The British problem with Islam, represented in one GIF

The Barbarian

Unbelievable. At least our cops would blow his head off without hesitation.

Not all of them. Some are remarkably brave:
This brave young officer saved a man's life when he was ready to throw it away. The British cops were doing the same thing. And yes, no one would have blamed the American cop or the British cops, if they said, "hey, this could get me killed", and they shot the suspect.

But they were more than just guys with guns; they were real police officers, and they put their lives on the line to save people who were really asking to be gunned down.

What if some cops aren't that brave? Then they aren't. Not everyone takes his oath that seriously.

The Barbarian

Another bit of propaganda then. Interesting to see some of the comments on the page as well:

"The video is edited right before he is apprehended. No bullets had to be shot. No life was lost."

"They took him down in 14 sec in the real video."

Guy arrested, no life lost, no shots needing to be fired. What a terrible result.


Every time a criminal is taken alive, a troll cries.:allsmile:


Well-known member
Another bit of propaganda then. Interesting to see some of the comments on the page as well:

"The video is edited right before he is apprehended. No bullets had to be shot. No life was lost."

"They took him down in 14 sec in the real video."

Guy arrested, no life lost, no shots needing to be fired. What a terrible result.


I guess the cops are always in gangs like that....just in case. ;)


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Well-known member
"More Americans have died from guns in the United States since 1968 than on battlefields of all the wars in American history."
— Nicholas Kristof on Thursday, August 27th, 2015 in his column in the New York Times

The 58 killed and over 500 wounded in Mas Vegas weren't victims of radical Islamic terrorist!

The 17 students and teachers gunned down in Florida didn't die because of Muslims!

Today's marches in Washington and those around the nation aren't protesting Islam!

Trump and his surrogates are so desperate to make this an issue that they have to divert our attention from the carnage happening in America to a few isolated cases in Britain!

Boo Hoo.....the criminals will NEVER give up their guns, and the rest of us won't need 10 cops to chase them around cars.

The Barbarian

The takeaway is that British cops are forced to be sissies.

A sissy would have pulled out a gun and shot the perp dead. Instead, they risked their lives to take him alive.

That's courage under attack, and well done indeed.

In spite of all the publicity over a small percentage trigger-happy idiots who let their fellow officers down, I think most cops in America would do as well.

The Barbarian

The police in both of these cases, managed to subdue the perp without having to kill him. That's what a professional does, Musty. Maybe you should let them decide how it's done, seeing as they got it right each time.

Yes, I know, you'd rather have them just shoot people. And a few of them do. But most of them take their mission seriously. For which you may someday be very grateful.