The 25 year Tide that gave us Trump


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Gotta love a guy who considers 35% of America to be an "infestation of rats". Is it any wonder the ground was fertile for Drumpf?

You gotta hate the 35% of rats that hate America, it's constitution, who seek to change it, undermine it, or dilute it into a form of government which is not in keeping with it's founding principles. Those of us that do love this nation wish they would set up their form of utopia elsewhere. If you are looking for soft marxism/socialism don't expect the 65% to go quietly, they are not interested and, know where it leads. I do find it interesting that people from countries with these failed forms of government are breaking down our doors to get in...even illegally, while those that are natural born citizens want to turn this country into one of those failed, despotic, tyrannical nations. The progressive politicians (Left & Right) in this country created Trump & they deserve him in all his glory...enjoy!


New member
You gotta hate the 35% of rats that hate America, it's constitution, who seek to change it, undermine it, or dilute it into a form of government which is not in keeping with it's founding principles.

There's no 35% of the country that's like that. That's just you trying to make things easier on yourself.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
There's no 35% of the country that's like that. That's just you trying to make things easier on yourself.

It's your fantasy, you can shape it any way you want, I am not the one preparing to vote for a serial liar & felon or a naked marxist...Reality isn't just a concept you know.
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New member
Gotta love a guy who considers 35% of America to be an "infestation of rats". Is it any wonder the ground was fertile for Drumpf?

He is talking about politicians and the donor class and the organizations that get their way in legislation, not regular folks. Rush thinks people like you are brainwashed sheeple ; certainly not rats.


New member
There's no 35% of the country that's like that. That's just you trying to make things easier on yourself.

I agree he went too far here. I don't think you are a rat. You are the unfortunate consequence of being a millennial and educated in a typical school. Indoctrinated people are to be sympathized, not demonized.


New member
You gotta hate the 35% of rats that hate America, it's constitution, who seek to change it, undermine it, or dilute it into a form of government which is not in keeping with it's founding principles. Those of us that do love this nation wish they would set up their form of utopia elsewhere. If you are looking for soft marxism/socialism don't expect the 65% to go quietly, they are not interested and, know where it leads. I do find it interesting that people from countries with these failed forms of government are breaking down our doors to get in...even illegally, while those that are natural born citizens want to turn this country into one of those failed, despotic, tyrannical nations. The progressive politicians (Left & Right) in this country created Trump & they deserve him in all his glory...enjoy!

Actually, they want to turn us into Scandinavia; not third world basket cases run by despots. They want a small population with a massive welfare state that is supported by little to no military and the influx of foreign workers.


New member
He is talking about politicians and the donor class and the organizations that get their way in legislation, not regular folks.

He was talking about the Democratic Party ("The rats, in this case, are the Democrat Party." -- Rush the Inveigher, as quoted by Nick) Democrats are about 35% of the overall population. If he meant something smaller than that, he didn't say so.

Rush thinks people like you are brainwashed sheeple ; certainly not rats.

Did you really just use the word "sheeple"? Are you a punk garage band in 1994? Do I come across as "meek" or "easily persuadable" to you?

It would be ironic if he thought that, as he's built his entire career on shouting misinformation and half-truths into a microphone to scare his listeners. He's a conscious peddler of outrage porn, which requires a whole flock of credulous fools taking it all in. But the hook is that, while he's shouting into your ear about the infestation of rats, he's also confirming for you, dear listener of the EIB network, that you know better. You're not one of the dumb Democrats. You know how the world really works. And that makes you feel smart, and superior, and smug, and righteous, and people like to feel that way about themselves, and so they swallow the vitriol because it affirms for them their own self-worth.

The fact of the matter is that any large group, when viewed from a distance, looks pretty herd-like. Conservatives, liberals, Christians, atheists, sports fans, anyone. That doesn't mean the individuals in the group are dumb, it's just a sociological property of group behavior. There are leaders, and there are followers, and the leaders always look a lot more clever than the followers who they contrast against, in part because you seldom get to hear what the followers have to say.

I agree he went too far here. I don't think you are a rat.

That's generous of you.

You are the unfortunate consequence of being a millennial and educated in a typical school.

Technically, I'm not a Millennial. I'm just a little bit too old. But I do identify with them somewhat. And I had a fine education, which left me with a skeptic's ear, that it seems to me too few people possess.

Indoctrinated people are to be sympathized, not demonized.

You poor dear.


New member
What gave us Obama for 8 years? It certainly wasn't wise voters using common sense. Someone different came along and hollered "Hope and Change". I think that Obama will qualify as the worst president in U.S. history. Four more years and he would have finished the job in destroying America. We certainly can't afford to elect someone who will follow in Obama's footsteps. Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders would finish the job Obama started. By the way, I don't apologize to those who love Obama and what he's done. We'll all be paying for what Obama has done for a long time.