The Breath Of Life


Well-known member
All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of animals, another of fish, and another of birds. (1 Corinthians 15:39 NKJV)
"There is one kind of flesh of men..."

Let's say for the sake of discussion that the Word was made in the flesh of men, not animals or fish or birds.

The Son of man descended from the heavens, (Proverbs 30:4, John 3:13) in the somatiko-bodily form of a Yonah-Dove, (Luke 3:22) and abode-remained upon the man Yeshua throughout his ministry and at Golgotha, (from about the sixth hour, John 19:14). :)

Genesis 1:2 YLT
2. the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness [is] on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the face of the waters,

Strong's Ref. #7363
Romanized rachaph
Pronounced raw-khaf'
a primitive root; to brood; by implication, to be relaxed:
KJV--flutter, move, shake.

Matthew 23:37 RSV
37. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!


Well-known member
Hi Keypurr, in my understanding the Father reserves a residue of the Spirit to Himself. Compare both the Hebrew and the Septuagint Greek versions of Gen 2:7 and you will find word for word what concerns what, (and it carries throughout the scripture if one forces himself/herself to abide by the principles laid out even though it is quite difficult sometimes because of old man dogma). What you will not find in the Hebrew and Greek texts of Gen 2:7 are the words ruwach-spirit-wind-breath, (Hebrew) or pneuma-spirit-wind-breath, (Greek). A hint at the explanation may be found in Malachi 2:15. :)

Brings to mind that we carry the spirit of Christ within us.

You post implies that God shares his spirit with whom he pleases, most likely those who worship him in spirit. It tells us how we can let him control our thoughts.

Ruach haKodesh is the Holy Spirit.
Are all spirits one? Or do they come from one?


Well-known member
The breath of life as per Gen 2:7 isn't just breath; nor is it merely
atmospheric gases. Artificial respiration won't bring a corpse to life; and
that's exactly what Adam was when God first made him.

Christ restored a number of dead bodies to life in the New Testament; and I
have no doubt he did it by reuniting those bodies with their original breath of
life; so that when the bodies revived, they didn't come back as somebody
other than who the people were before they died.

The breath of life is pretty cool. With it; people can exist without a body.

The Watch Tower Society teaches its missionaries that human life is entirely
organic; viz: when people die, they go completely out of existence. If what
the Society teaches is true, then Christ didn't restore the dead to life;
instead: he re-created them.

Additionally: if what the Society teaches is true, then when Christ died, he
ceased to exist. For three days and nights there was no Christ. So in order
to restore Christ to life, God had to re-create him.


No, all he had to do was give him spirit. Spirit is life.
If Christ did not fully die your faith is worthless.


Well-known member
Also, Jamie, the Father is absolutely non-corporeal. There is no shape, form, or body, and no one has seen the Father at any time. However, the Son, not so much:

Luke 3:22 ASV
22. and the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily [GSN#4984 somatikos] form, as a dove, upon him, and a voice came out of heaven, Thou art my beloved Son: in thee I am well pleased.

Strong's Ref. #4984
Romanized somatikos
Pronounced so-mat-ee-kos'
from GSN4983; corporeal or physical:

One MUST account for this in his or her doctrine. Forms of this word are employed only three times total in what is now considered the canon by most. One of the other places where it is found is 1 Tim 4:8 for "bodily exercise", (KJV) showing that it most certainly pertains to the physical and corporeal which excludes the Father. The same is true of Ruach Elohim from Gen 1:2 where we read that Ruach Elohim brooded over the face of the waters. This cannot be the Father Himself because He is not confined to any one space or territory and is non-corporeal:

Genesis 1:2
2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the abyss: and Ruach Elohim brooded over the face of the waters.

Ruach Elohim = Spirit of Elohim = Spirit of God

Matthew 3:16
16. And Yeshua having been immersed by and by ascended from the water: and behold, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of Elohim [to Pneuma tou Theou] descending as a dove, and coming upon him:

Pneuma tou Theou = Spirit of Elohim = Spirit of God


New member
According to the Bible, the wages of sin is death. (Rom 6:23)

Let's say somebody tells 50 lies in their lifetime. That's 50 counts of
dishonesty; each one punishable by death.

In order to satisfy justice for each of those 50 lies, it would be necessary for
the liar to undergo death 50 times. Well; according to Dan 12:2 and John
5:28-29 there's only one resurrection allotted per person. So the serial liar
will be stuck with a pretty large balance of lies on the books for which he has
no lives remaining to settle his debts.

Death is the ideal justice for liars: it's quick, and it's over, and done with. But
seeing as how that's not possible for serial liars, then the only other option is
perpetual death.

