Theology Club: The Big Picture


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Clete - Great article by Hawkins -


What is missing from it is the dependence of epistemology on metaphysics...

Logic is a methodology of thought by the use of human reason...

When metaphysics approaches the creation of all created existence BY the UN-created CREATOR of all creation, then the methodology of human thought to discern truth ABOUT creation simply does NOT apply to the Un-created Creator of creation... Because the person having logical thought processes in this fallen world where all die is created by the Creator Who is the Source of his rationality and the Source of his physicality, Who is neither...

THAT is the Patristic understanding of the difference between the Creator and His creation... Since the beginnings of the Christian Faith... On this understanding, logic is simply not big enough to apprehend the Creator of creation...
In philosophic terms, this constitutes a metaphysical paradigm shift...
Hawkins is insisting that the Creator of creation is subject to the laws of the creation which He created...
To insist this is to imply that one knows the Creator...
Those who do, deny it...

Repentance, not logic, is the epistemological prerequisite to such knowledge...

This is, I believe, the third time I have offered this understanding...

A is A, and A or non-A, are principles of creation...

There IS another knowing of which you are unaware...

And your only reply has been accusation of my mental deficiency...


Note the thorough, albeit erroneous, use of logic in the frankly feeble attempt to argue that logic doesn't apply to God or to His Mind.

John 1:1 In the beginning was Logic, and Logic was with God, and Logic was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

14 And Logic became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.​

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Hi Clete. I think this an important discussion. I'd love to see it formally debated by two who are a bit more apt than you and I, and by that I mean I don't think we communicate as well to do it justice that I'd like to see. A one-on-one or Battle Royale would be excellent.

Thanks. A short history: I was on staff at a Christian school that imperialized this approach, so much so they adopted formal academic approaches that I disagreed with because to me, it worshipped man-made logic rather than God's logic. Because of this I disagree informally and in some respects formally, with those like Hawkins here. The gist is, this: I disagree with what most mean by logic. I have said that logic is the 'way' we apprehend truth, but it is also a description of the truth itself as 'logical.' My contention is mostly over 'the way we apprehend' truth rather than truth itself. Why? Specifically because we then prop up what we believe is a truth but that "isn't" logical. How do I know this? Because 1) it disagrees with scripture. 2) It disagrees with me, and while I don't prop up my own logical prowess, I rather believe Christ wants us to 'think' differently than the world. This too, is incredibly important and the main point in my 'logical' contention. Logic, imho, is best called 'life-application mathematics.' Logic apprehension, in simplification, is simply the mechanics of understanding a truth in the same way that mathematical function is used to ascertain numerical realities. Thanks for providing this, I've not debated you here, but I will address a rebuttal to Hawkins from here...

Again, and actually agreeing you you, Clete, and against Hawkins: Only God is logical (always right, always true).

While we all can do math, we all have missed problems. That means, necessarily, we cannot be the ones who assert what is mathematically correct all the time. As I said, logic is verbal mathematics. It is the way we quantify ideas. When then are 'mathematical' but not the standard of math. I most often find that one isn't comprehending the objection when they write a paper like this. In teaching there is a difference between rote didactic and guided learning. One seeks to have the student led to truth. It is a better way at getting students to right answers because they internalize and value what they are learning rather than being 'told' and memorizing the answer that they may or may not comprehend.

This isn't true, because here Hawkins is talking about 'apprehension' and it can be different from individual to individual.
Example: As a math teacher, I instruct students to use 4 cubes and separate them into two piles. Some students, will make a pile of one and another of three. Some will make two and two. I then ask them to write a mathematical equation for what they are observing.
First of all, the kids who only have one in a pile, I may choose to correct. It is generally not a pile to have one by itself, so any 1-3 combination may be expressed mathematically wrong. Note that they are still being 'mathematical' but mathematics cannot solve the problem for them. Similarly, not all life answers can be solved logically because the problem is that logic (the process and rules for thinking and apprehending truth) may not contain the necessary information. In this case, revelation isn't logically attainable. While 'helicopters' might be what locusts mean in Revelation, it isn't the by any necessity the answer. In fact, I have this knowledge of locusts and I cannot have this knowledge logically. That is, I have no reasoned way for apprehending what I know. Why then do I say I 'know' it? Because God, who is the actuator of all truth, had John the Apostle write it down. So, I have this knowledge of something and yet, no logical way of attaining this knowledge other than as revelation. It makes no sense to me, but I've no doubt as to it being important, and from God.

That isn't the disagreement, but rather it's place in all things. It is not the only way I know things. As stated earlier, you can be dictated a truth, without grasping why it is true, and you can 'learn' (logically apprehend) a truth. Both are valid forms of grasping what is true. I cannot, however, logically tell you why we will be like Jesus when we see Him face to face (1 John 3:2).

I disagree. "Because I said so" is authority behind believing/apprehending something also. I'm not sure all the ways we apprehend truth, but Logic isn't the only one. Now he may suggest that we yet employ logic, and I agree, but most importantly, it is the way we apprehended that truth. In other words, we interact with truth logically, but may not always apprehend it that way. So, Logic has its limitations on what it can and cannot actuate. I am not against logic, I am simply saying 'my/your way of apprehending' (Logic: pattern for apprehension) an idea may 1) be wrong and 2) apprehend the wrong thing, yet we'd think we were right and the blame would be against what we believed logical.
Craig S. Hawkins said:
First, the primary principles or laws of logic are first principles of epistemology. There is no getting "behind" or "around them." They are axiomatic or self-evident. That is, we cannot not use them (see points 2 and 3 below). Peter Angeles states, among other things, that first principles are "Statements (laws, reasons, rules) that are self-evident and/or fundamental to the explanation of a system and upon which the system depends for consistency and coherence."(5)
And I believe I've shown him incorrect here. He is 'generally' right but the exceptions are important.

