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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No matter what the President says or does he's wrong in the eyes of the far left-wing universe. They're intellectually dishonest and follow the "Party Line."

patrick jane

That was to artful wit what glory is to indifference....apparently. :)

Now that you've gotten that off your chest take off the hat and make a point on topic, won't you?

Or were you illustrating irrational blame?
Donald Trump is human, he isn't a polished wordsmith. He genuinely loves and cares about this country and wants every American to succeed, Trump is not a racist or a white supremacist and he sees the other side of this issue. There are two evil, violent sides to this, Town. The media is feeding the insanity of the left. Watch out, your son might decide to be a "full-time" Antifa protester. :chuckle:


The members of President Donald Trump's main business council agreed to disband the group Wednesday shortly before Trump tweeted he was scrapping the group himself.

In a statement following Trump's tweet announcing the decision, the members of the Strategic and Policy Forum said, "President and we are disbanding the Forum."

Multiple reports indicated, however, that the members of the forum had already decided to disband the group during a phone call before the president's tweet about it.

The members hoped to inform the White House before publicly announcing the decision, according to Bloomberg.

The New York Times' Landon Thomas Jr. reported that nine CEOs on the forum said they would step down if the group were not disbanded.

Trump tweeted on Wednesday afternoon that he was doing away with the Strategic and Policy Forum and a separate manufacturing council.


Here is a full list of Strategic and Policy Forum members:
• Stephen Schwarzman, Blackstone
• Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo
• Doug McMillon, Walmart
• Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase
• Mary Barra, General Motors
• Mark Weinberger, EY
• Larry Fink,BlackRock
• Jack Welch, General Electric
• Paul Atkins, Patomak Global Partners
• Adebayo Ogunlesi, Global Infrastructure Partners
• Toby Cosgrove, Cleveland Clinic
• Rich Lesser, Boston Consulting Group
• Jim McNerney, Boeing
• Kevin Warsh, Hoover
• Daniel Yergin, IHS Markit
• Ginni Rometty, IBM

Other members of the council who departed last week:
• Bob Iger, Disney
• Travis Kalanick, Uber
• Elon Musk, Tesla


Our conservative friends would have use believe that the above CEOs who after yesterday's address on Charlottesville, had already unilaterally decided to disband the President's "Strategic and Policy Forum" are all:
- "delusional"
- "insane"
- "intellectually dishonest"
- "follow(ing) the 'Party Line'"
- "'Left-wing LIBS' is on the 'Warpath'"
- "stupid lemmings"

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump is Charismatic, he has the ability to articulate/communicate to the average run of the mill citizenry in a meaningful and trustworthy way. Basically, he's "The People's President."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump is human,
It's a hard point to argue against.

he isn't a polished wordsmith.
Even harder. But that's true of any number of people elected to public office. It keeps speech writers in business. Even people like Reagan, who could be wonderful extemporaneously, employed them.

He genuinely loves and cares about this country
I'd hope so. I suspect he's more motivated by ego than altruism, but then that's been true of some fairly effective leaders in my lifetime.

and wants every American to succeed,
I'd agree he wants every American he approves of to succeed. I don't think he cares about all sorts of people though. CNN employees, for one.

Trump is not a racist or a white supremacist and he sees the other side of this issue.
I don't think he's carrying around a Klan membership, but there are things in his past, beyond his class and age, that make me far less certain about his racial attitudes.

There are two evil, violent sides to this, Town.
Yeah, I don't agree there at all. I think there are two sides willing to employ the wrong methods, but I don't equate the moral position of those opposing White Supremacy with the White Supremacist. I can see where someone whose grandparents were in a Nazi prison camp might think meeting this new batch of Brown Shirts before they're stronger is the necessary thing to do. I also think they're wrong, that this is a different nation than that Germany...but then, maybe those Germans thought they were better too.

The media is feeding the insanity of the left. Watch out, your son might decide to be a "full-time" Antifa protester.
Nah. Jack, is being reared as a rationalist. He's already in the top part of the top 10% tier of his age. He won't fall for horsefeathers of either stripe.


Well-known member

If the "left-wing" is delusional, they're in good company - how does "Grosnick Marowbe" explain "The Donald" being forced to shut down his White House business councils to save himself the embarrassment of more resignations by the nation's CEOs after Charlotteville?

