Does it ever occur to Catholics how immature threads like this are? You don't like Protestants. You're high on yourselves and your religion. You've been this way since before the Dark Ages. We get it. I don't care what you think. It doesn't matter. You have nothing to do with my faith in Jesus Christ, never have and never will.
The sooner you realize you haven't controlled the Western world for centuries, how irrelevant you are to Bible believers, the sooner you may move on to learning of the true things of God in scripture and possibly escape your cult.
You're the arrogant ones. You're the blind who think they're special. Your egoism is written all over your thread title, and I'm just trying to help. Think for a change, and grow up. The Reformation is long over with. What is it you can't grasp as to this fact? Who's the blind one, but one who hasn't gotten the news after hundreds of years, who doesn't understand how useless the puerile insults are against Protestants? You're only affirming fruits of the many reasons that many could never be Catholic. It's basic cultism, to think God is a respecter of your group, nothing more. This sort of belief, in fact, makes you inferior Christians, lacking Godly humility.
Physician, heal thyself.