Exactly why truth is relative in this day and age. God necessarily is truth without our finite ability grasp Him in logic. He is beyond the realms of this universe, so beyond math and beyond the way we grasp what is logical. How else could God NOT think like we think, as He says? It wouldn't be 'logically' possible (and it isn't, thus expresses the limitation of math and logic).

Again, logic allows us to ascertain a lot of truth, just not all of it. We aren't arguing against math or against logic in and of itself, we are arguing regarding its parameters and apprehension. For instance, tell a computer to extrapolate exponentially for a thousand years an equation that doubles as it progresses and it 'cannot' tell you what the number will be today, nor could it or we comprehend it (it is too large). Now we may say the answer is logical, but we say we cannot logically apprehend it or express it.
This expresses, however, our use of logic having parameters/limitations, not that the issues themselves don't have answers. For instance: Noah's ark couldn't possibly - logically - numerically; have contained all the animals (law of noncontradiction right?). No numerical or logical answer can explain an impossibility. I logically/numerically cannot tell you why I believe Noah's ark existed. My faith is logical/rational, but my answer to this question is based on other truths for my accepting it. I cannot logically tell you why Noah's ark is possible, just logically why it exists. Logic, therefore, has limitations of what it can express. I am not anti-logic. I am just against saying it is the only we apprehend truth.
Not true. I can value something simply because God values it, without apprehending logically, what is inherent to its value.
Again, we aren't denying the use of logic regarding any particular truth, we are denying that logic is the only employ for apprehending the truth in the first place OR that it can give a sufficient answer why a thing is true. "It is true because God said it is true" does not allow for the logical apprehension of said truth.
We are not denying logic as an employment. We are arguing that it is the sole means for apprehension or discussion. I'm going to quit interjecting as much here, because I think one can use my objections and examples to make sense of both agreements and disagreements wit the rest of Hawkins' paper.

Quick comment: Not for my schizophrenic uncle. Question: Does he have to be 'cogent' (logical) to be saved????

Perspective is important, however. For instance: You have two apples in one hand, and two in the other. How many do you have?
I will accept both "4" and "None" for correct answers. Logically, both can exist beside the other. Necessarily, I don't think Hawkins is being entirely logical, depending on the parameters of the truth he is trying to express. Sometimes, simply saying 'logic' conveys only a strict sense of apprehension rules where both or either "4" or "none" are the better answer. Logic, in this case, doesn't give the only answer and only direction rather than logic, can give the right answer. IOW, the redirection is the cause of the correct answer this time. This is why I see God as the only actuator of truth and reality. We may come up with laws that help us apprehend what we are seeing, and do so consistently, but we have to be careful that we aren't imperializing our system over God, especially where our system isn't capable of giving reason for a direction from God.

Uh oh :think: "Not used?" I think he's just hurt his whole paper!

A long article to be sure. I generally think when we are arguing about what is logical, it is rather against another's employment.
My first analogy was about separating 4 cubes and writing a mathematical expression. The ensuing class project will have 2 or 4 as the answer. The kids could argue which is the right answer and both are being logical. Both answers are 100% Correct and are graded that way in guided math. The problem, again, is that logic doesn't give the definitive answer when both 2 and 4 are the correct answers. We'd say that logic couldn't be contradictory. In a way, that's correct, but Hawkins' grasp and appreciation for logic says that if it is contradictory, both can't be true. It is, however. It isn't the 'answer' that math is apprehending rightly here. It is the values of 2, 2, and 4 (or with variations of 1).

Sometimes we can logically figure out the difference between correct answers but as in the case of Revelation, we know there is a multi-headed dragon. We do not apprehend it logically, however. We can employ logic to hold on to the concept, but we've no way to figure it out and I don't believe God gave it to us for that specific reason. One who is thinking logical may insist it is a symbol for governments, or spiritual principalities, or... I don't think that's a logical given. I do agree my saying that is logical but Hawkins doesn't seem to get the limitation of logic in this discussion. It doesn't apply to the subject matter but indirectly.
Sounds nice and all but you've lopped off your own epistemological head!

If logic doesn't work you can know nothing. Logic is THE means by which your mind works. That isn't my opinion, that's not the way I wish it was, it is the way GOD MADE IT. Indeed it is the ONLY way God could have made it because both He and we are real. Logic is nothing more than conforming your mind to the limitations of reality. Anything to which logic does not apply is not real, by definition! It is logic that draws the line between what is real and what is fantasy. You can dislike it all you want, you can jump up and down and throw a fit or you can calmly and with erudite humility agree to disagree, it makes no difference. To reject logic is to reject meaning, it is to reject reality, to reject the very concept of truth because it is logic, or perhaps more appropriately Logic (capital L) that is what defines the difference between true and false, right and wrong, yes and no, reality and fairy tales.

