Are you serious?
I said homosexuality is a dangerous lifestyle. You brought up STDs. I said they were not the only issue. You claimed they were, for this particular debate. However, no one who is arguing my side has said they were the only issue. Especially not me. Therefore your claim that they are is false. And the fact that you couldn't figure that out shows you to be an imbecile.
Then explain to me what these other factors are. Just saying that they exist doesn't really satisfy me. I would looooove to hear about them. All I've seen is domestic violence- which was hardly above the norm and well within the paramaters of other cultures and situations (not just married Americans). That doesn't really pertain to lifestyle anyways since it is even easier to avoid than an STD: don't have a relationship with someone who uses violence or threats of violence to control and manipulate people
- and a slightly higher risk for dying in a car crash. This is almost too stupid to even mention, but this seems to be a pretty obvious of correlation not causation.
But if you want to use that in your dialogues please tell me when and where so I can bring popcorn a camcorder.
While I can agree that the likelihood of those who study sexuality for a living know more homos than me is certain the first two claims are not something you can know. You have no idea how many I've known, or currently know.
Nor do I really care to know how many homosexuals you know or have known (in any sense of the word).
I was just returning your smug, know-it-all tone to you.
There are, for instance, certain sexual acts which homosexuals are more likely to engage in that are dangerous even without the presence of STDs, and even when "protection" is used.
More likely than who? How much more likely? Does the gay population at large being more likely to engage in completely voluntary behaviour add any risk whatsoever to the portion of the gay population that chooses to abstain from these risky sexual behaviours?
Even if protection isn't used if two people have been tested for STD's and are monogamous there is zero risk, just like in a heterosexual relationship of the same stripe.
These numbers mean nothing to people who aren't exposing themselves to the same risk factors as those at the most hedonistic end of the gay rainbow. I honestly don't see how this isn't crystal clear to you. Someone who isn't engaging in destructive behaviour isn't at risk for the consequences of that destructive behaviour.
These, however, are still not the only factors.
Are you going to tell us about them? If not why even mention them in the first place?