Yes, it is the law of relativity (Galilean, not Einsteinian)
And what we can do is perfect justification for doing it (in this case).
And it's still not privileged. It is simply one available. We could get equally accurate measurements from any other frame.
We seem to be stuck with your restricted and specialised definition of "privileged". Whatever, you really need to get over declaring victory like this. You cannot claim victory on any level except that, currently, yours is the commonly accepted paradigm.
Privileged, adj
1. belonging to a class that enjoys special privileges; favored: the privileged few.
Privileged means better. Your proposed frame is not better, just different.
This has nothing to do with what we were talking about.
It perfectly outlines why all motion is relative and why you can't have a privileged frame. If you have nothing against which to measure, then you can't determine motion.
No. Relativity is just a theory.
No, you're conflating Einstein's Relativity and Galilean Relativity. They are very different. Galileo's relativity is a fundamental principle in physics.
Because I know what I've said. :up:
You don't understand the implication of what you've said. You've declared all other frames of reference wrong and this one single frame correct. Yet, you've not shown how it is any better other than that it in your opinion eliminates the problem (which it doesn't) and doesn't account for other relative motion outside of the frame where no comparison can be made.
What you have is not so definitive. What you have is what I must mean because you cannot be shown another way.
What I have is facts and science. Thankfully those work far better than your obfuscation and confusion.
Absolute, absolute, absolute... You keep saying that like it means something. It doesn't. In fact, all the calculations I might make are of the exact same nature that you would to find the exact same answer. There is only one difference between us. My explanation does not require relativity.
Yes it does because you're moving the boys to a new relative frame. Again, Newton very clearly laid out that a privileged reference frame is one which is absolute. A measure against which everything can be made.
They don't need to be standardised. You can use relativity to find answers perfectly well. I just think standardisation reflects better upon reality than the insane contradictions wrought from relativity theory.
The principle of relativity has no contradictions. We have very good reasons why the two boys came up with different answers and it's because they were in relative motion. That's not an insane contradiction, that's a fact. Relative motion produces relative results. If all you want to do is move both measurements out into a different frame, it just standardizes the answers but does not solve their initial relative differences. You're telling the boys to move into the same relative frame of reference, so that they can get the same relative answer. They do not get a privileged answer but a different equally valid answer to their initial measurements.
This I have already explained. It's privileged because we might say so. Because it is local to all and easily accessible. It makes perfect sense to use our path around the Sun as the standard for time-keeping.
For time keeping, it makes sense but it is in no way privileged beyond time keeping according to Venus. And it doesn't account for distances. If one person moves across the surface of the Earth and is always at midday, how much ground have they covered in a single 24 hour period? Either they've gone the distance around the Earth once or they've covered the space the Earth has moved in that single time. To the sun it would appear as if that person wasn't moving at all but that the Earth was moving from under them. So, your frame would give you an answer of the latter but from the reference frame of the Earth it appears as if they circumnavigated. The true answer is they've done both and both measurements are equally valid.
Stanford is an Ivy League College in the US.
Absolute space, in it's own nature, without regard to anything external, remains always similar and immovable
I don't think this equates well with:
absolute meter stick somewhere in the universe that everything could be compared against.
Sorry. Newton say's there's an absolute space with an absolute measure. So, now you're arguing with current mechanics and Newton.
But, whatever. If Newton was here in this debate, he might have sided with me or he might have conceded to you.
Newton disagrees with both of us. He believe there was an absolute measure of space and time against which all things can be weighed. However, he also accepted relative motion (it's in the link I provided) because it worked.
No, it's not. If relativity theory is wrong, this principle is also wrong. At least as a description of the universe.
I've already told you that a theory can be wrong in three parts: it can make false assumptions (false premises), it can have poor math or logic (internally invalid), or it can come to a false conclusion (externally invalid). These are independent and while one may be false the others can be true (a false assumption can give rise to good math but poor external validity or any other combination). Again, this is Galilean (you know that guy, Galileo) relativity, not Einstein Relativity. This is a law of physics were discussing. Einstein produces a theory from his proof.
There's no need to go declaring them wrong. If we have the information your example makes available, a standardised answer can be derived. No need for contradictions and paradoxes.
So, they're not wrong and they're not right? Boy, I bet this can't go absolutely horribly.
Again, different answers are not paradoxes, they're relative.
Your subject-verb agreement is askew.
And you have used a plural form instead of the possessive 's.
I can play English teacher if you like.
I have a spell check on my browser. "Standardise" get's a red underline which throws off my reading. "Standardize" does not. But please, if all you teach is English, stick to that.
I agree with this description from you of what Newton would say. :idunno:
See, here's the problem, Newton thought like you thought that we can measure everything universally against a standard but he thought that this standard had to be a universal absolute. For reasons I've pointed out, you can't choose one because we can always find a frame that doesn't jive with your standard.
We just choose one of the observers to be the standard and call all his answers correct. Privilege should go with age, so let's choose the older of the two.
They're twins (previously conjoined).
All answers are correct if you assume relativity. I prefer to say that all observers view the same event. There will only be one correctly standardised answer if we implement my idea.
But only against your standard. We can easily choose any other answer and accurately describe the event relative to that frame. It doesn't mean it's wrong, only that it describes the even from that frame.
And a single, standardised answer is so much more in line with reality than this relativity nonsense. :thumb:
Clearly, it is not. Just go outside and look around you. If you see a car moving down the road and you cross the road and review that car, it will be moving in the opposite direction. This is the principle of relativity. All motion is relative and we can accurately describe events from any inertial frame of reference. Seriously, you said you coach rugby. Break down the players motion into x and y from your perspective and then try to do it from another persons perspective. It's only once you move above the field that you can standardize this picture. But you could also move underground and (assuming you can see through the ground) view it as inverted now. These frames and measurements will all accurately describe what is going on on the field, it's just that it's relative to where you make your measurements. You're not going to get a player flying through the air because of relativity. You're just going to describe their motion relative to you.
And you think you can just keep insisting that privileged means it cannot be arbitrarily selected.
Perhaps, because that's the definition of privileged. In this case, the privilege has to be inherent to the frame. We cannot name one frame any more privileged than any other frame.
What variance is there, year-to-year, in the sidereal orbit of the Earth around the Sun?
Since the orbit is elliptical, the radius changes, which changes the amount of gravity on the Earth which would affect any number of things. Not to mention other bodies interacting. This is a simple example but you would need to know a lot more physics to understand the dynamic.
Everything else you bring up is fluff.
Fluff... I suppose if you think that thing which is the primary evidence against your notion of privileged frames is fluff, then yes, it's the inside of a giant teddy bear.
Do the laws of physics work in all inertial frames?