And no, you did not show him wrong when he said that you cannot NOT use logic! I swear it drives me crazy having to explain this to you because its literally third grade level stuff here. I don't care where you get a truth claim from. I don't care if you understand it. I don't care if you can explain it or apprehend it or comprehend it. There is no such thing as a claim that is both true and irrational because to be true means that it is NOT irrational. That doesn't mean that you can arrive at every truth by using reason alone because there is pertinent information that we as humans do not have but, once again, our ignorance is not a failing of logic, it is a failing of our use of it! What you seem to be arguing against is some form of materialism or intellectualism or rationalism. I am not a rationalist nor is Hawkins. The point isn't that we can figure everything out but simple that everything that is true is rational (i.e. consistent with itself and the rest of reality).

And one last point. The world does not give a rip about logic! Logic was not invented by man. The very notion of "Man's logic" is fallacious because logic is what man uses to invent anything in the first place. Thus to suggest that man invented logic is to commit a stolen concept fallacy. There is no such thing as "Man's logic" unless you want to call the irrational stupidity that man has demonstrated throughout his history 'man's logic'. The irrational and emotional 'group think' that passes for "human nature" is the closest thing that could pass for "man's logic". Formal logic, real logic, the logic that objectively declares a claim to be true or false and governs the mind of one who thinks rightly, is not of man, it is of God, who is Logic incarnate.

Resting in Him,
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Well-known member
Sounds nice and all but you've lopped off your own epistemological head!
No. That's why science, which employs sound logical principles, gives theory. It is rather that we recognize our limitations within logical parameters. As I've said, if God says it, is is so, regardless if I can logically apprehend the truth or not. I submit, again, that logic isn't necessary to apprehend it. We walk by faith, not by sight. Sound familiar? While Jesus told the Samaritan woman the time had come to walk in Spirit and truth, so I in no way discount truth, but rather question if logic is the only means to obtain a truth. I am not sure, for instance, how logical I was marrying my wife. There was logic involved, but I'm not a Vulcan, or even a robot.
If logic doesn't work you can know nothing.
Again, our definitions are probably off and causing disagreement. I'm simply saying that logic has limitations 1, and that it is not the only way by which we 'know' something 2. Faith, trust doesn't require a known and only a known can be apprehended logically.
Logic is THE means by which your mind works.
We cannot survive without following patterns, that's true, patterns are how the universe operates and we are part of the created world. God is not. He interacts with it. Therefore, our logic cannot tell us much about God, but what He reveals. We can reason through a lot of it afterwards, but that's deconstructing a truth given and so logic works well with a known. The principles of how we know something do not apply, however, again with my marriage. It plays a part, yes, but not to be overstated.
That isn't my opinion, that's not the way I wish it was, it is the way GOD MADE IT. Indeed it is the ONLY way God could have made it because both He and we are real.
God is not the product of the universe, therefore His reality is different than ours. Sin also, infects our world and our logic. Romans tells us that the man without the law, does the things in the law as a law to him/herself. What I believe he means by this, is that our truth, without Christ, is relative and we are held accountable to what we actually can know. Again, my uncle had a huge difficulty conceiving reality. "Pray for me" was as close to logical as he could get with trusting God. Again, patterns of truth (logic) can be applied to my uncle by Christ, but it is a one way proposition. He didn't have to know the gist of how Christ would answer that prayer for him. The 'gist' is the logistics of it.

Logic is nothing more than conforming your mind to the limitations of reality. Anything to which logic does not apply is not real, by definition! It is logic that draws the line between what is real and what is fantasy. You can dislike it all you want, you can jump up and down and throw a fit or you can calmly and with erudite humility agree to disagree, it makes no difference. To reject logic is to reject meaning, it is to reject reality, to reject the very concept of truth because it is logic, or perhaps more appropriately Logic (capital L) that is what defines the difference between true and false, right and wrong, yes and no, reality and fairy tales.
I don't believe this correct. My mind 'can' work through the logistics of how a dragon might breath fire. We can apply logic to that which doesn't exist. All in all, it is the over-assertion of logic I am talking about. I used logic to assert that if God is logical, then He must necessarily be omniscient. It is because of a pattern that only works one way, that I assert such a thing. I am not against logic. It is how we know most things, it just isn't the end-all. That's my only point of contention regarding it. Math is both the numbers used and how I interact them. I can do math wrong. Perhaps you are saying that mathematics is never wrong when you are saying logic isn't either. I can agree with that, but what I'm saying is that our ability to do logic, is not as reliable and we can get it wrong, thinking we get it right.
And no, you did not show him wrong when he said that you cannot NOT use logic! I swear it drives me crazy having to explain this to you because its literally third grade level stuff here.
To me? It is illogical to say literally third grade. I've no idea what hat you pulled this from, but it doesn't look like the logic hat. However, I think I can understand that it isn't logical after one fashion, but that exaggeration is employed to express consternation. You and Hawkins would say that we couldn't know anything without logic. How then is logic 'not employed' as he suggests??? I submit that such is illogical. It is very hard to wrestle out of circular reasoning when it is employed in such a fashion that it no longer works. I simply have concluded that not all things I know, are apprehended logically. How do I know it? Because God says it and I believe it. The knowledge is ground in He who is true.

