Sweet in the mouth; bitter in the belly


They became part of The Body of Christ. (The Church.) They weren't the NEW Israel of which YOU speak. You're not only an infamous Mysoginist but, a rejecter of The Grace Gospel. Because of your rejection of "Paul's Gospel" you will not inherit eternal life unless you hear The Grace Gospel and place ALL your faith in Christ and not some of it in yourself.

'Misogyny' has exactly NOTHING to do with this subject, you're just showing that you have no good defense- MADism is a sham theology :wave2:


New member
Was that the reason why he said to have come for the lost tribes of Israel? If that's so, you must think twice before you agree with my question because, it will only show poor knowledge of the Scriptures in Jesus. He should know much better that, according to Psalm 78:67-70, the Lord rejected Ephraim aka the Tabernacle of Joseph and confirmed Judah to remain as a People before the Lord forever for the sake of King David. (I kings 11:36)

I think you'd better review Ezekiel ch. 48, as it outlines the FUTURE division of the 12 Tribes. in the LAND of Israel, under the leadership of Messiah. Matter of fact, review ch. 40-48 for a preview of "coming attractions" on planet earth. God is perfectly capable of "keeping track" of the remnants of the 12 Tribes.



New member
Therefore, when Jesus, during His earthly ministry told His Disciples NOT to go to the Gentiles, He meant, just that. John 6:51 does not negate what Jesus said in Matthew 10:5.
What Jesus negated in John 6:51 is your statement that He came FOR the Jews only.

Ben Masada

New member
I think you'd better review Ezekiel ch. 48, as it outlines the FUTURE division of the 12 Tribes. in the LAND of Israel, under the leadership of Messiah. Matter of fact, review ch. 40-48 for a preview of "coming attractions" on planet earth. God is perfectly capable of "keeping track" of the remnants of the 12 Tribes.

The remnants of the 12 Tribes already joined Judah in the South to form with them one only People in one only Kingdom according to Ezekiel 37:22. Independently, Ephraim aka the Ten Tribes will never have a kingdom of their own in the Land of Israel. The New Jewish World Order is composed of the main stem of Judah, about 10% from Ephraim, especially Levites, plus those who convert from among the Gentiles. (Isaiah 48:1; 56:1-8)