†. Rev 21:8 . . But as for deceivers of every sort, their lot is in the burning
pool of fire and sulfur, which is the second death.

The human body is organic. It will not survive for very long in that pool.
However, human existence isn't entirely organic. There's an element to
human existence called the breath of life (Gen 2:7). The breath of life isn't
atmospheric gases. It's that part of human existence that makes it possible
for humans to be sentient beings instead of vegetables.

Now the interesting thing about the breath of life is that it's transferable.

For example: when Abraham, Lazarus, and the rich man of Luke 16:19-31
passed away, they all left their organic bodies behind, yet on the other side
they remain sentient.

I don't know for sure what kind of a body they have on the other side, but
one thing I do know is that their identities have not changed: Abraham is
still Abraham, Lazarus is still Lazarus, and the rich man is still the rich man;
and that's because they kept their breath of life when they crossed over to
the other side.

God plans to destroy people's bodies and souls in hell (Matt 10:28). But to
my knowledge, He has no plans to destroy their breath of life. The anti-hell
people floating in and out around here are going to find that out for
themselves soon enough.


My Bible says that man became a living "soul." That's why I like my bible. Also just because it's interesting, in Revelation 9:11 good to note that, this angel is commonly misrepresented as a demon. He is Both Apollyon and Abaddon which mean by definition "destroyer." How do I know he's not a demon? Because of Revelation 9:1 Now ask yourself who has the keys to hell? Revelation 1:18


Well-known member
Brings to mind that we carry the spirit of Christ within us.

You post implies that God shares his spirit with whom he pleases, most likely those who worship him in spirit. It tells us how we can let him control our thoughts.

Ruach haKodesh is the Holy Spirit.
Are all spirits one? Or do they come from one?

Yes, within us, and those "in Messiah Yeshua" by way of abiding in his Testimony are one, and all of one Spirit, (made to drink of the same/one Spirit, 1 Cor 10:3-4, 1 Cor 12:13). This may also be what 1 John 4:1-4 actually intends; for greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. He that denies Messiah dwelling in him is, no doubt, of the spirit of the world, (and Messiah is the Savior of the body, Eph 5:23, and we are his body).

As for your question, from the top of my head at the spur of the moment:

Numbers 16:20-22 KJV
20. And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
21. Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment.
22. And they fell upon their faces, and said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation?

Numbers 27:15-16 KJV
15. And Moses spake unto the Lord, saying,
16. Let the Lord, [YHWH] the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation,

The Septuagint has the same, that is, Kurios for YHWH in Numbers 27:16.


Well-known member
Brings to mind that we carry the spirit of Christ within us.

You post implies that God shares his spirit with whom he pleases, most likely those who worship him in spirit. It tells us how we can let him control our thoughts.

Ruach haKodesh is the Holy Spirit.
Are all spirits one? Or do they come from one?

Also, in the context of Gen 2:7, (and the lack of ruach or pneuma) we "acquire" the spirit of the world somewhere "along the way", (it is not something we have from or at birth). When we first enter into Yeshua faithfulness we are given the seal of the Holy Spirit, which is the Testimony of Yeshua in the Gospel accounts and writings, (Testimony is Spirit) which is likened by Paul to a downpayment on a house, ("the earnest of the Spirit"). Some put on Messiah, even the mind of Messiah, and are set for an appointed time which the Father only knows, when the buyback-purchase from the earth will come to pass and the Promise will be fulfilled, (when a child becomes a son, like Bar-Mitzvah). But unfortunately many do not put on Messiah because of how modern Christianity has changed Salvation™ into essentially the registered trademark of what has become an eternal insurance company. Yet God still uses such things; and from the time of sealing, at initial faith, each person individually in his or her own time is "predestined" because the Father knows who is serious and who is a fraud from day one.


New member
My Bible says that man became a living "soul."

The Hebrew word for "soul" is nephesh (neh'-fesh)

There's nothing unique about nephesh. It's a very common word for created
forms of life in the book of Genesis. For example:

Aqua life and winged life (Gen 1:20-21)

Cattle, creeping things, and beasts (Gen 1:24, Gen 2:19)

Humans (Gen 2:7)

All creatures great and small. (Gen 9:10-16)

So then, in the beginning, "soul" didn't define something that humans
possessed, rather, it defined what humans were. In other words: humans were
a created form of life; viz: humans are creatures.



New member
Ok, let's say it is raised an incorruptible body. How's that? Incorruptible
means not subject to decay.

The spiritual body is patterned after Christ's body.

†. Phil 3:20-21 . .Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a savior
from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to
bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that
they will be like his glorious body.

The spiritual body is capable of dining upon ordinary foods.

†. Luke 22:15-16 . . I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you
before I suffer. For I tell you: I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in
the kingdom of God.