I don't care where you get a truth claim from. I don't care if you understand it. I don't care if you can explain it or apprehend it or comprehend it. There is no such thing as a claim that is both true and irrational because to be true means that it is NOT irrational. That doesn't mean that you can arrive at every truth by using reason alone because there is pertinent information that we as humans do not have but, once again, our ignorance is not a failing of logic, it is a failing of our use of it! What you seem to be arguing against is some form of materialism or intellectualism or rationalism. I am not a rationalist nor is Hawkins. The point isn't that we can figure everything out but simple that everything that is true is rational (i.e. consistent with itself and the rest of reality).
I think thats a good point, but since the Fall, we have knowledge of both Good and Evil. Evil destroys logic and we have a knowledge of it! I'd hope you see that point as well.
And one last point. The world does not give a rip about logic! Logic was not invented by man. The very notion of "Man's logic" is fallacious because logic is what man uses to invent anything in the first place. Thus to suggest that man invented logic is to commit a stolen concept fallacy. There is no such thing as "Man's logic" unless you want to call the irrational stupidity that man has demonstrated throughout his history 'man's logic'. The irrational and emotional 'group think' that passes for "human nature" is the closest thing that could pass for "man's logic". Formal logic, real logic, the logic that objectively declares a claim to be true or false and governs the mind of one who thinks rightly, is not of man, it is of God, who is Logic incarnate.
Resting in Him,
We've agreed on this point before.
In Him


Well-known member
Note the thorough, albeit erroneous, use of logic
in the frankly feeble attempt to argue that logic
doesn't apply to God or to His Mind.

Logic DOES indeed apply to, but does not delimit, God...

God is the Giver of Logic, hence is Supra-logical...
Some philosophers are logical...
Denial of the difference is illogical...

Works for me!

John 1:1 In the beginning was Logic, and Logic was with God, and Logic was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

14 And Logic became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.​

The Logos is not Logic - Logic is a human characteristic created through the Logos Who IS God...

And by giving Him this Name, Logos or Word or Message, we acknowledge Him as the Source of the logic we possess...

You may recall that in ancient Greek philosophy, Logos was the universal Principle of Change which made the world intelligible to man... At least for one School of Philosophy...



Well-known member
Zeno's paradoxes are instructive of the limits of logic...
Here is one:

In order to get from point A to point B, one must first get half way from A to B...
And in order to get from A to half way to B, one must first get half way to the half way point...
And continuing this line of logic proves beyond doubt that we can never get to point B...
And more, it proves that we can never get past A...

Along the same line, the square root of 2 has more ontological implications...

Quantum physics gives fits to the very idea that A is A...
Because if A exists, one cannot locate it...
And if one locates it, it does not exist...
Because time and place cannot coincide in locating it...

You have already acknowledged that you cannot weave a spider's web of logic around all reality...

The fallacy of the stolen concept fails when the concept stolen is not used definitively, but is instead used merely descriptively...


patrick jane

Zeno's paradoxes are instructive of the limits of logic...
Here is one:

In order to get from point A to point B, one must first get half way from A to B...
And in order to get from A to half way to B, one must first get half way to the half way point...
And continuing this line of logic proves beyond doubt that we can never get to point B...
And more, it proves that we can never get past A...

Along the same line, the square root of 2 has more ontological implications...

Quantum physics gives fits to the very idea that A is A...
Because if A exists, one cannot locate it...
And if one locates it, it does not exist...
Because time and place cannot coincide in locating it...

You have already acknowledged that you cannot weave a spider's web of logic around all reality...

The fallacy of the stolen concept fails when the concept stolen is not used definitively, but is instead used merely descriptively...




Well-known member
Not that I disagree with logic, just another's rendition of it. I am in the upper 5 percentile of Intelligence quotients so think I've a fair handle on logic. You can't do well on logic tests without having that firm of a grasp.

I've said two things in thread regarding the matter so summarize here for anyone following:
1) Logic is involved in every mental endeavor, however, we can 'think' wrong. If one understands logic as 'thinking' then this is self evident. I do not know all things by thinking out all truths myself. Some truth I take on faith, but it should be said that I agree with Clete that 'thinking' is how we retain truth.
2) That I disagree with other's version of logic (supposedly 'sound thinking') and deny they are doing logic, as they indeed call mine into question as well. When two answers are opposed, 'likely' somebody is doing it wrong BUT as I've said, a different answer doesn't necessarily mean wrong. The law of non-contradiction does say according to my previous analogy, that 4 cannot be 2. This is true, but the problem is that in simplicity, the one thinking they are doing logic, are wrong about broader aspects where both 2 and 4 are both essentially correct answer, just answering differently, the question being asked. 4 in this case is the sum of 2 and 2. 2 is the difference of 2 from 4. In this case, we are merely grading if the student has a sufficient grasp of 2, 2, and 4 in relation logically interacting. That is, if they comprehend the interaction of these numerals, they can manipulate them appropriately/logically(mathematically).

If someone simply tells me "Four is the answer" I've no idea the answer to what, and so do not logically apprehend the answer in connection with one set of logical order. I do however trust the one telling me, which is an acceptance based on a different logical order (trust). -Lon


Well-known member

Zeno's Paradoxes do that ( :freak: ) to all - They are the enforcers of empiricism in philosophy - Have been since 500BC or so...

Logically, one cannot take even the smallest step, because there is ALWAYS a half-way point to it that one MUST pass...

To which a Pragmatist just WALKS past your logical freeze, and dances from A to B...

A prime example of the Ontological Argument...

Take two consecutive nanoseconds - How much time is there between them?

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You're getting it, it's clear. The words two ( 2 ) and four ( 4 ) relate to one another in specific ways. It's part of their definitions. Two twos is four. By definition.

