The American Jesus vs. The Original Jesus


[The American Jesus vs. The Original Jesus by Ryan Nelson] "Rediscover The Original Jesus

From hit songs to bumper stickers to football eye-black, Jesus is trending high wherever you look. But at the end of the day, many “try Jesus” and come away disappointed in the experience. That’s because the Jesus of popular culture looks much more like us than the God-man who appeared in the flesh two thousand years ago. We’ve developed plenty of imposter Jesuses that feed into our selfish desires—Guru Jesus, Braveheart Jesus, Dr. Phil Jesus, Free-Range Jesus. The problem is, they don’t have the power to save us or transform us into new creations.

The Original Jesus calls us back to the Jesus who demands our worship—the potter who molds us, the clay. Seekers, skeptics, and sojourners in the way of faith will see Jesus for who he really is: God in the flesh, calling us to surrender our very lives that we may truly live." The American Jesus vs. The Original Jesus

"You cannot have a 'come in Savior' and a 'stay out Lord'." Ro 14:9 ~ Adrian Rogers

Bradley D

Well-known member
The problem is that many want what they consider the best of both worlds. They want many things that the secular world entices them with. Plus they want to go to heaven. There is a gospel song that goes "Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die."


The problem is that many want what they consider the best of both worlds. They want many things that the secular world entices them with. Plus they want to go to heaven. There is a gospel song that goes "Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die."

If they don't want God now, they wouldn't want him then (Is 65:2).

"Man's own religion usually descends to the fleshly life to which they themselves practice." ~ Jim Andrews