I say good for him. If those namby pamby's are so afraid of the political left, Trump doesn't need them. Truth be told, he didn't need them to begin with. Claiming Trump is a white nationalist is part of the left's temper tantrum at having lost the election. Russian yesterday, White Nationalists this week, and tomorrow it will be something else. Mob rule cannot last forever.


Your posts are meaningless


That's because Trump supporters are finding it difficult to dismiss the critical opinions of Trump expressed by his handpicked America's business leaders who served on the President's own "Strategic and Policy Forum!"

Are the CEOs of Blackstone, PepsiCo, Walmart, JPMorgan Chase, General Motors, EY, BlackRock, General Electric, Patomak Global Partners, Global Infrastructure Partners, Cleveland Clinic, Boston Consulting Group, Boeing, Hoover, IHS Markit, IBM, Disney, Uber and Tesla all:
- "delusional"
- "insane"
- "intellectually dishonest"
- "follow(ing) the 'Party Line'"
- "'Left-wing LIBS' is on the 'Warpath'"
- "stupid lemmings"



Well-known member
It's interesting that the DEMS refuse to speak against the destruction, mayhem, and anarchy the Antifa membership are spreading. Yet, they're quick to attack the other "Non-Liberal" thugs. Double standard comes to mind.

Yep, they bury their head in the sand when it's some of their own. Notice the rush to judgment on this driver....not a moment to speak of his car being beaten with a stick just before he took off. I'd have taken off, too, if that mob was beating on my car. If the guy wasn't a nut already, they'd have a hard time convicting him of murder. Charge the mob...that would be more appropriate.

I was happy to see they arrested that gal who climbed up and toppled that statue....and they're going after the others, too. Our only hope is law and order at this point.

patrick jane

Yep, they bury their head in the sand when it's some of their own. Notice the rush to judgment on this driver....not a moment to speak of his car being beaten with a stick just before he took off. I'd have taken off, too, if that mob was beating on my car. If the guy wasn't a nut already, they'd have a hard time convicting him of murder. Charge the mob...that would be more appropriate.

I was happy to see they arrested that gal who climbed up and toppled that statue....and they're going after the others, too. Our only hope is law and order at this point.
Yep, and as much as they hate it, Trump is still in charge. He will be for 7.5 more years


It's interesting that the DEMS refuse to speak against the destruction, mayhem, and anarchy the Antifa membership are spreading. Yet, they're quick to attack the other "Non-Liberal" thugs. Double standard comes to mind.


How sad that Trump supporters can get any "takers" to divert the thread away from Trump's self inflicted dilemma, and in favour of their "false narrative" on Antifa and "liberal thugs!"



The 5 US Joint Chiefs issued public condemnations of white supremacist groups in the wake of the weekend's racial unrest and President Trump's controversial comments concerning "moral equivalency" between neo-Nazis and counter-protesters, blaming "both sides" for contributing to violence.

While the military prevented them from making direct reference to the President, the Joint Chiefs didn't accept Trump's "moral equivalency" rationale that "both sides" were to blame!


"Events in Charlottesville unacceptable and mustn’t be tolerated @USNavy for ever stands against intolerance & hatred,"
- Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson

"No place for racial hatred or extremism in @USMC. Our core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment frame the way Marines live and act."
- US Marine Corps Gen. Robert B. Neller

"The Army doesn't tolerate racism, extremism, or hatred in our ranks. It's against our Values and everything we've stood for since 1775."
- Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Mark Milley

"I stand with my fellow service chiefs in saying we're always stronger together-it's who we are as #Airmen."
- Air Force Gen. Dave Goldfein

"I stand with my fellow Joint Chiefs in condemning racism, extremism & hatred. Our diversity is our strength. #NationalGuard,"
- Chief of the National Guard Bureau Joseph Lengyel


patrick jane

The 5 US Joint Chiefs issued public condemnations of white supremacist groups in the wake of the weekend's racial unrest and President Trump's controversial comments concerning "moral equivalency" between neo-Nazis and counter-protesters, blaming "both sides" for contributing to violence.

While the military prevented them from making direct reference to the President, the Joint Chiefs didn't accept Trump's "moral equivalency" rationale that "both sides" were to blame!


