Terror is an instrument in the hands of the Eternal Almighty. He uses the wicked to destroy the wicked. Nobody is safe when He strikes and He never misses a target.
Manchester Arena is one of many Temples that have been built for the worship of man. Either in sporting or entertainment forms of idolatry. It is a fitting venue for the Eternal Almighty, whose Name is Jealous, to reveal His wrath from heaven against irreverence and injustice of humanity. Romans 1:18
Manchester Arena is one of many Temples that have been built for the worship of man. Either in sporting or entertainment forms of idolatry. It is a fitting venue for the Eternal Almighty, whose Name is Jealous, to reveal His wrath from heaven against irreverence and injustice of humanity. Romans 1:18
"Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and Yah Veh hath not done it?" Amos 3:6
“How are they brought unto desolation, as in a blink! in consuming they are consumed with terrors”. Psalm 73:19
“TZADDI. Just art thou, O YAH VEH, and upright are Thy judgments”. Psalm 119:137