That's all Wittgentstein's saying.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I really intended for that really long post of mine to be my last on this topic but I simply cannot resist.....

Zeno's paradoxes are instructive of the limits of logic...
Here is one:

In order to get from point A to point B, one must first get half way from A to B...
And in order to get from A to half way to B, one must first get half way to the half way point...
And continuing this line of logic proves beyond doubt that we can never get to point B...
And more, it proves that we can never get past A...
Zeno's paradox does not prove that you cannot move. That's why they call it Zeno's PARADOX and not Zeno's PROOF. The fact that you do not know the difference between a paradox and a proof IS proof that you've spent next to no time at all studying epistemology nor the rules and nature of logic.

The existence of paradoxes does not undermine the veracity of logic. You wouldn't even be able to tell what a paradox was if logic didn't work. Its precisely because logic does work that paradoxes can be detected and understood and even solved, as Zeno's paradox has been.

I won't bother explaining the solution here. It involves calculus and its somewhat over my head and would glaze everyone's eyes over anyway. It'll take you 10 seconds to find it online in about a dozen places.

The point I will make is that it is not a paradox of motion, it is a paradox of MATH. It draws a false conclusion because it presupposes that what you can do with math is directly translatable to actual reality. It is the same error that physicists have been making for over a century now.

Along the same line, the square root of 2 has more ontological implications...

Quantum physics gives fits to the very idea that A is A...
Because if A exists, one cannot locate it...
And if one locates it, it does not exist...
Because time and place cannot coincide in locating it...
Again, ALL MATH! There is no direct correlation between certain maths and actual reality. One must keep in mind that numbers do not exist except as ideas. Logic has to do with conforming your mind to the the limits of reality and while the line between reality and abstract mathematical ideas can sometimes be blurry and difficult to discern, one simple rule that will keep you out of trouble is to remember the difference between a theory and a proof is that the latter requires experimental evidence from the real world and lots of it.

You have already acknowledged that you cannot weave a spider's web of logic around all reality...

The fallacy of the stolen concept fails when the concept stolen is not used definitively, but is instead used merely descriptively...

This comments makes no sense whatsoever. You've either stolen the concept or you haven't. You cannot speak of "red" and reject the concept of "color" or reject "private property" and discuss "theft". The stolen concept fallacy is nothing more than an implicit self-contradiction.

Logic DOES indeed apply to, but does not delimit, God...

God is the Giver of Logic, hence is Supra-logical...
Some philosophers are logical...
Denial of the difference is illogical...

Works for me!
The notion of "supra-logical" is a stolen concept fallacy! It implies that God created logic and then gave it to us. You cannot create without logic! The act of creation implies the use of logic and thus the stolen concept fallacy. Indeed, the bible itself tells us that nothing was created without Logic.

John 1:1 In the beginning was Logic, and Logic was with God, and Logic was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

14 And Logic became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.​

The Logos is not Logic - Logic is a human characteristic created through the Logos Who IS God...
That's not what John 1 says! I'll stick with John, you can believe what you want.

And by giving Him this Name, Logos or Word or Message, we acknowledge Him as the Source of the logic we possess...
Again, this is NOT what John 1 says. It plainly states that God is Logic. Just it it states elsewhere that God is Love, God is Justice, God is Mercy, God is Righteousness, God is Truth, etc. He is not merely the source of love, He is Love. (1 John 4:8)

You may recall that in ancient Greek philosophy, Logos was the universal Principle of Change which made the world intelligible to man... At least for one School of Philosophy...

The meaning of the Greek word Logos, as used in John 1, is nearly identical to the English word "reason". The English word "logic" works as well because it is often used as a synonym for "reason" as we have been doing in this thread for several days now. Strictly speaking 'logic' refers to the rules of sound reason. "Logic" has to do with the premises, forms of argument, proper conclusions, fallacies, etc. You study logic to learn how to think rightly, to communicate intelligibly, how to reason, how to logos.

You'd be foolish not to take my word for it given my history on this website and the obviousness of the fact that I know what I'm talking about but that usually doesn't stop anyone so I won't make you take my word for it.

"...this translation––may not only sound strange to devout ears, it may even sound obnoxious and offensive. But the shock only measures the devout person's distance from the language and thought of the Greek New Testament. Why it is offensive to call Christ Logic, when it does not offend to call him a word, is hard to explain. But such is often the case. Even Augustine, because he insisted that God is truth, has been subjected to the anti–intellectualistic accusation of "reducing" God to a proposition. At any rate, the strong intellectualism of the word Logos is seen in its several possible translations: to wit, computation, (financial) accounts, esteem, proportion and (mathematical) ratio, explanation, theory or argument, principle or law, reason, formula, debate, narrative, speech, deliberation, discussion, oracle, sentence, and wisdom.
Any translation of John 1:1 that obscures this emphasis on mind or reason is a bad translation. And if anyone complains that the idea of ratio or debate obscures the personality of the second person of the Trinity, he should alter his concept of personality. In the beginning, then, was Logic." - Gordon H. Clark; Against The World. The Trinity Review, 1978-1988. [God And Logic, Gordon H. Clark, p. 52-56] John W. Robbins, Editor.​

"For not only among the Greeks did reason (Logos) prevail to condemn these things through Socrates, but also among the Barbarians were they condemned by Reason (or the Word, the Logos) Himself, who took shape, and became man, and was called Jesus Christ;" Justin Martyr: The First Apology of Justin Chapter V​

Logos n. < Gr, a word: see Logic 1 Gr. Philos. reason, thought of as constituting the controlling principle of the universe and as being manifested by speech 2 Christian Theol. the eternal thought or word of God, made incarnate in Jesus Christ: John 1 - Webster's Dictionary​

Resting in Him,
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I said...

