ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
It wasn't unsupportable...
right, you could easily have supported it if you had wanted to :chuckle:
It wasn't unsupportable...
I did support it, which you'd know if you had the capacity to read with that much blood in your eye.right, you could easily have supported it if you had wanted to :chuckle:
I did support it
Capacity, which you need to give consent, requires that you understand the nature and consequence of your agreement/actions relating.
This is just proof that there are forces working hard to destroy the "informed consent" and "age of consent" barriers you think protect against pedophilia.
I am not surprised. :chuckle:the only usage of "informed consent" i'm familiar with has to do with agreeing to medical procedures
Just because you lack the ability to understand a topic does not mean others share in that difficulty.not persuasively :idunno:
The whole idea of a fixed "sexual orientation" is source of the bovine scatterings you are smelling.That all smells very similar to bovine scatterings if you ask me.
Maybe you are looking at "choosing" in the wrong way?Some people may interpret their own innate sexuality but I still don't see anyone actually choosing it. :nono:
I see you are starting the person's sexual preferences at adolescence instead of at birth.Find me someone historically heterosexual say from perhaps having an involuntary "strange" reaction to seeing naked pictures of the opposite sex, as an adolescent, who could now choose not to have a similarly inspired reaction and then somehow magically now gets that very same reaction to the same sex.
It simply doesn't happen!lain:
We agree that you don't know.not persuasively :idunno:
I haven't implied anything. I've spoken to the law as it applies to children, both in terms of the standard, the elevation of the standard over time and in opposition to the larger legal course relating to the expression of human sexuality and the legally permissible for adults, and I've noted that in relatively recent times we've understood that biology plays a role as well, that kids are (into their early twenties, to some degree) doing math with a bad calculator, using impaired judgment on both counts noted.and where is the support for your implied contention that a sixteen year old, for example, cannot understand the nature and consequence of their agreement/actions relating?
There is some truth in that, but it is hidden is such large lies that the truth is difficult to find.The idea is that some homophobes are repressed homosexuals who are trying to fit in with straight homophobes.
It is more reasonable to assume that these people have learned that they can experience sexual pleasure from same gender sex, usually from being molested as children, sometimes from merely being susceptible to the suggestions about same gender sex, and are fighting against this knowledge, and the desires it brings, as hard as they can.It seems reasonable imo to suspect that the most outspoken homophobic bigoted nutters may well be demonstrating to others just how not gay they are, but it also gives them a rather too convenient excuse perhaps to wallow in homoerotic material that other homophobes genuinely have disgust or no interest in nor would they want to search it out, obsessively.
That's an empty statement. You can ask a two year old if he will drive your car and he may say yes, have the ability to say yes and roughly understand what he is saying yes to. But he lacks the capacity to give informed consent and the judgement to make that decision.
So, again, no one is saying children lack any judgement or all capacity, or that they can't and won't make any number of decisions. What we recognize is that their judgment is biologically and experientially impaired and so we won't allow them to make serious, life altering decisions, like those regarding sex, the use of dangerous implements, or encumbering themselves with serious debt.
That too.i'd leave it up to the parents, as they are best able to judge their children's readiness for marriage
The hope is that adults with legal authority and responsibility will exercise it intelligently and with consideration.That is why parents are able to give consent for their children, right?
So you're arguing against?Otherwise we would have no child actors in Hollywood.
Well, you have the Macaulay Culkin train wrecks and the Daniel Radcliffe successes. I think it goes both ways.So you're arguing against?I wish we had laws that precluded that possibility, given how infrequently that appears to work out well for the children involved. Or maybe it does and it's only that we see the train wrecks and not the rule.
I wonder if there's been a study on it. :think:
We agree that you don't know.
Well, you have the Macaulay Culkin train wrecks and the Daniel Radcliffe successes. I think it goes both ways.
Since my beliefs are the Biblical ones that sex should only be done in a marriage and between a husband and his wife, I see no problem with allowing the parents to give consent for their children to get married.The hope is that adults with legal authority and responsibility will exercise it intelligently and with consideration.
Makes me wonder. I'm going to see what I can dig up.Well, you have the Macaulay Culkin train wrecks and the Daniel Radcliffe successes. I think it goes both ways.
I not only claim it, I put a permanent ban challenge to you against production of credentials the last time you beat that goofy drum. You ran like Jesse Owens at the starting gun. But then, extrapolating from your larger collection of posts here, you mostly excel at showing your backside.i don't know why you, who claim to be educated in a field
Where I'd say that parents who do so, at this point in time, are evidencing worrisome judgement on the whole, though I understand the historical limitations and necessity in some cases, along with the exceptional among children nearing their legal adulthood...as a rule those children shouldn't marry.Since my beliefs are the Biblical ones that sex should only be done in a marriage and between a husband and his wife, I see no problem with allowing the parents to give consent for their children to get married.
I not only claim it, I put a permanent ban challenge to you ....
as the National Center for Health Statistics has it: "60 percent of marriages for couples between the ages of 20 and 25 end in divorce."
It's worse if you factor in those under twenty.