers totally ignores the laws of physics.
Sorry but Truther physicists, architects and the structural engineers that actually build highrise steel-framed buildings trump electrical engineers.


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Sorry but Truther physicists, architects and the structural engineers that actually build highrise steel-framed buildings trump electrical engineers.
Might normally be true except the Popular mechanics but the truther version of the facts to the test and guess what, they were wrong on every point. I may not build buildings but I did study statics and dynamics. I studied physics and understand what 1/2*m*v^2 means and how that applies to the collapse of these buildings.


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You obviously didn't see the videos that I posted.
Several times. And you didn't address my questions regarding their qualifications to determine the difference between a floor collapsing and an explosion on that same floor.


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Your imagined superiority above others has deluded you. The documentary contains the testimonies of experts in demolition.
They are entertaining but nothing else. I have watched their videos and explanations and they see what they want to see, not what is there. In a controlled demolition, you see puffs of smoke/derbies before the building starts to collapse. At the WTC building you see the buildings start to move and then see puffs of smoke/derbies.

Truthers see what they want to see and call it truth. They do far more harm than good.


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And you claim to know more than the career professionals in the video that are licensed to do controlled demolitions.
I claim that what they are saying does not match the video evidence. I also point out that your small group of experts is not supported by a much larger group of engineers, architects and demolitions experts. In other words, the majority of the experts that examine the videos and available data agree that your experts are wrong. Dueling experts is always an interesting position to be in but when the majority of the experts show the science behind the physics of the failures and all the truther experts can do is claim, well, they are wrong, your experts lose all credibility.


New member
I also point out that your small group of experts is not supported by a much larger group of engineers, architects and demolitions experts.
Where is the proof that a much larger group of structural engineers, architects and demolitions experts have examined the evidence? And how do they explain the obvious lies told by NIST?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Where is the proof that a much larger group of structural engineers, architects and demolitions experts have examined the evidence? And how do they explain the obvious lies told by NIST?
Look at the Popular Mechanics report. Look at the Nat Geo video I linked to. Search it on he internet.

Please list the lies of the NIST and post your supporting documentation that proves they lied.