I don't care where you get a truth claim from. I don't care if you understand it. I don't care if you can explain it or apprehend it or comprehend it. There is no such thing as a claim that is both true and irrational because to be true means that it is NOT irrational. That doesn't mean that you can arrive at every truth by using reason alone because there is pertinent information that we as humans do not have but, once again, our ignorance is not a failing of logic, it is a failing of our use of it! What you seem to be arguing against is some form of materialism or intellectualism or rationalism. I am not a rationalist nor is Hawkins. The point isn't that we can figure everything out but simple that everything that is true is rational (i.e. consistent with itself and the rest of reality).​

Lon responded...
I think thats a good point, but since the Fall, we have knowledge of both Good and Evil. Evil destroys logic and we have a knowledge of it! I'd hope you see that point as well.

In Him

This is the only line in your last post that was in response to the actual argument I've been making and so I'm going to let the rest of what you said go and respond only to this. Everything else you said what in rejection of some form of rationalism that I do not advocate and have not been arguing in favor of.

And it is appropriate that you brought up good and evil since that's what this thread is supposed to be about in the first place and so I hope this post will serve as a good segue back to the original topic...

Evil DOES NOT destroy logic! Evil is the negation of logic but not the destruction of it. Logic cannot be destroyed anymore than the truth can. You cannot be good or evil if logic does not work. Logic is that which draws the line between the two ideas. To use the terms "good" or "evil" while denying the veracity of logic is one whopper of a stolen concept fallacy. The veracity of logic is THE concept underlying every other concept. Just as "red" has no meaning outside of the concepts of 'sight' and 'color', ALL concepts lose their meaning outside the concept of logic. The undermining of reason is the ultimate stolen concept fallacy. You wipe out all meaning of everything all at once when you reject reason. And since God is Logic (John 1), evil would be defined as the rejection of logic not the destruction of it.

So, to state it specifically in order to get the thread back on track....

The concepts of 'good' and 'evil' (i.e. morality) have to do with being consistent with a standard, the good is simply that which is CONSISTENT with the standard, and the evil is that which CONTRADICTS that standard. The discussion here is all about finding a standard that is objective to God which would allow us to meaningfully (i.e. rationally) say that God is good.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
So, to state it specifically....

The concepts of 'good' and 'evil' (i.e. morality) have to do with being consistent with a standard,
the good is simply that which is CONSISTENT with the standard,
and the evil is that which CONTRADICTS that standard.

The discussion here is all about finding
a standard
that is objective to God
which would allow us to
meaningfully (i.e. rationally)
say that God is good.

That is a monstrous idea...

You will never find such a standard in the creation which God created...
A Model T does not justify Henry Ford...
Henry Ford justifies the Model T...

You are a fallen man, floundering in the shadow of the Valley of Death, and soon enough, you will gasp your last and your body will return to the worms that hunger for it... This is the reality we all now inhabit. We are born, we live, we suffer, and we die... The Creator of creation is not merely another part of this fallen and death filled creation - eg He is not a creature...

And as long as you cannot tell the difference between an automobile and its creator, you will not be able to tell the difference between God and His creation. The one is but illustrative of the other, which ontologically defines it... Knowledge as Being is outside your subject-object epistemological vanities of the fallen human cognition known as human reasoning from facts and premises...

Your effort here clearly is to EVALUATE GOD as good or not according to human reason, and the fact is that it is God Who created human reason, and sin that deprived man of Life, and caused creation to fall, until God would come and restore man to his rightful place in creation apart from sin, which Christ did by coming into flesh from the Virgin's womb...

You cannot KNOW Good without KNOWING God, WHO IS TRUTH... And the WAY to knowing God is not your exercise of fallen human reasoning leading into worms, but is instead repentance from evil unto the Revelation of God...


patrick jane

It's funny when folks compare notes and attempt to know God. I see folks in deep discussion with no answers, because we can't know them. The Big Picture ? Please

Desert Reign

The Big Picture is not complicated - go simple when trying to understand it, before you die.

This is how simple it is:

If the Gospel is worth communicating, then we ought to be able to describe the Gospel in words that others can understand. The New Testament even commands us to be ready to have an explanation for our faith.

Anyone who has something worth believing, should also be able to tell us, in words that we can understand, what those beliefs are.

The following statements:

"I don't have the answer to your question, but I know a person who does" or

"I'm not sure about that passage but I know that it works in the original Greek" or

"God is both in time and not in time" or

"Jesus died for sins but no one knows if he died for your particular sins or mine so I can't guarantee that you will be saved for definite" or

"I can't tell you what God is truly like but I can tell you what he is not like" or

"Your beliefs or arguments, even though they make sense, are wrong; but I can't say why, because no matter how coherent, researched or logical you are, it doesn't count because God is above logic. You just have to believe me."

don't qualify as 'words that we can understand'. As I said, the Bible exhorts us to have a ready explanation for our faith. All those who give answers such as these are being disobedient to the exhortation because they are not ready explanations that people generally can understand. You need to do better than this, friends, if you are to be considered meeting the standard required of believers in the New Testament. Anyone who thinks they are exempt from this exhortation and they just have to tell meaningless stories or simply perform acts of some sort and not say anything at all, are being disobedient. Don't argue this with me, argue it with the New Testament.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
That is a monstrous idea...

