Thanks Bob

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Is it in fact a lie? I'd be interested to hear why Bob thinks Paul is a secular humanist. Bob would be pretty careful about attaching that label to someone for no reason.
You would think. I would love to know Bob's reasoning as well, but thus far all we have is the label.
The evidence, however, is Paul's words and deeds after all these years of public life and they overwhelmingly agree with his statement of faith and claim as a born again Christian.


New member
Then prove me wrong. I'm a history nut. I study it more so than most subjects.

Noah Webster, in the 1828 "American Dictionary of the English Language" defined a state as this:

"A political body, or body politic; the whole body of people united under one government, whatever may be the form of government."


New member
CLAIMING to be a born again Christian does not make someone a born again Christian.

I never said it did, but he like all of us should claim to be if he is in fact a Christian (and that's what a statement of faith should then contain.). The deeds should indicate it to be so.

The point is, Paul, of all politicians (and anyone for that matter) that claim to be a believer, has as much evidence as any of them and more than most. You better be right if you call someone who claims to be your brother a "secular humanist", unless you're doing it for theatrics or other reasons, and then it's just slander and a lie.


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Hall of Fame
I never said it did, but he like all of us should claim to be if he is in fact a Christian (and that's what a statement of faith should then contain.). The deeds should indicate it to be so.

The point is, Paul, of all politicians (and anyone for that matter) that claim to be a believer, has as much evidence as any of them and more than most. You better be right if you call someone who claims to be your brother a "secular humanist", unless you're doing it for theatrics or other reasons, and then it's just slander and a lie.

Admire what you're doing, PB, but it strikes me as pointless. Kevin has foolishly and stubbornly stuck his heels in and you cannot reason with such a man. This thread's essentially a tail chasing adventure.


New member
Admire what you're doing, PB, but it strikes me as pointless. Kevin has foolishly and stubbornly stuck his heels in and you cannot reason with such a man. This thread's essentially a tail chasing adventure.

I agree but there are still several here who care about the truth and sense the topic was Ron Paul's position on abortion it's a worthy cause. It's all here for everyone to see I apparently it's still being read.
I actually believe young Stephen has dominated the discussion very well throughout. He's consistent and knows a great deal of truth about the topic and issues. I linger here as much to read his posts and replies as much or more than anyone's.


New member
I agree but there are still several here who care about the truth and sense the topic was Ron Paul's position on abortion it's a worthy cause. It's all here for everyone to see I apparently it's still being read.
I actually believe young Stephen has dominated the discussion very well throughout. He's consistent and knows a great deal of truth about the topic and issues. I linger here as much to read his posts and replies as much or more than anyone's.

Well that'll just make yer day. :eek:



New member
PatriotBeliever said:
I agree but there are still several here who care about the truth and sense the topic was Ron Paul's position on abortion it's a worthy cause.

Abortion has never ceased being the topic, and neither has our position ceased to be DO NOT MURDER! To say that those who are against Ron Paul and who do not believe his ideas are the answer do not care about truth is idiotic at best. Your attempt to use emotionalism to win an argument has fallen just as flat as your attempt to label a good and Godly man as a liar.

Stephen said:
I actually believe young Stephen has dominated the discussion very well throughout.

It's always going to seem that way when you agree with someone idealogically. However, he would be the first to tell you that we have answered his points and rebuttals with points and rebuttals of our own. I've known the young fella practically his whole life, and I know he's a smart guy. I'd just like to win him and his dad (who are some of my favorite people in the world) out of those views. You aren't helping in that endeavor, but the good news is they are smart guys. You're only trying to poison the well.

PatriotBeliever said:
He's consistent and knows a great deal of truth about the topic and issues. I linger here as much to read his posts and replies as much or more than anyone's.

Have you no shame? All you are trying to do is flatter him. The truth is that you're wrong, you've been shown how wrong you are, and you are relying on a young teenage boy to do what you cannot because of how horribly wrong you are.


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Hall of Fame

Kevin, you care to get back on topic or do you just want to keep disparaging the other folks here who do?

The issue boils down to slavish dependence on the federal government, a solution you're suggesting in a fit of emotional ethical situationalism, or dealing with this on a state by state level. You don't understand the danger and foolishness of groveling before the fed, and I doubt you ever will.


New member
Granite said:
Admire what you're doing, PB, but it strikes me as pointless. Kevin has foolishly and stubbornly stuck his heels in and you cannot reason with such a man. This thread's essentially a tail chasing adventure.

Aren't you being a hypocrite again Granite? Wasn't it you that said I should address YOU if i had anything to say to you?

The statements I made were general statements about Satanists. You certainly made no attempts to discuss the statements themselves, but then you turn around and do what you said I was doing. Figures.

I will give you this. You are right. I have stubbornly stuck my heels in and you will NEVER see me surrender on the fundamental principle of DO NOT MURDER. No exceptions. No place, and at no time will I approve of or support murder or anyone who would support murder.

It doesn't matter to me what anyone says. Abortion is murder, and should be against the law anywhere and everywhere.



New member

Kevin, you care to get back on topic or do you just want to keep disparaging the other folks here who do?

The issue boils down to slavish dependence on the federal government, a solution you're suggesting in a fit of emotional ethical situationalism, or dealing with this on a state by state level. You don't understand the danger and foolishness of groveling before the fed, and I doubt you ever will.

The issue is and has been murder. But I will not come to you for approval about what to say or when to say it. You're only attempting to get us Christians to be at each other's throats so you can point and say what hypocrites we are. That is why you're against agreements and people reasoning together.

Abortion is murder, and it's wrong and should be against the law in every state. That is the standard that needs to be applied unilaterally. I care not what you think politically if you cannot agree with that.


New member
It's always going to seem that way when you agree with someone idealogically. However, he would be the first to tell you that we have answered his points and rebuttals with points and rebuttals of our own.

I would?

You're only trying to poison the well.

Captain we've taken a hit.

Have you no shame? All you are trying to do is flatter him.

She's taken on water captain!

The truth is that you're wrong, you've been shown how wrong you are, and you are relying on a young teenage boy to do what you cannot because of how horribly wrong you are.

My boat of pride has officially sunk. :D

I'm going to go cry now.:cry:

just goofin edybody :drum:


New member
Granite said:
The issue boils down to slavish dependence on the federal government

No. It boils down to helpless and innocent people being deprived of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


New member
It boils down to helpless and innocent people being deprived of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


New member
It boils down to helpless and innocent people being deprived of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Abortion is murder and "Do not murder" needs to be binding law for every state, every territory, and every province that would want to be considered a part of the United States of America.


New member
I care not what you think politically if you cannot agree with that.

And this is where God hangs His head. Granite flipped on me but I still would love to change his views. But I won't insult them, he doesn't deserve that, no one does. And if they are insulted we can't wonder they don't like Christians.
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