New member
Ok I'm sorry but I thought you were in support of the Libertarian Party. They may not OVERTLY say these things, but their party platform is pretty clear with a little investigation.
Would you say the following statements are TRUE or UNTRUE about the Libertarian Party:
Pro-legalized abortion
Pro-legalized euthanasia (killing of sick and handicapped people, etc.)
Pro-legalized homosexuality
Pro-legalized pornography
Pro-legalizing drugs (Crack cocaine, etc.)
Pro-legalizing suicide
Pro-legalizing prostitution
Do you believe abortion is murder? I believe abortion is murder. I believe it is taking an innocent life. Whatever else you want to argue about, this is about abortion moreso than anything else. So let's talk about that first, shall we?
If a person supports the Libertarian Party they are supporting murder. How can I say that? From their own words:
Please provide the quote from Ron Paul where he openly rebukes the Libertarian Party for its pro-choice, PRO-MURDER position. When they are featuring him as a keynote speaker, I doubt very seriously he has distanced himself that far from them. In fact isn't it the very fact that Paul was so strongly Libertarian that you are backing him so much? Or am I wrong and you are NOT in support of the Libertarian Party.
Here's the deal: NOBODY, ANYWHERE, should have the RIGHT to kill an unborn child. Period! It's murder and to support a party that is pro-choice is to support legalizing murder! So instead of painting me as the bad guy, why not reject the Libertarian Party ?That is what this debate is all about.
As it relates to child molestation and slavery, do you think the government has the right to outlaw it or not? If a person is caught molesting children or owning slaves, what steps do you think should be taken to stop this from happening. I don't believe that YOU PERSONALLY hold that position, but I am curious as to what you think should happen to those who do it? And please don't give me any mumbo jumbo about the victims choosing the punishment. That is NOT justice. That's mob rule.
In one breath you seem to spout off positions that are against outlawing anything, and so I name off some things and you don't like the implications that come from it, but I'm only seeing if you are going to be consistent with your positions. Please make up your mind, which is it?
I have to chime back in here although it is tiring to go back and keep rebutting Bob Enyart's arguments just being repeated by people. It keeps getting recycled. You guys need some more depth to the claims. Are you going to copy him and call Ron Paul a secular humanist as well? Are you also supportive of a "constitutional" monarchy like he wants? You do realize that a monarchy was the evil we separated from, right? All kings claim authority from God.
The discounting of Ron Paul because of his association with the Libertarian party is ridiculous. He has always ran and been elected as a Republican beside a one year span when he ran as the Libertarian candidate for President. I have dealt with this with mounds of information for all to go back and read to include this written by Paul in 1981 to the Libertarian party:
This opinion (which has not changed to this day) illustrates Paul's number one difference with the Libertarian party and position. But as I said, go back where I've dealt with this in more depth.
And apply your guilt by association with even Alan Keyes, starting with his membership in the Knights of Columbus and all that that might imply. Try applying it again to Ron Paul and the fact that he spoke at the national Right to Life conference. Using your logic, that one speech proves his dedication to being truly pro-life, does it not?
As for H.R. 300 and the Sanctity of life Act (H.R. 2597 is the current version) I have provided ample evidence in this thread to show it is exactly opposite that you and Enyart try to characterize it and is intended to reversed the effects of Roe, keep the SC from turning right back around and allow states to protect the unborn immediately.
I have sought medical and legal opinion on the claim about the word "conception" versus "fertilization" and I believe your claim to be total assumption. The pro abortion community has tried to garble the definition of conception to confuse the issue. The fact is, there is no legal difference. The NRTL has even issued the statement that they will not participate in the fraud. Conception and fertilization have always meant the same thing. Stay on the defense with Planned Parenthood if you wish.