The 25 year Tide that gave us Trump


New member
By Bruce Haynes of the Chicago Tribune

The breakdown of middle class America came in three ways. One was the impact of economic globalism.

"Hop in your car and take a drive, not on the Interstate, but on our highways and on secondary and farm-to-market roads through the Mid-Atlantic states, the Rust Belt, and, especially, the Deep South. You’ll see bricked-up, locked-down cinder block buildings that did not just serve as textile mills and manufacturing plants but represented jobs, stability, and the industriousness of millions of Americans."

The second way was the impact of social globalism:

"When these voters turn on their televisions, the stories and images paint a picture of political, economic and cultural elites who respect none of these values. They don’t want to keep up with the Kardashians. Sports heroes dope and cheat and assault women. Political scandals are a dime a dozen. The governor and former attorney general of New York resigns in a disgraceful prostitution scandal. His reward isn’t jail — it’s a paying gig as co-host of a national television show."

The greatest kick in the groin to the middle class was the Great Recession and the 2008 wall Street bail out.

"The big banks, auto companies, and creatures of Wall Street who caused the collapse get “bailed out.” Republicans and Democrats both supported it. Save a precious few, almost no one was held accountable. The wealthy seemed insulated from collapse. It looked like business as usual.

But voters didn’t see a bailout for middle-class America. According to the Institute for Policy Research, “more than eight million Americans lost their jobs, nearly four million homes were foreclosed each year, and 2.5 million businesses were shuttered” during the Great Recession.".

Some of this has been churning since the 60's but the utter disregard for the middle class that has helped increase the wealth and power of the establishment has been brewing for about 25 years.

Trump is seen as the tool to demolish the establishment and his personal foibles and his being part of that very Establishment are irrelevant to the cause because he has proven and shown that he is not afraid to fight them to the bitter end.


New member
The question is what will Trump do if he's actually elected? What kind of people will he surround himself with so he can actually run the country with no experience?

He will surround himself with outsiders to put his agenda into action and some insiders mainly as advisors to keep him within the law and keep him abreast of the machinations of Washington.


New member
If anyone wonders how it's possible anyone could support Trump, this articles explains it. His crudeness, lack of knowledge, ego, apparent xenophobia, shady deals , thrice married all pale in comparison to what people believe he can do to either restore the middle class back or destroy those who were responsible for its demise.

Mark M

New member
If anyone wonders how it's possible anyone could support Trump, this articles explains it. His crudeness, lack of knowledge, ego, apparent xenophobia, shady deals , thrice married all pale in comparison to what people believe he can do to either restore the middle class back or destroy those who were responsible for its demise.
Vote Trump


New member
If anyone wonders how it's possible anyone could support Trump, this articles explains it. His crudeness, lack of knowledge, ego, apparent xenophobia, shady deals , thrice married all pale in comparison to what people believe he can do to either restore the middle class back or destroy those who were responsible for its demise.

They'd be better off voting for Sanders if that's the goal.


Well-known member
Trump is seen as the tool to demolish the establishment and his personal foibles and his being part of that very Establishment are irrelevant to the cause because he has proven and shown that he is not afraid to fight them to the bitter end.
So they're voting for a greedy billionaire bullyboy thinking he's going to tear down the greedy billionaire bullyboy oligarchy that has destroyed the middle class in America? That's a special kind of stupid, don't you think?


Well-known member
The question is what will Trump do if he's actually elected? What kind of people will he surround himself with so he can actually run the country with no experience?

It certainly doesn't bode well that he's already surrounding himself with people that are notorious for surrounding themselves (Crispy Cream) with unethical underlings.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The question is what will Trump do if he's actually elected? What kind of people will he surround himself with so he can actually run the country with no experience?

What experience did John Adams have running the country, when he first ran the country? That would be none. Which is why people are voting for him.

Rush had a great analogy for the narrow minded idiot liberals and RINOs.

El Rushbo said:
Let me draw an analogy that I ran into the other day to try to explain this briefly in the time remaining here. Let's say you discover an infestation of rats in your house. You're an evangelical. Now, the Washington establishment -- and not just them, but people who are not religious and are proud of it. They're not all God holy-rollers. You know, they're open-minded and they're free spirits. They think that a holy-roller evangelical who has an infestation of rats in his house thinks it's God's will and doesn't do anything about it.

Well, the fact of the matter is whether you're an evangelical or Jack Nicklaus, you do not want a house infested with rats! The rats, in this case, are the Democrat Party. And let's say you've called, you've prayed, you have a gone to the pastor, you've gone any number of things to get rid of the rats and nothing's worked. Maybe you've hired and extermination company that has come out, and they cheated you or whatever, but they didn't get rid of the rats.

So some guy comes on TV and promises you he's gonna get rid of the rats, and when he does he says he's gonna get rid of the "damn" rats and he does some other things. He brags about his sex life and he brags about this and he brags about his achievements and his accomplishments, and he talks about religion in ways that makes you think he doesn't really understand it. But it doesn't matter 'cause he's gonna get rid of the rats! He's gonna fix whatever's wrong.

You want to know why I didn't vote for a long list of Re-publican candidates? They were not going to get rid of the rats.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The 25 Year Tide That--

Roll Tide!

What? :plain: Oh, then it's like I said in my last blog, "... if all you're advancing is a general sort of rhetorical rally to the flag, politics is reduced to who can shout the loudest. Or who can sell the message best...and no one is going to out shout or out sell Trump."



New member
What experience did John Adams have running the country, when he first ran the country? That would be none. Which is why people are voting for him.

Rush had a great analogy for the narrow minded idiot liberals and RINOs.

You want to know why I didn't vote for a long list of Re-publican candidates? They were not going to get rid of the rats.

Gotta love a guy who considers 35% of America to be an "infestation of rats". Is it any wonder the ground was fertile for Drumpf?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Small government ideology? No, that's the other side.

This is why there needs to be "thumbs down" public shaming as Paul stated. The Stimulus, Obamacare, and The Community reinvestment Act are not small government right wing ideology.