You will never find such a standard in the creation which God created...
A Model T does not justify Henry Ford...
Henry Ford justifies the Model T...

You are a fallen man, floundering in the shadow of the Valley of Death, and soon enough, you will gasp your last and your body will return to the worms that hunger for it... This is the reality we all now inhabit. We are born, we live, we suffer, and we die... The Creator of creation is not merely another part of this fallen and death filled creation - eg He is not a creature...

And as long as you cannot tell the difference between an automobile and its creator, you will not be able to tell the difference between God and His creation. The one is but illustrative of the other, which ontologically defines it... Knowledge as Being is outside your subject-object epistemological vanities of the fallen human cognition known as human reasoning from facts and premises...

Your effort here clearly is to EVALUATE GOD as good or not according to human reason, and the fact is that it is God Who created human reason, and sin that deprived man of Life, and caused creation to fall, until God would come and restore man to his rightful place in creation apart from sin, which Christ did by coming into flesh from the Virgin's womb...

You cannot KNOW Good without KNOWING God, WHO IS TRUTH... And the WAY to knowing God is not your exercise of fallen human reasoning leading into worms, but is instead repentance from evil unto the Revelation of God...

You need to settled down! You don't even know what you're talking about! Stop reacting and start thinking things through. Good grief! You sound like one of those idiot "Real Wives" women!

I'm participating in this thread because Desert Reign is a good thinker and is intellectually honest and therefore might actually have something to say that is substantive and valuable concerning this issue. An issue that, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, has been of great concern for millennia and which has been considered by some of the greatest minds that have ever existed in the history of mankind. Whether I end up agreeing with Desert Reign or not is yet to be seen. But whether I do or not, he's not been a waste of my time nor would he be of yours if you'd start thinking rather than emoting all over the place.

I can assure you that there is a solution to the issue! That is to say that it can be meaningfully said that God is good, for the bible explicitly states as much several times and in several different ways. But accepting that God is good is not the same is understanding how saying so isn't a tautology. I have posited my own ideas on the subject in the thread linked too below. Feel free to read it through. I think you'll find that my position isn't so heretical or "monstrous" as you suspect.

Is God Moral?

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
You need to settled down!

My Brother, I am always settled down...

You don't even know what you're talking about!

Perhaps you might consider taking your own advice...

Or take mine, since I am not using it... :)

I do know that you did say you are looking for:

a standard
that is
objective to God
which would allow us
to say
meaningfully (i.e. rationally)
that God is good.

Stop reacting and start thinking things through.

You seem to be having a STRONG REACTION to what I wrote...

Good grief!

Are you having dizzy spells?

You sound like one of those idiot "Real Wives" women!

Or perhaps tunnel visioning??

I'm participating in this thread because Desert Reign is a good thinker and is intellectually honest and therefore might actually have something to say that is substantive and valuable concerning this issue.

And I am merely affirming that the issue does not resolve at the level of creation...

An issue that, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, has been of great concern for millennia and which has been considered by some of the greatest minds that have ever existed in the history of mankind. Whether I end up agreeing with Desert Reign or not is yet to be seen. But whether I do or not, he's not been a waste of my time

The greatest minds?? I do not consider DR to be a waste of time at all...

nor would he be of yours

He is not...

if you'd start thinking rather than emoting all over the place.

OK - Then please explain what "objective to God" might mean?

I can assure you that there is a solution to the issue!

Oh I can assure you that the answer is that NOTHING is objective to God so as to form a standard whereby one can evaluate whether or not God is Good...

That is to say that it can be meaningfully said that God is good, for the bible explicitly states as much several times and in several different ways. But accepting that God is good is not the same is understanding how saying so isn't a tautology.

You are suffering under the fallacy of the false alternative. The resolution of the premise is experiential and empirical, not mere logical tautological irreducibility... Attained through repentance discipled by the Church...

I have posited my own ideas on the subject in the thread linked too below. Feel free to read it through. I think you'll find that my position isn't so heretical or "monstrous" as you suspect.

God cannot be evaluated from outside God...

The idea that He CAN so be evaluated is indeed monstrous...


Desert Reign

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> Let's consider this statement:
God is either real or is not real.

It is possible for God to exist but not be real. He may for example exist as a concept in the mind of a human being or some other rational being but not be real. He may exist in a fictitious story or in a dream but not be real. What is the difference? The difference is that if God is real then he is also perceptible to (or has an effect upon) other real things or, if he were the only real thing, to himself. He is a constraint on other things or himself. If he is real, he will be there whether or not you have a concept of him or dream of him. That is what I mean by real.

Arsenios is ambivalent about the reality of God. He says that the statement 'God is real' is meaningless because the following statement is true: 'God is supra-real'. Let's look at that.

God is either supra-real or is not supra-real.

This statement stands quite independently of the one I cited above. The issue of whether God is supra-real or not, has no effect on whether he is real or not. Of course, Arsenios has given no definition of the term 'supra-real' so the statement is meaningless. What he has said is that being supra-real means that God gives reality to everything that is real. I am not sure what that is supposed to mean. Does that mean for example that things can exist as concepts or dreams but God is the one who converts them from concept to reality? Or does it mean simply that God creates them? I suspect though that what he really means is ‘not real’. He is simply afraid to say that God is real for fear of contradicting himself, having previously stated that nothing positive can be said about God. Unfortunately, as Clete has so eloquently and persistently stated, you can’t get round logic. If you try to, you still need logic! The fact is that Arsenios has contradicted himself anyway because the statement ‘God is supra-real’ is still a positive statement about God.