The spiritual body is capable of imbibing ordinary beverages.

†. Matt 26:29 . . I tell you: I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now
on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom.

The spiritual body is capable of being seen by the naked eye.

†. Acts 1:11 . . Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This
Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the
same way as you have watched him go into heaven.

†. Rev 1:7 . . Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see
him, even those who pierced him



New member
Also, Jamie, the Father is absolutely non-corporeal. There is no shape, form, or body, and no one has seen the Father at any time. However, the Son, not so much:

Luke 3:22 ASV
22. and the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily [GSN#4984 somatikos] form, as a dove, upon him, and a voice came out of heaven, Thou art my beloved Son: in thee I am well pleased.

Strong's Ref. #4984
Romanized somatikos
Pronounced so-mat-ee-kos'
from GSN4983; corporeal or physical:

One MUST account for this in his or her doctrine. Forms of this word are employed only three times total in what is now considered the canon by most. One of the other places where it is found is 1 Tim 4:8 for "bodily exercise", (KJV) showing that it most certainly pertains to the physical and corporeal which excludes the Father. The same is true of Ruach Elohim from Gen 1:2 where we read that Ruach Elohim brooded over the face of the waters. This cannot be the Father Himself because He is not confined to any one space or territory and is non-corporeal:

Genesis 1:2
2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the abyss: and Ruach Elohim brooded over the face of the waters.

Ruach Elohim = Spirit of Elohim = Spirit of God

Matthew 3:16
16. And Yeshua having been immersed by and by ascended from the water: and behold, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of Elohim [to Pneuma tou Theou] descending as a dove, and coming upon him:

Pneuma tou Theou = Spirit of Elohim = Spirit of God

Amen, because the dove finally found a place for the sole of her foot where the waters of judgment were NOT, and brought a full hin of oil (fruit of the pressed olive BRANCH), to anoint Him. And His true body will likewise be anointed as sons of oil, once their pressing has been completed. Peace

David Harper

New member
What does your Bible say about someone like this;
In 2002, Samantha Runnion, five years old, about three and a half feet tall, about forty pounds, was snatched off the driveway in front of her house by a man who took her to a motel where he raped, tortured, and murdered her before dumping her body in a forest 50 miles away.
Even more important, what kind of God stood by, watched, and did nothing as this took place.
I reject your God. He isn't good enough for me. I need a better God than yours.


New member
Let not the hell deniers kid themselves...the human soul will never cease to exist.

For sure it never does. But it's convenient and a false comfort to some to believe that it ceases to exist, because then there is no judgment to worry about, nor any pressing need to change in the here and now. But HaShem is not mocked, and what we sow we reap. Peace


Well-known member
What does your Bible say about someone like this;
In 2002, Samantha Runnion, five years old, about three and a half feet tall, about forty pounds, was snatched off the driveway in front of her house by a man who took her to a motel where he raped, tortured, and murdered her before dumping her body in a forest 50 miles away.
Even more important, what kind of God stood by, watched, and did nothing as this took place.
I reject your God. He isn't good enough for me. I need a better God than yours.

Samantha is happier where she is than where she was before. Her time on earth was brief, but her time in heaven is forever without any kind of pain or suffering.

One of the prices of man being given a free will is that we suffer from the deeds of evil people. We suffer because of sin in this world. God isn't the one who sinned. You won't find a "better God" than the God you have, and your denial of Him will only bring you more grief.


New member
Well, I was hoping this person would start a new thread for more answers, but Amen glorydaz. He never said life here would be easy, just that He would never leave us or forsake us through it all. Peace


Well-known member
Originally Posted by daqq
Also, Jamie, the Father is absolutely non-corporeal.
A spirit without a body is non functional, a body without a spirit is dead.

That is your response my statement that the Father is non-corporeal? Essentially you are saying that you believe the Father has a body because Yeshua himself states that the Father is SPIRIT. If spirit without a body is non-functional, as you say, then you have now essentially claimed that the Father is non-functional unless He has a body. Yet by claiming that the Father has a body you violate just about every basic principle held to be true beginning with the omnipresence of the Father.


New member
If spirit without a body is non-functional, as you say, then you have now essentially claimed that the Father is non-functional unless He has a body.

And he does have a spiritual body.

Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father, so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? (John 14:9 NKJV)


Well-known member
And he does have a spiritual body.
Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father, so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? (John 14:9 NKJV)

Exactly what kind of "seeing" do you suppose is meant in that passage?

John 1:18 KJV
18. No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

1 John 4:12 KJV
12. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

"All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no one knows the Son if not the Father; neither knows anyone the Father if not the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son wills to reveal Him", (Matthew 11:27).