"Events in Charlottesville unacceptable and mustn’t be tolerated @USNavy for ever stands against intolerance & hatred,"
- Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson

"No place for racial hatred or extremism in @USMC. Our core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment frame the way Marines live and act."
- US Marine Corps Gen. Robert B. Neller

"The Army doesn't tolerate racism, extremism, or hatred in our ranks. It's against our Values and everything we've stood for since 1775."
- Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Mark Milley

"I stand with my fellow service chiefs in saying we're always stronger together-it's who we are as #Airmen."
- Air Force Gen. Dave Goldfein

"I stand with my fellow Joint Chiefs in condemning racism, extremism & hatred. Our diversity is our strength. #NationalGuard,"
- Chief of the National Guard Bureau Joseph Lengyel

Same thing Trump says. Racism, hatred, bigotry and violence are unacceptable


like marbles on glass
How sad that Trump supporters can get any "takers" to divert the thread away from Trump's self inflicted dilemma, and in favour of their "false narrative" on Antifa and "liberal thugs!"

Here's an account from a clergy member who was protected from the Nazis by antifa:

It was basically impossible to miss the antifa for the group of us who were on the steps of Emancipation Park in an effort to block the Nazis and alt-righters from entering. Soon after we got to the steps and linked arms, a group of white supremacists—I’m guessing somewhere between 20-45 of them—came up with their shields and batons and bats and shoved through us. We tried not to break the line, but they got through some of us—it was terrifying, to say the least—shoving forcefully with their shields and knocking a few folks over. We strengthened our resolve and committed to not break the line again. Some of the anarchists and anti-fascist folks came up to us and asked why we let them through and asked what they could do to help. Rev. Osagyefo Sekou talked with them for a bit, explaining what we were doing and our stance and asking them to not provoke the Nazis. They agreed quickly and stood right in front of us, offering their help and protection.

Less than 10 minutes later, a much larger group of the Nazi alt-righters come barreling up. My memory is again murky on the details. (I was frankly focused on not bolting from the scene and/or not soiling myself—I know hyperbole is common in recounting stories like these, but I was legitimately very worried for my well-being and safety, so I was trying to remember the training I had acquired as well as, for resolve, to remember why I was standing there.) But it had to have been at least 100 of them this go around. I recall feeling like I was going to pass out and was thankful that I was locked arms with folks so that I wouldn’t fall to the ground before getting beaten. I knew that the five anarchists and antifa in front of us and the 20 or so of us were no match for the 100-plus of them, but at this point I wasn’t letting go.

At that point, more of the anarchists and antifa milling nearby saw the huge mob of the Nazis approach and stepped in. They were about 200-300 feet away from us and stepped between us (the clergy and faith leaders) and the Nazis. This enraged the Nazis, who indeed quickly responded violently. At this point, Sekou made a call that it was unsafe—it had gotten very violent very fast—and told us to disperse quickly.

While one obviously can’t objectively say what a kind of alternate reality or “sliding doors”–type situation would have been, one can hypothesize or theorize. Based on what was happening all around, the looks on their faces, the sheer number of them, and the weapons they were wielding, my hypothesis or theory is that had the antifa not stepped in, those of us standing on the steps would definitely have been injured, very likely gravely so. On Democracy Now, Cornel West, who was also in the line with us, said that he felt that the antifa saved his life. I didn’t roll my eyes at that statement or see it as an exaggeration—I saw it as a very reasonable hypothesis based on the facts we had.

Rabbi Rachel Schmelkin
Congregation Beth Israel


like marbles on glass
Another testimony:

My 13-year-old son and I stood by ourselves on the corner down the street from the synagogue, in front of the Catholic Church, trying to walk back home but interrupted by a stream of white extremist marchers, with their signs and firearms and crazy regalia. I felt like an idiot but tried to look each in the eye and said, “Peace,” and “Peace be with you,” with as much sincerity as I had in me, trying to reach some humanity in them, and they jeered and mocked me, called me what you might imagine, told my son, Luke, that his mom was a this and a that. And now I learn that my son and labradoodle and I, and our little “peace be with you”s are apparently “alt-left.”

Our path home was blocked by them, and we had no choice but to face them. Just us alone on that street corner, and all of them menacing, streaming past us on their way to the rally. Later, when we were a block away from where everyone was clashing and considering going to the front steps of the public library, there was a big line of white supremacists, the leader wearing some kind of yellow spiked helmet, and as they tromped toward the rally, these lovely older women standing beside us wearing sky blue T-shirts that said “Quaker” kind of trotted alongside them gently, holding signs that said “Love.” Alt-left for sure. I was armed with my iPhone and my dog’s leash. Luke was armed with his acne and hormones.

Mary Esselman
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