I love the way cruciform spams his own threads
don't you?
don't you?
I love the way cruciform spams his own threads
don't you?
I guess you meant, "some of them"....some of us bypass innuendo
I love the way cruciform spams his own threads
don't you?
Nope. If you can't get this simple thing right, there's really no need to pay attention to the rest. Try again.
Already decisively answered in previous posts above.
Already decisively answered (Post #89).
:yawn:The opinions (traditions of men) taught to you by your chosen invented, man-made Catholic sect [regardless of unfoundable objection] are noted.
Addressed fully in post #129
Proof, please.
Simply get Post #137 right, and I'll be glad to answer your Post #136.Always interesting the lengths to which you will go when you have definitively been proven wrong. I predict that you will never respond to the facts of my post.
So, then, you in fact have no proof for your anti-Catholic claims. That's what I thought.You believe what you believe.
Where exactly do you imagine that I've "spammed" this thread...?I love the way cruciform spams his own threads don't you?
Your complete lack of any substantive answer whatsoever is noted.K: :yawn:
So, then, you in fact have no actual proof for your ahistorical and anti-Catholic claims. Noted.The proof is in your chronological impairment... which ends in outright fabrications on that page.
Who said anything about the "Roman" Rite of the Catholic Church? I'm talking about the Catholic Church itself, which is traceable back to the apostles. Try again.At the time scripture was written, the Roman Catholic sect did not exist...
...and you and your chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect did not exist. You've just refuted yourself. Brilliant....most church fathers did not exist, most apostolic fathers you cite did not exist...
Another gem from HS. :doh:You also seem to forget that none of the authors of the New Testament were Roman Catholic...
You can go ahead and just apply that Ad Hominem Fallacy to yourself. :yawn:You really are stupid... like the rest of your organization... dumb as a box of rocks.
Why did the reformation occur?
So, then, you in fact have no actual proof for your ahistorical and anti-Catholic claims. Noted.
Who said anything about the "Roman" Rite of the Catholic Church? I'm talking about the Catholic Church itself, which is traceable back to the apostles. Try again.
Once again, your reference to the Catholic Church as a "sect' merely places your vast ignorance of the issues on public display. Try again.
...and you and your chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect did not exist. You've just refuted yourself. Brilliant.
Another gem from HS. :doh:
You can go ahead and just apply that Ad Hominem Fallacy to yourself. :yawn:
Gaudium de veritate,
As has been pointed out many times... your fictitious church has no links to Jesus' apostles... whatsoever. This has been shown to you many many times and is irrefutable FACT... that you conveniently ignore. And as more archaeological and historical evidence comes to light over time, it evidence against the 'catholic' church having any links to the original apostles gains even more support.
You have been living a lie... fed by a hierarchy that cares nothing except for what is in your wallet.
Try again. You are nothing more than the theological victim of Roman paganism.
Just remember, no matter how much you repeat the lies you have heard from your masters... a lie is still a lie.
linger: Come out of her or share in her sins (Re 18:4). The daughter harlots are going back to mama (e.g. the Copelands, the Osteens, the Warrens). Re 17:5 :burnlib:
linger: You'll be so sad :sigh: when Rome burns (Re 18:9).
:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:[linger: Great Harlot Rome (Re 17:5) :burnlib:] So you hate everybody?
...[T]here is corruption inside the church today...
From Post #150:As has been pointed out many times... your fictitious church has no links to Jesus' apostles... whatsoever. This has been shown to you many many times and is irrefutable FACT... that you conveniently ignore. And as more archaeological and historical evidence comes to light over time, it evidence against the 'catholic' church having any links to the original apostles gains even more support.You have been living a lie... fed by a hierarchy that cares nothing except for what is in your wallet.You are nothing more than the theological victim of Roman paganism.Just remember, no matter how much you repeat the lies you have heard from your masters... a lie is still a lie.
Would you murder another 66 million of us if you could?
Excellent. So is yours and that is the point. You are seen exactly this caricaturized. Worse, it is a self-portrait whipped out as meaningless and valueless in a few seconds. Rise above the occasion.Your complete lack of any substantive answer whatsoever is noted.