And as I have said before, the Calvinists don’t have a better answer. AMR, for example, chipped in to respond to me once in this discussion and when I responded to him with what I thought were valid questions about his view, he did not answer. There is simply is no logical statement that can be made that justifies the paradox of dualism. If God is real and we are real, then there ought to be common language that can be shared; there ought to be common experiences of reality; there ought to be common constraints; there ought to be simultaneity.

I'm asking these questions, not because I particularly want Arsenios to answer them. But I want you to understand that my definition of real is a definition that applies to God. That must apply to God. My statement doesn't contradict Arsenios's (unless he were to come up with a definition of ‘supra-real’ that excludes being also real). But, whatever ‘supra-real’ is supposed to mean, my statement is perforce true: everything that is real has a relationship with everything else that is real. And when we read the Bible we see everywhere that God relates to creation in exactly that shared way where, if an event happens, it happens at the same time for me as it does for you and the same time as it does for God. And when I perceive that event, I perforce will perceive it differently from you because I am unique and you are unique and we occupy different, unique places in the world; but the event itself is not dependent on our perception of it and it is the same event for each of us such that if we were to share with each other what our perception of that event was, using common language, we would both recognise that it was the same event. And even if we disagreed on some supposed fundamental aspect of said event our very disagreement is testimony to the belief that it is the same event we are talking about. Indeed if we thought that it was two different events, there would never be any disagreement.

As I said, the Biblical witness to this principle is overwhelming. It is also nothing more than common sense. On every page, God interacts with man and with the world in a shared way. He uses words that men understand, he performs actions that are intended to be contextual, i.e. which have a meaning to us in our particular context. That’s why Calvinists, in particular, have to invent a new principle of theology: condescension; and with it, a corresponding new principle of Biblical interpretation: anthropomorphism.

You see, in the dualist perspective of the Calvinists, it is unacceptable to state that God and man interact on a level field in the same universe, in the same reality. It is unacceptable to them. Even if you state, as I of course do, that God has created the world. Once the world has been created, it is as real as God is. That’s what real means! Or did anyone think that God created something that was not real? Of course not! But for Calvinists, man cannot know God. For Calvinists, God is completely hidden from the world, from creation and there is no sharing of reality, no common language, no common ability to communicate and no simultaneity of events. How on earth anyone can get this view from the Bible is utterly baffling, since reality, shared and consistent across God and his creation, is on every page. Nope, they get it from Plato, via the Fathers, the neo-Platonists and via Augustine.

Let me interject. I am saying this because I want you to clearly understand the difference between dualism and consistency. In the real world, everything that is real must be consistent. The chair I am sitting on is the same chair whether you call it a stool, a bench, an armchair or a ‘sea of comfort at the end of the day’. And it is the same chair for God, even though he probably has no need to sit on it. And it exists in the present for me to experience it at the same time as for you to experience and we can’t both sit on it at the same time (unless we know each other rather well…) But in dualism, there is no need for such consistency. For God, this chair can be in the future or in the past, it can be not made or it can be already destroyed. Effectively it doesn’t exist for God as a chair. Are you with me so far? This is after all only what I have said often in the past. In the dualist perspective, because language is not shared, God does not have logic. He is not constrained to be consistent with the rest of reality. I hope to explain this further in my next post, as well as say a little more about the two Calvinist principles of condescension and anthropomorphism.
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Well-known member
This is how simple it is:

If the Gospel is worth communicating, then we ought to be able to describe the Gospel in words that others can understand. The New Testament even commands us to be ready to have an explanation for our faith.

... All those who give answers such as these are being disobedient to the exhortation because they are not ready explanations that people generally can understand. You need to do better than this, friends, if you are to be considered meeting the standard required of believers in the New Testament. Anyone who thinks they are exempt from this exhortation and they just have to tell meaningless stories or simply perform acts of some sort and not say anything at all, are being disobedient. Don't argue this with me, argue it with the New Testament.
In general, I think the exhortation is fine but I don't have a problem with all of the examples given as you do. Specifically, however, are you talking about objections you've received as an Open Theist? If so, we are not talking about giving a reason for the hope within us regarding specifically the gospel, but rather the difference between Open Theism and all contenders in-house.


Well-known member
I said...
I don't care where you get a truth claim from. I don't care if you understand it. I don't care if you can explain it or apprehend it or comprehend it. There is no such thing as a claim that is both true and irrational because to be true means that it is NOT irrational. That doesn't mean that you can arrive at every truth by using reason alone because there is pertinent information that we as humans do not have but, once again, our ignorance is not a failing of logic, it is a failing of our use of it! What you seem to be arguing against is some form of materialism or intellectualism or rationalism. I am not a rationalist nor is Hawkins. The point isn't that we can figure everything out but simple that everything that is true is rational (i.e. consistent with itself and the rest of reality).​

This is the only line in your last post that was in response to the actual argument I've been making and so I'm going to let the rest of what you said go and respond only to this. Everything else you said [is] rejection of some form of rationalism that I do not advocate and have not been arguing in favor of.
Good call. Exactly what I was hearing.