The Broad Way, The Narrow Way and Few There Be That Find It.


New member
Yet you quote something talking about being under law. Which the believer IS NOT.

And he is quoting it completely of context with scripture.

David said, "The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.
(Psalm 14:1)

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Having the holy spirit is proof one is made sinless through their faith in Christ. The holy spirit is hallowed. A believer is also not under law where these sins are counted towards us. Since we're in the age of freedom/grace of Christ. I like to refer to Hebrews 10 when talking about perfection in Christ or the foot washing since he mentions that one who is in christ is 'completely clean' even if they have to wash their feet.

I draw a distinction of a sin one may commit on a daily place and what Christ has done... he came once and perfected us forever through his work. He's our advocate if we do sin.. speaking on our behalf.

We all sin everyday. God's law is spiritual. It searches the desires and the intent of the heart, Hebrews 4:12,13. Are all of your thoughts pure and without sin?