The Ascension


New member
One more instance of YOU expressing the "one size fits all" delusion that YOU hold true.

For there is such a thing as judging another of a thing that one is not oneself.

Judging pedophiles, sodomites, murderers, thieves, etc., as being such does not mean one is one, oneself.

Your problem is that you take your delusions about reality as reality - like the fool Budhhist: who confuses his confusion as to the difference between reality and represented reality as some sort of an evidence that there is no reality.

That is nothing against you "personally."

Rather, against your confusion.

This right here could be all the "meds" you might need.

1 Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.

Will you take them; though?

Thus far, I'll suspect that no, you will not.

You appear too far gone in your delusion that you have "awakened" to some fool Depak Chopra notion...

Why don't you take a dose of your own medication? Then perhaps we can some progress here.

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Active member
The fulfillment of the scriptures is found within the internal divinity of our souls. The story of Jesus is a metaphor for this. Yes there was a historical Jesus. There is no rule saying we have to believe the entire story literally. I wouldn't call it fraudulent because it's based on an underlying truth. To me it is a playful and clever way to deliver the message that we are one with God because of the soul. ThIs meaning has been lost, distorted and twisted through the centuries. Hardly no one really understands it but it is contained in a story format because it's easier to remember. It points to something much much bigger and better than one could think possible.

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With all due respect this response is nonsensical. Your position on Christianity is thoroughly illogical, and is a complete deviation from whats in the scriptures.

If this is what you believe why waste time with Christianity? As it appears you seem to believe what ever you want to believe irrespective of whats in the Bible.


New member
I reserve the right to make that decision for myself thank you.

And other people reserve the right to make their decision based on what you say.

You said. "There is some truth to reincarnation." Some truth is either true or it isn't true. Truth is binary.


New member
With all due respect this response is nonsensical. Your position on Christianity is thoroughly illogical, and is a complete deviation from whats in the scriptures.

If this is what you believe why waste time with Christianity? As it appears you seem to believe what ever you want to believe irrespective of whats in the Bible.

Being a Christian is good but it is not our ultimate identity. Our ultimate identity is the infinite eternal soul. The Bible is not an end. It is just the beginning.

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New member
The Ascension

Our "soul" is our mind so what you are claiming is that it is all in our mind.

No, identification with the mind is an obstacle to experiencing the soul. We can practice stillness and silence to the point where we one day wake up and realize we are one with that stillness and silence.

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New member
The Ascension

And other people reserve the right to make their decision based on what you say.

You said. "There is some truth to reincarnation." Some truth is either true or it isn't true. Truth is binary.

I hear you but consider this: if I am looking at one side of a house and you are looking at another side, is one more true than another? It's okay to consider other view points. We can put down the forbidden fruit of judgement when it's not necessary. It's good practice.

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New member
If searching for reality, it will not be found anywhere near you.

What it is with him is...

Down by the clinic where he picks up his meds, there is one of those "Christian" Science Reading Rooms.

While waiting for his pyschotic meds to kick in, he walked over to the Reading Room, where he's been learning all about how devine he is.

While there, he decided to surf the net in search of like crack pots.

Finding TOL, he took it to be a reference to Totally Out, Logically.

We point this out, it is only illogical that he take issue with our doing so.

We're talking all out "bats in the belfry" and then some.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
It's the traditional interpretation of the bible that doesn't fool me.

So why don't you tell us what it really says starting at Genesis 1:1


Why can't we decide for ourselves instead of letting someone else decide for us?

Didn't I just say that? Tell us what it really says.

I am not going to tell you what it really says.


Do we honestly believe a man was taken up into the sky?
Of course not He ascended to heaven.
It's a fairytale and a myth.
It must mean something other than the literal interpretation.
What does the literal interpretation mean?
What could it symbolize?
It could symbolize nothing. Meaning, it could, not be a symbol. What would that mean? to you.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
You underestimate the caliber of scholars that God has raised up to keep the sheep from falling for false teaching and ignorance on important subjects. Why should I trust you as an expert on things, and reject those with proven track records and godly character/insights? Eph. 4:11-13 vs internet wannabees with no training or accountability.

I am not incorrect to point out the emphasis on studying Scripture, etc. for truth. The Spirit of Truth does lead us into truth, but you have to explain why so many sincere, godly believers have such a myriad of divisive, doctrinal views despite the same indwelling Holy Spirit, same sincerity, same prayerful study of Word, etc. (hint: noetic effects of sin; bad teaching; subjective, fleshly impressions mistaken for the Spirit, etc.)…..

You think he will notice?


New member
Of course not He ascended to heaven.
What does the literal interpretation mean?
It could symbolize nothing. Meaning, it could, not be a symbol. What would that mean? to you.

Highly unlikely that it symbolizes nothing. The ascension is our own awakening to our true identity which puts us in touch with what is infinite. We are one with God, heaven and salvation.


Highly unlikely that it symbolizes nothing.
Highly unlikely? Are you suggesting that there's a chance that the risen Lord actually ascended to heaven? That's kind of a radical about-face for you, isn't it?
The ascension is our own awakening to our true identity which puts us in touch with what is infinite.
Or, the Ascension was the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ returning to heaven from where He came, and He took a seat beside the Father, Who told Him to sit, until He the Father is done making His enemies His footstool.
We are one with God, heaven and salvation.
Inasmuch as, and only inasmuch as, the Church's magisterium teaches anything like this, then yes; and in their words and not yours.


New member
The Ascension

Highly unlikely? Are you suggesting that there's a chance that the risen Lord actually ascended to heaven? That's kind of a radical about-face for you, isn't it?
Or, the Ascension was the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ returning to heaven from where He came, and He took a seat beside the Father, Who told Him to sit, until He the Father is done making His enemies His footstool.
Inasmuch as, and only inasmuch as, the Church's magisterium teaches anything like this, then yes; and in their words and not yours.

That is one way out of several to see it. I held the same view for 35 years because I didn't know any better. Then I realized Jesus represents the infinite eternal part of us. It is not about anything outside of us. It is about our inner divinity.

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